Did /pol know this shit?

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i dislike your twitter color scheme

I know he used to glow and kikes are mad he’s dead

>he used to glow and kikes are mad he’s dead
This. If the left is upset about something, it's usually a good thing.

Attached: mifsud.png (541x149, 15K)

>mifsud worked for kashiogi
I'd ask how deep the rabit hole goes but it looks bottomless

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>mifsud used to work for kashoggi
tell me how he knows this?

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Literally the start and end of my thought process with this shit. Let them look after their own, it's nothing for us

bright colors hurt my eyes. I have to turn the brightness on my monitors to near zero.

isnt mifsud the upstanding black chipotle guy? wth?


I, too, had this reaction

Go away Commie scum.

Attached: when-the-communists-keep-threatening-revolution-and-never-follow-through-12026243.png (500x557, 139K)

joseph mifsud
unless this is bait

yea it was bait lol

Well that is an interesting twist for sure. I have my doubts about PapaD but am still excited to see this shit out.

It's not as if this is unusual for Saudi Arabia. Don't they have executions/beheadings regularly? So why should any of us give a shit about another towelhead losing his towel?

Attached: Memri TV 6.jpg (600x443, 35K)

well if mifsud worked for kashoggi would be wild, everything is starting to look connected
gaza and isreal
ive been watching semi normie livestreams on youtube and the JQ is going mainstream
something big is coming down the pipe
i feel the winds changing

Yup public executions weekly and I have been to "chop chop square" as they call it in Riyahd

literally nobody gives a fuck

wtf this
the ride just got new speed

It's not like this is a big conspiracy where there is some secret elder counsel consulting with Cthulu. It's a country club. These people all talk while out at the golf club or at the spa or on a facebook group.

Well I'm more interested in the connection to Russia gate, but yeah who cares. I'm just so annoyed by the shear ignorance of the media.