I hereby propose a Bill Before Congress OR an Executive Order OR a Judicial Injunction which will remove and outlaw the inclusion of any reference to political parties on the voting ballot.
The party system has no Constitutional basis and was specifically warned against by Washington. They are privately owned and operated corporations, unaccountable to even their own members, as demonstrated by the DNC's conspiracy of sabotage against Bernie Sanders, and the complete absence of meaningful consequences for it.
Those who cannot or will not show the agency to know the fucking names of the people they want to vote for should not be missed. It's not even like you have to memorize the names, just write them down beforehand or even look them up on your phone while in the booth. But, as demonstrated by studies on the removal of straight-ticket voting (which requires you to check each position's candidate individually rather than checking a single D or R at the top, requiring literally thirty seconds longer) low agency voters (read: niggers) are extremely easily discouraged.
Tax payer dollars being spent on the ink to print those Ds and Rs grants an unearned illusion of legitimacy to these divisive tools of the kikes. There is no reason why finding out a person's feelings about abortion should automatically tell me their feelings on gun control, their stance on environmentalism reveal their stance on immigration, their position on weed legalisation predict their position on corporate tax rates. And yet, for 90% of voters, knowing just one of those reveals ALL the others. This in spite of the fact that the stances they "choose" run from ideologically inconsistent to plainly contradictory.
To end the party system would be a major win in the war to set free the NPCs, and this is the first step.
"Freeing" the NPCs is, of course, fundamentally impossible. If you were watching that meme start you'll remember it initially had nothing to do with liberals or SJWs. It was only when the BuzzFeed tier "journalists" who lurk here started putting out triggered articles about dehumanization that it took that context.
Really it's a neurological state, and no Psy op will change that. But if you ask what purpose this serves, I say that the NPCs are serving as useful idiots (as they always will for somebody.) But the two party system is an extremely simple program for them to run. More complex programs will lead to higher rates of malfunction, turning useful idiots into useless idiots.
Most liberals I know only vote based on party. They can’t even say what those candidates platforms are. I agree with this proposal.
Michael Anderson
For all the liberalist brainlets who might think (or disingenuously claim) that I’m trying to call in the feds to ban the parties:
Since the parties (or, more accurately, the uniParty plus assorted meme parties) are private corporations, it is impossible to ban them without undue curtailment of freedom of association and other essential liberties. But this plan harms none of these. It simply regulates public property: the ballot.
This tiny, eminently legal change involves no expansion of federal power. In fact, it reduces it. The presence of those Ds and Rs stands as the federal government running advertisements for private corporations IN THE FUCKING VOTING BOOTH. Any right thinking American should consider this a sacrilege.
That said, this is no mere token gesture. The end result of such a small change would be a crippling blow to the grip of the uniParty. In the absence of plain direction on how to remain loyal to D or R, the NPCs of both simply choose not to vote, for fear of choosing wrong. This is a proven fact of the psychology of gambling: Most people hate losing more than they love winning.
We can already see this play out in judicial and other non(explicitly)partisan positions. They receive a fraction of the amount of total votes received by the big ticket positions, despite being on the very same ballot.
The NPCs, both D and R, will voluntarily remove themselves from the electoral gene pool. They'll still show up to vote for the virtue signalling points, but they'll restrict themselves to the big ticket items they get blasted with advertisements for and told how to think about.
It is in the down ballot that this plan will truly bear fruit. With severely lowered voter "turnout" (again, despite being on the very same piece of paper as the high "turnout" positions) the lower positions will be far more susceptible to the will of numerically and financially inferior, but informationally and energetically superior 3rd parties. As demonstrated by the Tea Party strategy of the Koch Brothers; pound-for-pound, dollar-for-dollar; you get the most bang for your buck national-influence-wise by going hard on the down ballot. I have no love for the Tea Party, let alone the Koch's, but this is a strategy we can learn from.
>But humans will never get along in a multicultural society.
Don't I fucking know it. A side benifit to this: the escalation and acceleration of Identity Politics. Pic fucking related, the spic is the incumbent, the gook some /our lunatic/ who has never even been a judge.
In the absence of Ds and Rs telling you how to vote (as in this judicial election) people just vote for whichever name sounds most like their in group. Except liberal Whites, like those in Seattle. With no Whites in this contest, the (((establishment))) is worried all the other gooks in Seattle, plus however many White's decide Asians are more benign towards their interests than beaners, will be enough to get the insane dude who has raised $0 for his campaign in over the spic who has raised hundreds of thousands.
Another case is a California Senate candidate, Kevin de Leon. His father's a chink, his mother a squatemalan. He actually changed his name to de Leon to be more appealing to Cali beaners on sight of name alone.
This proposal will ensure minority majority areas, and cucked whites' areas will henceforth elect only the most unWhite sounding names. No more cucked-but-competent whites in charge. Let the lunatics run the asylum, accellerate their collapse, as uncucked white's reel back in horror and circle the wagons around the parts of this country that can still be salvaged.
>But the Jews will still own every politician or atleast the important ones
Very true. At first.
One of their main instruments of control is domination of down ballot positions, since most voters pick by Ds and Rs. Aspiring politicians start there, and they know they have no chance on their own merit, so they join one of the plantations. Then come the compromises.
The realistic ability to run for town dog catcher as an unaffilliated will give us a whole farm league of up and coming 3rd partyists. We have to start there
>TL:DR >thinks congress will give a fuck about his autistic bill limiting party power
I'll post in your thread, but honestly it's kind of boring.
Lucas Hernandez
You are naive if you think any "real reform" would ever happen without copious bloodshed. If Trump doesnt give us 90% of what he said he would get done by 2020 I am going to put my every waking second into getting as many people as possible to vote for God. I bet even a serious number of libshits could be convinced to do so out of spite.