So the Blue Wave was real after all

So the Blue Wave was real after all.

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Lmao yellow fever weebs eternally btfo

dude, it's orange county. as in Los Angeles, California. what the fuck do you expect?

That's what happens when you import shitskins. Too many of them now. It's ogre. Start learning Chinese.

That fire didnt finish its job. It shouldve burned all of California so that just maybe something better can grow there.

They cheated their asses off all over the country

You mean STOLEN

How? The Asian was on our side.

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>tfw all of your Mexican slaves vote against you

Wow, maybe you shouldn't have imported slave labor?

"Formerly deep red" meaning they imported enough shitskins.

I hope someone is keeping tap on all these shitskin county and how fast they are turning the area into complete shit.

defeated/stolen same thing just a different color this time goes in stages get use to it or else




The blue ballot box stuffing was real

Isn't it a little suspicious that GoP didn't manage to flip at least ONE fucking seat in the House?

I don't understand how white liberals can look at something like this where voting patterns drastically change completely due to mass immigration and think that's an acceptable, healthy thing to happen in a country.

This wasn't them winning the argument and convincing the american people, this is the american people being replaced.

Orange County went to liberal shit when B1 Bob Dornan lost his seat to a Femibeaner

They're suicidal, they want it to happen.

because they allow same day voter registration ,bunch of places got hit at the last minute by Dem voters who got scrounged up and shuttled in by 8:00pm at key locations

Tribalism. They aren't reasoning out anything. They just want the other side to lose.

The cucked trumpanzee traitors are going down in flames...and shitholes like this, daily stormer, daily shoah, and the rest of the stupid alt-right traitors and nutjobs are going down too......

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You are not informed about their demographics.

Liberals/leftists are predominantly white and rich - read "Hidden Tribes" atlantic.

This group is more white than even evangelicals and are only 8 percent of hte population.

They accept these border policies because they have the resources to relocate to anywhere in the world, they are the 'anywhere' kind of people - read Stephen Harper's article about this syndrome.

And she lost. No chink congressfu for you

Whats funny is i though you guys cared about:
>muh Taxation without Representation

But here we are, you have no representation and your goverment is the defination of tyranny. And your all too pussy to do anything about it. You sut in your mounds of guns and ammo and your all too scared to use them. Pathetic.

Checked. This and the illegals, and probably a bunch of children of illegals turned 18. This shit is absolutely fucking disgusting.

its not a wave, its a cancer and it spreads slowly over generations.
its a disease the jews gave us

This is the pot calli the kettle black.

You sharpening your butter knife for the revolt when Brexit is revoked?

I'm not overly upset that a gook lost. I am upset that an Asian feels welcome in the Republican party. The Republican party should be the white party

The colonists didn't have porn and fun shit to do when they revolted. They literally only did it because they were bored.

America is so fucked now and there are so many subhumans running around that the option of killing them all is gone. Now is the time for mass suicide and it's been going on for awhile.

wow, what a great thing to cheer...

they got me puking with their jindahl poo boy, their nigger dr who stabbed his brother in the stomache, the constant and obvious god damned tokens... it's so fucking sickening

who cares, this gook was a pro chain migration and pro DACA amnesty cuck. She herself is an immigrant whose sister married an American soldier and then brought their whole fucking family over from Korea

source on these claims?

So you don't have one. Well, that figures Mr. 1 post by this id.

>Liberals/leftists are predominantly white and rich - read "Hidden Tribes" atlantic.
Are you high? The democratic party would not have won any election in the last 30 years if it wasn't for the chain migration and birthplace citizenship of brown people. I would be surprised if 50% of the democratic party was white.

Anything that makes white males butthurt is great for me