Daily reminder that MGTOW is a Jewish scheme.
Daily reminder that (((they))) don't want you to reproduce.
Daily reminder that MGTOW is practically the same as neutering yourself.
Want to help the Jews? Go MGTOW.
Daily reminder that MGTOW is a Jewish scheme.
Daily reminder that (((they))) don't want you to reproduce.
Daily reminder that MGTOW is practically the same as neutering yourself.
Want to help the Jews? Go MGTOW.
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how so?
seeking to improve yourself is not bad
Why don't you buy a diamond engagement ring, goy?
Jow Forums's solution to MGTOW is to go race mix with minority women though.
How is that solution any better? It isn't, you retards.
Stop complaining about where I nut, mom.
My family has a few violent cunts and it's genetic - some of them are little abuse shits from the day of birth and every one of us can tell which ones. They have the weird shaped head and they usually speak super slow as kids. But damn we can always tell.
I have the recessive gene and there is not a chance in hell I am making little babbys, you just don't understand OP it will be a waste of a white skin.
As for adoption? plain stupid. The ONLY way to convince me to reproduce would be to let me live self-sufficiently on a large agricultural plot, with a wife who is aware that marriage is a binding contract until death. Oh well!
MGTOW isn't about improving yourself, it's about rejecting marriage and the family.
MGTOWs are against having children and getting married as they see it as too risky.
It's as if all this came out of the horses mouth...
not all mgtow are like that, there are a lot of men that do not hold those ideas of "family hatred" and legitimely seek to be a better version of themselves.
And of course getting married is a dumb idea my friend, life is not your favorite anime where the MC marries the loyal girl at the end, we are living in a grim world.
It's natural to dislike other people's kids. You don't understand how our souls work.
Yep marriage is a risk. Many factors at play. Men are so fucking pussy whipped and women's sexual revolution has fucked everything up.
Honestly I hate living in this world ngl
The only problem with marriage is that women can fuck you financially,if we lived in a state where marriage laws were different then it would be ok,but I worked for many years to have a carrer and make money and I refuse to get married to some whore that can take all my money away from me,effectivly making years of hard work useless.
if souls work who pays them
That's a good point. I want to change marriage laws, they are too much in favor of women.
I'm not a feminist but a lot of men seem to think think that women are all to blame, but men NEED to quit pornography before a committed relationship. I heard that 60% of divorce cases involved porn.
My parents marriage failed because my dad was a fuckin porn addict. Porn needs to be stopped.
No. Jewish scheme is what women do: marry you, get pregnant, divorce and take away minimum 50% of your property plus alimony. In Russia that was made possible by communist jews.
I think the porn problem cloud be stopped by getting a website blocker and sticking to it,but yeah a lot of people have a problem with porn because they can satisfy their kinks much more easily than with their partner and they can also have access to pussy whenever they want,you are right people should stop watching porn when they get married or in a relationship.
artificial gestation is more efficient than females.
bump. boards filled with beta simps
I don't have much of a choice. I am extremely undesirable and totally unfit to be either a husband or father.
I don't care what you say tradcuck, I'm not locking myself into a marriage contract. Cry all you want.
But Jews are the divorce lawyers making Billions in profit every year. They want more suckers to exploit.
I want a good husband, who is cool with me being racist.
its not jews just women
Don't pay attention. Ben Garrison is just pro-Putin kremlin paid shill.
They use team work. The Jews rely on the women to bring the guy into the court, then they both rape him together. It's a symbiotic relationship of 2 parasites feeding from the same host.
Jews gave women a suffrage.
All these shills, Jesus fuck so many faggots on /pol nowadays
Why do the same topics keep getting repeated every few days?
Yep, you're one.
Well then why don't you pony up a decent white woman to marry? I'll wait.
MGTOW from India here
4 stages of life.
Brahmachari, Grihasta, Vanaprasta, Sanyasi.
I just skip the 2nd one.
ok mr goldberg
i will not forget to call you when im getting divorce raped by my traditional wife and their sons
truly my greatest ally
inb4 he says he's married to a 12/10 innocent virgin church girl who also sucks his dick on command and have 17 children together.
You spelled "excuses to be a faggot and pedophile who beats off to porn all day" wrong. Gas yourself.
not an argument
You didn't present anything rational to argue with. Plus I'm not the one my-fellow-white-people posting while calling the goyim Jews because they won't genocide themselves. Thanks for correcting the record though.
I’m going to find a jew to marry so I don’t have to worry about shit other than her growing into an annoying yenta.
This is very easy.
Women nowadays have no incentives to marry, and if they do, there are little to no incentives in remaining married. Look at the divorce rates if you need any confirmation.
On the other hand, men not only face losing their wife if the whore they picked up --which would be almost any woman nowadays-- decides she's better off riding the cock carousel again while taking at the very least half of his assets, if not most of them via the extremely friendly divorce and family courts.
Any man marrying nowadays is not only deluded, he is also a pawn to pieces of shit like you that sacrificed him to the altar of the vagina.
Unironically hang yourself your piece of shit.
Jacking off home, or not, will always be more beneficial than marrying and risking it all in the process to "be a man" to the whore and to scum like you.
holy fuck you anti-jew cunts are fucking retarded
So what you're saying is you're not even beating off to porn, you're beating off to Stefan Molymeme videos.
Why would you be so worried about a woman leaving you or treating you so badly? Is it because you're a degenerate communist faggot that no woman OR man would ever tolerate? People who live alone don't live as long as happy couples do. It sounds like you have mommy issues.
You say it like it's a bad idea for white people to stop breeding.
>Shaming language
>It's all men's fault
And that's why more and more men are going their own way. You pieces of shit have no answer but "be a man" or "something's wrong with you"
Keep shilling, faggot, while I jack off to whatever I want and maybe get a whore on demand whenever I want with my hard earned dollars.
>genocide yourself, goy.
Cool greentext strawman, Rabbi. I would never do that, personally. You stated that women are just trying to get money so you proceed to fantasize about buying "a whore" on demand with your hard earned shekels from shilling.
So effectively you're giving them money anyway and then having nothing to show for it except a miserable life in the long run because you won't put the effort into creating and maintaining a stable relationship. You will eventually become lonely and full of regret when you're a balding old faggot and it's too late.
Tell me all about sexual market value though, Rabbi.
All for the sake of dopamine-bingeing.
why do you hide your flag?
what you say only has meaning if people accept that procreating and slaving yourself away for a woman and your offspring is the ultimate goal.
But even if that were the case, the current system doesn't allow you to do that without massively risking your well-being in the process.
Keep calling me rabbi, I'm sure that's going to create more white babies out of thin air
Post pictures of WGTOW
Nice shilling.
Choosing to not be a part of a rigged game isn't a bad thing... unless you think who won't benefit from men not wanting to marry like wedding planners, then divorce lawyers etc
Memeflag kikes are out in force. It's easy to spot, since their latest tactic is to accuse people of being kikes for stupid shit
yep, dont be fooled by this shit, be a man and control your bitch, you are superior and she needs to see it to respect you.
>Naming the Jew will create more white babies out of thin air
>t. Rabbi
Not everyone uses a proxy like you, Shlomo.
You're espousing rhetoric I'd expect from someone with extremely high time preference. Do you understand the role dopamine plays in this? You're fucking yourself up in the short-term just for a dopamine high and because you're afraid of rejection.
Analysis of human ancestry shows than on the average only 40 percent of male population left offspring through human history, and not only humanity hadnt went extinct, there's more of it than you may possibly want.
Now fuck off, nobody owes you shit.
I know, right?
Like this faggot Calling people Mr. Goldberg. What a kike calling people Jews for stupid shit. Typical tricks, Shlomo.
It really does delight me to see scum like you suffer.
thats a lie roastie cunt
>don't get married or have kids
>get jewed
>get married
>get jewed
Sad thing is that most MGTOWs use MGTOW as an excuse for their shitty pleb life.
They end up living in a van and thinking they're oh so much smarter than everyone else, that they've found the ultimate life hack. Then get on the internet and seek out an echo chamber full of like minded simpletons.
In reality they're losers who can't function in society, can't keep a job, can't maintain friendships or any sort of relationships, shit in a bucket and do their laundry in a gas station sink.
One day lads when we have sex robots, we will never want to touch a woman again
Alright you fuck fucking nigger. MGTOW is way to fucking small to be actually affecting the fertility rate. With unlimited access to women a man can have a baby a day (given a 9 month warm up time). With unlimited access to men a women can have one baby a year. Fertility is never men’s fault it is women’s fault directly. But it’s mens fault for giving them the option of not having babies. If you actually want to save the white race then take your precious white womens rights away.
no we need to replace women with a superior technology. I am of course talking about sex robots
ITT post wall roasties crying about low quality of beta providers
Sex robots and artificial wombs is the most radical answer to the women question. The next is artificially increased sexual dimorphism. The most moderate is taking women’s rights away.
This is the millionth thread we've had about this
Who the fuck cares?