Why should I accept religion...

Why should I accept religion? There isn't any evidence for any god and most of them seem like big fucking assholes to me.

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good point

Tug on your genitals until they ache. Then pray to each god or goddess in turn until your ache goes away. whoever gets rid of your ache the most consistently is the correct religion. remember to do them in random order.

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Best pastor is best:

That's for you to figure out faggot how about you read some of the books and mythology and see were you stand after words. Do research for gods sake.

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Love others as you love yourself.


Act with others' interest in mind, and not with your own. Give charity, be nice to others, be helpful, treat them like you want to treat yourself. HaShem will start speaking with you through everyday events and then you will slowly realize He's been always talking to you, but you couldn't pay attention because you were fixated on yourself.

Like for like. If you want to speak with the Master of All Creation, who made something out of nothing through his loving-kindness, you have to start emulating Him. Nothing unholy can enter Gan Eden.

>" With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury." 2 Samuel 22:27

tl;dr, The asshole is you.

You shouldn't

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>Love others as you love yourself.

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Don't accept religion. Accept Jesus.

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he seems the coolest, is there any proof to back up his existence tho

>religion is about the supernatural and creation myths
time to grow up faggot

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>assuming the bible is true without evidence

They hate him, don't they?

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Four men entered Pardes — Ben Azzai, Ben Zoma, Acher (Elisha ben Abuyah), and Rabbi Akiva.

Ben Azzai looked and died; Ben Zoma looked and went mad; Acher destroyed the plants; Akiva entered in peace and departed in peace.

There are two ways to discover the completeness: the path of Torah and the path of pain.

What is is what must be. All is good.

>Thesitic Abrahamism
If human sacrifice offends you, you have no reason to support European Paganism. Odin, Freya and Njord received human sacrifices yearly
>Atheistic Abrahamism
Literally an oxymoron, you can’t apply the principle of a divine blood covanent to an atheistic economic philosophy
>Aryan philosophy
So Hinduism? Enjoy street shitting

...are you saying these components aren't in the bible?


Don't be an idiot. There's no physical evidence or scientific data supporting the existence of consciousness. You're at least in part a spiritual being. Figure it out.

It's too dangerous to be agnostic with jews around. If a nation does not have an objective spiritual ideal, the jew will end up with the moral compass.

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how so?

>Don't accept religion. Accept Jesus.
Jesus was a pacifist Zealot (zionist). Fuck him. Your religion is Paul.

"salvation comes from the Jews"

- Jesus

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>There are two ways to discover the completeness: the path of Torah and the path of pain.
The path of pain

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Christcucks are brainwashed from birth. Fuck that. If you can see past the ancient nigger philosophy and try to gain some insight into moral questions, that's all fine, but the second you start going on about legitimately explicitly believing the Bible word for word; trying to reconcile modern discoveries with 1000 year old re-re-re-retranslations of "God’s" word; defaulting to god-of-the-gaps every time science can't answer a question; and the timeless "evolution is just a theory, science is anti-religion" bullshit, you can fuck right off.

>Literally an oxymoron, you can’t apply the principle of a divine blood covanent to an atheistic economic philosophy

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>having to ask
lmao, pic related is you

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So be it.

It will arrive in due time, then.

>Aryan means Blacked Hinduism

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the whole "just a theory" bullshit is completely retarded, gravity is also "just a theory" does that disprove gravity? No

>Odin, Freya and Njord received human sacrifices yearly
Says the child sacrificers who controlled and destroyed our history.

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>So be it.
>It will arrive in due time, then.
Kike, I'm not even allowed to read the fucking Talmud without being put to death. That's the law.

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Right on schedule

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You will be corrected, whether you want it or not.

The hate you feel not summons a kind of negative energy that binds to your soul and obscures the transmission of Infinite Light. Your negative emotions bind into Sitra Achra (The Other Side) and summon your own demons. You will have to face them to become purified again.

You can do it by learning to receive or you can continue to oppose.

dont see god as a being,person .its mind

people understood what god meant long ago

take the greeks being under the influance of mars ment you where angry agressive and so on. do you understand?

For me it's better to act as of God exists so I'm not the sole individual of my actions and judgement. I don't know if God exists but if I act as such I could see myself making my life more meaningful for myself and others.

>people who don't believe in my jewish holy book are secret jews

>The hate you feel not summons a kind of negative energy that binds to your soul and obscures the transmission of Infinite Light.
Hippie escapism. You dont even know what "energy" means. It's just a placement word. And using the word "light" as though it's something not real but abstract is fucking primitive monkey affriad of fire shit.

>bind into Sitra Achra (The Other Side) and summon your own demons. You will have to face them to become purified again.
Daily reminder that (((Gnosticism))) was a bastardized version of NeoPlatonism because the Platonists called Christcucks out on their shit long before the "Jud-ism" religion was even a thing. Real Judeans would stone you all to death. And (((Christians))) burned down Plato's school and killed the philosophers.

FLASHFOWARD 1900yrs later:
>I'm a light being
>You're trapped by the demiurge
>I worship sophy
>I know Pythagorian memes!
>I have gnowing
You faggots are so behind the fucking times. You might as well be Africans.

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>dont see god as a being,person .its mind
t. self reflection

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>I don't know if God exists but if I act as such I could see myself making my life more meaningful for myself and others.
So just live a lie. Typical leaf

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Oh fucking checked

Jesus a pacifist? You’re trolling right?

lmao, your anus will forever be your flag. Continue to be mad over objective fact

Evolution is one of the dumbest theories man has ever come up with. Where da missing link at?

do you live in the 1970?
evolution is proven get over it.

Last I heard, it was in your mothers bedroom.