Even as someone who's taken the blackpill, I just can't stand demoralization shills

Am I the only one on here who thinks this? Trying to emotionally drag everyone down with you is just pathetic.

The blackpill is not about demoralization, rather a realization that the chances of saving our civilization are astronomical. Desperation can be an effective motivator. Don't underestimate the ferocity of a cornered animal.

I do have a small hope that countries like Poland, Austria, and Hungary will be the Byzantium of the West.

However, this is disappointing to say the least. While I don't hate Slavs and Germanics, I kind of scoff at the idea of my descendants being one of them.

Worst thing is, Whites may never truly die out completely. Jews will just use what's left as slaves to develop the technologies for their cyberpunk mutt world. Cyborgs, no matter the race, are the perfect slaves.

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Attached: stages of grief black pill.jpg (850x461, 59K)

Fight until you die.
The blackpill is poison. It is not a motivator.

We will not be cyborg slaves.

Fight until until you die.

If you stop fighting... well ... refer to the attached picture

Attached: you-are-already-dead-1048247.png (500x360, 101K)

Are you incel bro?

>you are here
>you are here forever

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>Fight until you die.
>>you are here forever
"the mind cant let go once its reached a certain age" ~ morpheus

decided to add a couple more pills to my black pill meme

Attached: stages of grief black pill.jpg (850x461, 83K)

No. This is degeneracy. This is cowardice. If this is true then there is no reason to live. If you decide that there is no escape then die.

I chose to fight. My future will be bright. Even if I have to fight through hell. Even if I have to die. I will fight, for my brothers... for you even. So fight until you die, or just hurry up and die. Because this crap about no solutions is cowardice and shameful.

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Reject the blackpill altogether. It is a tricky poison given to us by our enemies.

Our enemies want you to think their chosen future is certain.



A future of righteousness will be the real ending.

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that's retarded, but a good motivation non the less for retarded people, thx. I might present for the elections in 20 years!

Youre a fucking retard. And so are most of the people in this thread. Remove yourselves from my world faggots.

The system is broken... yes?
You dont like how the world is turning out...right?

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They're posting out of spite.
Things have taken bad turns and now they can't feel much else, so they strike out against people who would be their own comrades.

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based america bro
fight like the warriors of old

is the blackpill the fact that data being moved onto a public decentralized ledger via blockchain and increased energy usage to mine bitcoin will only lead to easy pickings for machine learning an automation to take control of our society which would effectively make humans irrelevant?

You are only defeated when you are dead or if you give up. In my eyes those are the same things. FIGHT. Inspire and encourage your brothers. Let them lash out and embrace them. Then pick them up, arm them, and charge the enemy.

THEY can only trick us into defeat.
Their only real weapon is LIES.

We are NOT defeated.

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The synthetic ending being inevitable is indeed the true black pill.

i didnt mean we're black pilled forever.
But once your awake you cant go back
to continue with the forest meme
the solution ISNT escaping
its fighting to lure everyone else into the forest

black pill is just a stage.
I believe humanity will be awakened
the Jew can and will be defeated.
many awakened in the last 6 years

made another mod to my meme to accommodate the other false "pills"

Attached: stages of grief black pill.jpg (850x461, 87K)

That system must be fought and defeated. That system is how satan is trying to gain the powers of God.

We can win. We can prevent a world where we go extinct through our own hands by the empowerment of a.i.

It is not to late.

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This is one of the blackpills

Ah. I see. Thank you for the clarification.

May I suggest modifying the forrest meme with something more like a barracks or training camp? We are lurinf people to a place of transformation... not stasis... i cant quite convey my meaning well enough, but i think you get it.

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You realize you're just encouraging him to shoot up some fucking Arby's right?

Why be present... how about you actually gain the power to effect them.


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Sounds like max meme potential.

>being this blackpilled
>being this much of a beta male

Fool. What would that accomplish? My weapon is truth. Much can be done without bloodshed.

Remember the main weapon of the enemy is lies. The only way they win is tricking you into being defeated.

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Is this a reply to my previous thread? The real blackpill is that the the West is a dead end. East is a dead end. North is a dead end. South is a dead end. Humans are a dead end. The blackpill is that every last human on this Earth needs to vanquish.

Until there is no breath left in me.

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>The blackpill is not about demoralization, rather a realization that the chances of saving our civilization are astronomical.

This this really interesting minor fact about probability. When you hit a patch of very low probability specifically.

Once that event has happened, it instantly because one of 100% probability, and everything further down the branch, even lower probabilities, suddenly shoot up into the sphere of 'likely'.

Basically, until it happens anything is possible. And once it's happened even more crazy shit is possible.

Stop being a depressive faggot and beat the odds. After all, the odds of getting here were already so low in the first place.

Then start with yourself.

These thoughts are a cancer.

Fight and win glory.

Fight or die.

Or just go die.

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god bless you, samurai posting user
tell me, what state are you from?
stop being a beta male defeatist


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hows this?
(a scene from robin hood prince of thieves)

Attached: redpill forrest2.jpg (1072x1339, 485K)


May God bless you as well.

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Ok so you're going to shoot up a public library instead of an Arby's then.

I like it. Much better.

I feel like it needs some additional component on leaving the forrest and crushing the enemy or freeing other peoples minds or something. But then i feel like that strays away from the basic point. I dont know, just spitballin ideas.

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makes sense.
the people of Texas have always been fighters.
i'm from Colorado.
i like my state, but i absolutely hate how fucking liberal it is.

Have any REAL solutions? You speak like a child and a coward. Only scum or victims do what you are proposing.

I am neither.

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Just keep speaking truth. To you conservative friends or acquaintances, encourage them out of stagnation. To your liberal friends and contacts, customize the pills you drop for them, hut do not be afraid to deliver truth. Plant those seeds, they might thank you down the road.

Colorado is great. I vacation in Eagle Vail every few years.

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Nah man. Go for it. Those fuckers are assholes anyway, charging you up the ass if you don't return the books right on time. Kill em all

Love you and your whitepilling in the thread, user. Helps keep the energy high. Checking in from GA

Remove yourself. Coward.

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i will keep spreading truth, samuraiposting user.
thanks for posting whitepills.
and yes, Colorado is indeed a great state. the nature here is beautiful.
based Georgiabro

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You can stop being a nigger and read and contribute to this thread
which offers a sensible and actually achievable goal we can strive towards.
Or you can sit here crying that "Gas the Kikes, Race War Now" is for some reason not picking up mainstream traction.

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I'm telling you to hit back motherfucker. Don't take those overdue fees and sexy hussies behind the counter cockteasing you. Ar-15 that motherfucker



Yes. Try it. And if it does not work, bring forth another solution.


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So maybe post in the thread and bump it up past the fucking BLACKEDpill threads which are thicc as fucking niggresses this week?

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I will be there.

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