Pol is dead
Pol is dead
Tonight is a pretty dead news night in general
you fag. i used to post shoveldog hidden behind 1 frame of a sexy girl. people thought they were clicking on some nude bitch and it ended up being shoveldog.
I have found that it even though it is now full of endless slide threads, it is still good when there's a happening.
But the overall themes of the threads themsevles have become so repetative (due to numerous reasons) that I just scroll through them quick once a day. I've toyed with filters as well but I kind of like to know what kind of propaganda is being pushed. Makes for interesting theories.
If you want news you gotta make news.
That's not cool. That's just some poor dog. Here's some eye cleanser.
I hate Jews
No wonder, with all the chinks like you Jow Forums
What the fuck is that, user?
A woman
what is this, 2008?
You’re dead. And leafs are shit.
I hate Muslims.
Its one thing to kill rabit dog swiftly and painless
Its another to film murder by blunt shovel
>I have found that it even though it is now full of endless slide threads, it is still good when there's a happening.
None of you faggots want to talk about white retreat to the midwest, reformation and then reconquista, I dont even bother making threads anymore
Jow Forums is being infected by a bunch of /b/ kikes bringing over their trashy posts and faux political youtube-drama degeneracy.
no, that is a man with mutilated parts.
Yeah, but what's that stringy shit they pulled out?
*audible kek*
most likely iodoform packing material. it keeps the wound clean
Fuck Russia.
Where did she come from??
That is Brazil I think
I've started a couple threads about that very topic and they all get 404'd. Personally I think Alaska is the best place for whites to migrate to. There's barely anyone there now. Roughly two cities worth of people.
I always check that thumbnail to see if it's a switch
Today, OP wasn't a fagot.
evil genius prometheus tier madman
Kek, those wounds never clean
You spelled Michael wrong
This is what all the Middle Eastern "immigrants" want to do to your dogs. And then to you.
Why is everyone on multiple Jow Forums channels screaming that its over?
Did Hiroshima moot sell the site to the CIA or something?
Northeast Ohio here, nothing but shitskins in the highly populated cities
Looked it up too.
Maybe your shitty topic of "run away from what you created" isn't worth discussing
What wound? You said it was a woman
Work Safe boards? What kind of political lingo is that?
All blue boards are considered the "good guys" and work safe while we're literally Nazis just for posting here
Great. Now we become Reddi.t
I love how this gif instantly makes pleddit faggots go away
I call this gif the faggot replant
It means this wasn't supposed to be seen.
I've noticed /b/tards infecting lots of other boards I go to too. I can only surmise they were banned from the board for being literal faggots, and instead of waiting out the ban they take their cancer to other boards. People like talking about killing Jow Forums; honestly, I'd think the site quality would improve if /b/ was kill instead. It's fucking shit anyway compared to what it used to be. Just nuke it from orbit and permaban anyone that's posted there before.
ahh.. not quite true. Jow Forums is labeled not-safe-for-work because people scream 14/88 gas the kikes nigger nigger left and right, but boards like /b/ and /gif/ are just red-listed because of porn.
the fuck is that
Fuck you for posting that gif. I hope you get skinned alive, bitch.
It is dead because mods are fucking faggots who let shit threads like “eep” live until natural death but quickly take down anything politically-centered. I fucking hate this place. Go ahead and reply to me saying some unoriginal shit like what gets posted every time I say this place is shit. What fucking sucks is this is still the best platform for unfiltered views but there is way too many le ebin faggot trolls to have real discussion anymore. The surface web has been dying since 2007. It’s the end of a frontier, and all these faggots will bring it to its final end just for a cheap joke.