Drop some (((feminism))) redpills please

There is media in russian which push feminism agenda. I just checked their stuff and who do you think is their contributing editor? I just start lurking after this news there cheekmagazine.fr/instagram/slut-shaming-influenceuse-louvre-tenue/ Also checked what sluts-haming is. "The term is used to reclaim the word slut and empower women and girls to have agency over their own sexuality."

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That's the bad sort of feminism, which as you correctly identify, is Jewish in origin. However women's equality in general is not Jewish. We as white men must love and cherish our women and not deny them any of the rights, cultural or legal, that we have. The idea that this means that women should revel in hedonism or degeneracy is a Jewish falsehood, used to turn white men against their own women.

OP, the problem is the Jews. Forget feminism. Target the Jews. Putin is a Jew supporter and probably a crypto kike himself, so he's part of the problem.

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Gender equality = low fertility rate and that's lead to extinction after some generations. You can't get the toothpaste back in the tube, but we are not completely doomed. And new generation can be better.

>Gender equality = low fertility rate
And thats a good thing you ugly smelly vodka sub human.

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There are many conditions that lead to a low fertility rate, but ultimately why would we want to continue to divide the earth among more and more people? Instead should we not seek to grow in a qualitative rather than quantitative way? You can have an incredible quality of life with a stable population.

Jews will ruin everything. That tribe has been a thorn in the side of progressive thinking humans for at least two thousand years. Jews consider goyim mere cattle to exploit. We must fight back against them and the first step to that is to stop fighting amongst ourselves.

>(((feminism))) redpills
00.25% of the world population
2% of the US population


Attached: jews feminism.jpg (1600x2812, 375K)

Women don't like beta whiteknight "allies", fyi.

>And thats a good thing

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It's counterproductive to force equality between things that are inherently unequal.

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It's counterproductive to allow Jews to continue to exploit vulnerable white people. They must be stopped.

Well that goes without saying.


>You can have an incredible quality of life with a stable population.
Gender equality is enemy of stable population as we see. And they push it further.

In what regard? Gender equality is a natural and desirable thing for a humane society to aim for.

That doesn't mean that, for example, women should be discouraged from becoming wives, mothers and homemakers. Or that men and women aren't different. It just means everyone is treated equally and supported in the choices they make.

Mass importation of foreign races, orchestrated by Jews, is the biggest danger.

Gender equality is a natural and desirable thing for a humane society to aim for ?
Why ? Because it is impossible, what you should aim is egality of right, searching equality of anything in a country is stupid and impossible because we are not equal.

We are different, but that doesn't mean we're not equal. Equality of outcome isn't desirable, but equality of law and of social custom is. If a girl wants to be a scientist, she should be supported in that goal. If she wants to be a homemaker, she should also be supported. If it turns out (as it will) that more women want to be homemakers than scientists, that's fine.

>It just means everyone is treated equally and supported in the choices they make.

>You can have an incredible quality of life with a stable population.

It just doesn't work.

you should aim is egality of right.
Equality of right is equality toward the law and choice.
Gender equality is equality between sex which are impossible.

Good thing only as long as we're overpopulated.

vid very related.

also good to know:

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Assemblywoman greek play

Instagram is the tool of narcissists. It allows you to create a perfect bubble. You can shield yourself from any criticism and pretend you can never be wrong. The followers give a false sense of being right to. The generation growing on Instagram will be the most degenerated and narcissist generation yet. It's impossible to communicate with a narcissist feminist.

No, the leader of all jews is the vaginal jew. You women are going to pay for what you've done. We're on the internet, The Red Pill is a thing, it's growing in popularity and is going viral. You women will never live down the reputation you have garnered, it's too late to side with us, you're ass is grass. You're right about to piss of the entire population of men. So, too little, too late. GG women, you almost destroyed western civilization, just like you destroyed Rome, and doubtlessly every other great civilization. We'll replace you with androids, and cast your worthless ass far outside the city gates.

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Women can have agency over their sexuality whilst they have youth and fertility. Then they get too old and realize too late that they squandered the only value they ever had for men. They won't get their good husband, and have happy families. At best, they'll raise fatherless children who will hate them.
And these women deserve this fate because it was by the hand of their own doing. This isn't anything new. All throughout history, there have been periods of time where libertine values have destroyed civilizations. It corrects itself, though. Usually violently, and usually with women getting burned alive, stoned to death, or otherwise violently killed. Great examples would be the times of crusades in the Holy Roman Empire, or the Arab world before the rise of Islam. Women will be made to pay dearly for this, collectively, and unfairly. Jewish scholars know this too. There is a long game playing out.