Kikes and vampirism

Did you know that kikes have done pizzagateesque stuff for literal millenia?
Watch this neat doc
If you're curious as to why jews have always got caught draining the blood from gentile children, you can understand it by looking at their history.

Jews have, again for millenia, been ostracized or separated themselves from the main body of the societies they have parasitically attached themselves to, such that they have forever been outsiders. They will say this as though it were a badge of honor. What they don't ever talk about is the obvious question "who else lived with them on the outskirts?"
The answer is, the outcasts: the infirm, the sick, the diseased, the morally and physically repugnant. From this stock, and from their own population in numbers far too small to avoid inbreeding, they have mated.
This is why kikes are so incredibly ugly.
This is why kikes have such astonishingly high incidences of mental and physical diseases when compared to any other race.
This is why what is good to them is quite obviously evil to the rest of the world.
They have taken the worst traits that any society can produce, and mixed them, distilled them, potentiated them until they have become the very quintessence of all that is wrong with humanity as a whole.
In a way, we created them through our love of purity. In another way, they created themselves through their misguided sense of superiority and desire to be excluded.

Some of the genetic disorders which plague kikes, namely Factor XI deficiency diseases (porphyria, to name a famous example), can be and have been historically treated through drinking blood, because in essence they are heme deficiencies and heme can survive the stomach.

Attached: Jews are not Vampires.png (1920x4652, 821K)

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So back in the day, before even the Frankists or the Sabbateans gave "regular" jews the scapegoat of having a subsect devoted to doing bad things for the sake of doing bad things, some kike or other discovered that drinking blood made them feel better, and from there a whole kike mythology sprouted and grew into the absolute evil that is now called "Satanic ritual abuse", or as it could be more aptly described, "Jewish ritual sacrifice", almost exclusively being done to male gentile children from the ages of 8-12; the occult "most potent" age in terms of power gained through sacrifice.
Sure, other cultures have sacrificed for power and gain. Sure, some have even preyed on children.
Only Jews, however, have done so so pervasively, and into the modern era, with seeming impunity when caught.
Popes, presidents, celebrities, heads of state: they all come to the kikes' defense when they are caught, as usually happens once or twice a generation.
Of note as well is that jews are the inspiration for vampire mythology, due to this nasty, nasty proclivity of theirs.
You can escape a vampire by dropping a coin onto the ground.
Jews are largely nocturnal.
Jews HATE HATE HATE crosses.
Jews are parasites as well as literal blood drinkers.
A vampire can not see himself in a mirror as a kike is unable to see his own evil.
Elizabeth Bathory (Bar-Tolmay) was a jew.
The list goes on.

So that's the short version.
Kikes=Satanic sacrifice=vampires=pizzagate.
Moreso than 9/11, if there were one thing which when exposed would make this whole genociding all of them just a bit easier, it would be this.

Attached: full Jewish Vampirism.jpg (1300x744, 134K)

Literally all the stories and myths about vampires are based on true stories of Jews.

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Makes sense, considering the whole metzizah bpeh shit

>Elizabeth Bathory (Bar-Tolmay) was a jew.
Was Dracula a kike too? Didn't the name derive from son of Draco or something?

>Was Dracula a kike too? Didn't the name derive from son of Draco or something?

Stoker wrote Dracula around the year 1900, so it's a relatively modern work. The Jews=vampires stuff is a lot older. Supposedly Dracula is based on Vlad Tepes who was afaik not a Jew.

Bro Bram Stoker explicitly stated Dracula was a jew lol
He wears a star of david in the original movie

Attached: dracula star of david.jpg (1189x1600, 633K)

You are obsessed OP.

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The theory that jewry is descended from Neanderthals is interesting in my opinion. This would explain their lack of empathy toward non jews, their in group preference and their constant claiming of victimization (recall that the prevailing theory is that homo sapiens sapiens began to outbreed them).

Oh yeah, I've even been writing a book with original research for the past 6 months ish.

The digits check out.

yeah, they made a movie about it- no one seems to remember the jewiness of nosferatu's appearance

Attached: nosferatu1.jpg (1024x843, 67K)

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Vampires not aging and living for hundreds of years or more is obviously from drinking children's blood that is flooded with stem cells. I think at some point in history everyone understood Jews were vampires but with the subversion of history, media and the general control over the spread of information they created "vampire" "myths" to cover their tracks because erasing everything is impossible but if you can create a fictional creature it's much easier to point towards myth and fiction to subvert the remaining information that didn't get scrubbed completely. They can just say oh those are just old folk lore tales and myths about Vampires,
"what do you think Vampires are actually real or something user? Haha that's crazy talk."

The modern day usage of this tactic is calling people conspiracy theorists, "oh you're one of those crazy conspiracy theorists aren't you user? Haha How silly"

Another tactic is saying oh those stories, tales or representations were just made by anti-semites who hated Jews. You'll notice they never deny that what is being said is actually true they simply say "oh that's antisemitic user" they don't even actually deny it as a fact, simply discount the facts by saying its antisemitic or written or created by an anti semite, it's a fascinating technique honestly.

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The secret behind this tactic is that once they've pushed the conversation into myth, tale, or conspiracy they have already successfully moved the goalposts and the facts of the statement or accusation become immediately irrelevant and are no longer what is being debated or discussed, at this point the discussion becomes the truthfulness or accuracy of myths, fables, tales or conspiracies so you then have to prove ALL of them are true for your point to be true, at which point you've already lost the debate or discussion because doing so is impossible.

Blaaaah, oy vey, delete this thread mortal!

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In the middle of the Swiss city of Bern, there stands a giant statue of a grotesque beast devouring small children, a statue whose symbolic purpose has been lost to time.
Kindlifresserbrunnen: The Mysterious Child-Eating Statue Of Bern
By Gabe Paoletti
Published December 12, 2017
Updated August 7, 2018
While no one knows for sure why the Kindlifresserbrunnen was built, there are several theories as to why a child eating statue could be there.
Kindlifresserbrunnen Statue Eating Baby
Wikimedia Commons
Kindlifresserbrunnen, the child-eater of Bern statue.

In the middle of the Swiss city of Bern, there stands a giant statue of a grotesque beast devouring small children, a statue whose symbolic purpose has been lost to time.

Built around 1546, the Kindlifresserbrunnen of Bern is a fountain with an imposing sculpture of an ogre with a half of a child spilling out of his mouth. In a sack in his other hand, he holds four more terrified children, presumably to eat later.

The Kindlifresserbrunnen is one of the many ornately decorated fountains that can in the Old City of Bern, dating back to the 16th century.

Though the true motivation behind the building of this statue may have been lost to the ages, historians have been able to come up with a number of plausible theories as to why someone would enact such a macabre sculpture in their city center.

One such theory is that the statue was erected as a warning to the Jewish community of Bern that lived there at the time.

During the Middle Ages, blood libels — or anti-semitic rumors that Jewish people engaged in the human sacrifice and cannibalism of Christian children — were seen as a threat to Christian communities, an accusation that persists to this day. According to this theory, the Kindlifresserbrunnen represents a Jewish man eating Christian children.

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This representation is further supported by the fact that the hat worn by the ogre in the statue resembles a Judenhut, a hat that Medieval governments required Jews to wear outside of their ghettos to identify themselves.

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I can’t wait to buy your book.

Indeed. Can you tell us more about your book user?

Case in point: here is a picture of Gutle Rothschild, mother of Nathan and James Rothschild.

The question I still don’t understand, is why did the British royal family side with the jews over their own flesh and blood? The Saxe Coburg and Gotha’s were their own family members.

Is it inbreeding? Were they tricked? We’re they bribed? Were they blackmailed? I still don’t understand to this day what our royal family had to gain from siding with the kikes after Russia had fallen to Bolshevism. Anyone care to shed some light on this?

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Can you spot the reptilian features?

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It’s common knowledge that stories of vampires are based on Jewish blood libel