Hillary won by 3 million votes

Hillary won by 3 million votes

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Is that one of the voters laying down for a nap?

yes hillary was popular in california

3 million illegal votes .. actually she received 6 million illegals


Attached: CssUkXUVMAArh76.jpg (530x530, 28K)

That's 3 of the voters.

Who is this semen demon?

Yes, we should let New York and Southern California determine the course of our lives lived in a geography they will never experience.

the mother is better though.
would still do her is not too cold.

Actually she lost by 93,205,018 votes. The NSA only flipped the hacked machines needed for Trump to win.

what did she win

"And this pedophilia is why I must quit pol once an d for all!"

Attached: pant 2.jpg (1366x768, 127K)

Thats at least double the fraudulent votes she got....from illegals. Dead people. Double votes. Corrupt elections supervisors.

yeah, cry harder

I think you mean half, retard-kun.

>there really are tens of millions of "humans" in this cunt tree retarded enough to vote for her
shits scary, yo

Attached: 4chan_2018-09-27_1.png (712x168, 41K)

I'd fuck that corpse.

Is this real pic?

3 million spic voted in California's fake voter machines anyway

What's going on in this picture?

fuck this some creepy creep shit...im scare

Because Drumpf said so, right?
What's the point of living in such denial?

orange man bad

creepy shit,hope its fake

she spent half a billion dollars more than Trump using globalist puppet money. if it weren't for that she wouldn't have had the majority. not even close.

Is she mocking her dead sister? Damn. Don't cut yourself on all that edge little girl

The little girl's name is Violet McGraw, yes, she's an actress and makes more $$ than you.

That little girl is an actor Violet McGraw.

but you'll always be a cutdick brain damaged loser

Russian agents of the GRU at the behest of both Putin and Trump manipulated the 2016 election by the use of social media lies, WikiLeaks, and sites like this hellhole

They're from The Haunting of Hill House. The character gets BLACKED

tv show, behind-the-scenes photo

*illegal votes
*Voter ID

cmon let this fukken thread die...that kid is creepy af

It gets so tiring explaining the electoral college to adult children

no illegal votes and no illegal voters in the 2016 election - all results have been long since certified as actuate and legal

Attached: full retard.png (466x466, 479K)

Only half of 56% of this country's votes should actually count.

They imported way more than 3m of those votes so STFU. You're the ones who cheated.


>sites like this hellhole
Yet here you are....

Attached: 4chan_vs_the_internet.gif (236x173, 1.82M)

that's great, problem is she brought checker chips to a chess board

I'm here to help shut this place down....

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>Because Drumpf said so, right?
No because they dont need IDs, you programmed media moron.

Attached: mexicans california voter fraud DMV.jpg (680x1623, 1.38M)

Lol. Okay. Nobody gives a shit anymore faggot.

This. Not one fraudulent ballot was cast in the whole election. All 120 million of the ballots are legit.

but that sure as hell doesn't mean the election wasn't fucked with by a foreign power...

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Well at least your honest. You're the guy pushing the mower. I hope you fail

Attached: lawnmower.jpg (553x700, 139K)

Storm has 3 million votes in her garage

Attached: storm.jpg (1140x760, 154K)

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6 million of the votes were fake news. Next.

Won what?

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Alot of good that money will do her when shes raped in teh butthole by the director.

It's funny when the side that lost the election insists that there was no voter fraud and the legitimacy of the votes should absolutely not be checked under any circumstances.

You'd think it'd be the people that lost complaining about vote fraud but nope. I wonder how much fraudulent votes are padding the numbers of Democrats. I'm guessing it's around 10 million.


Won what?

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>gets 3 million more votes
>loses anyway
can you be any more pathetic than this?

are those the pants from that comic about cleavage?

>drivers license of illegal aliens
>drivers license
>illegal aliens

Attached: future_is_female.png (1400x788, 1.64M)

7 to 9.5 million Hillary votes where fraudulent.
To bad for her that DHS prevented the hacking of key states eh?

>insert trash
I like how they look like actual herby curbies.

>Hillary won by 3 million votes

Attached: theonlyvotethatmatters.jpg (780x438, 99K)

>he was a gud boy! he dindu nuffin!

Attached: dindu nuffin.png (1254x1787, 221K)

No. She LOST by 77 votes.

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Sorry, wrong again, I don't like hitler and he definitely did something wrong. But Hitler would approve of what you are doing, keep that in mind

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This show had its moments, but it was overhyped.