Red Pill me on World War I

What was it really about? Who were the "good" and "bad" guys? Why the fuck did the (((English))), who had been fucking with the US for basically the entirety of our existence, suddenly turn into our best allies?

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im waiting for an austrian poster in this thread, we need to discuss about something.....

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Hi friend

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This picture makes me want to return to a better time when white nations were homogeneous and we were on top of the world

It was an Entente conspiracy to stop the Austro-German alliance. Just read Clarke's The Sleepwalkers.

The most overlooked cause are the Morocco crises from 1905 and 1911: The Anglo-French alliance did everything to isolate and provoke the German Empire for literally no reason. On both occasions the Anglo-French alliance was openly provoking a war and only German stepped back both times to preserve the peace.

The French wanted revenge for 1871 and the English press were pushing anti-German hit pieces for decades, lavishly parading even the smallest missteps of the Kaiser on the world-stage (imagine the American press with Trump) and claiming the German government is planning to invade and occupy British and French colonies (even claiming Germany is planning to take over the entire world).

The crisis in the Balkans mid 1914 were just excuses to finally crush the feared German hegemony by the Entente-press.

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You mean like before two World Wars killed all said white people?

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The French had historically always used the US as a proxy to fuck with the English, how and when did not only the French-English ally up how did the US burry the hatchet? Did it have anything to do with the Federal Reserve Act 1912?

Top kek

Completely worthless war started because some dumb fag got JFK'd but they still managed to convince the masses that they were fighting for something worthwhile

There were no good or bad guys, it was.a near pointless war and goes to show how far nations are willing to go for a signature on a piece of paper


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>Red Pill me on World War I
World War 1 and 2 were 2 parts of the same play...

the Kaiserreich of course

Would have happened eventually. However, Serb chimpouts were the immediate cause. Serbia was a known state sponsor of terror and was in that respect the North Korea of the early 20th century.

>how and when did not only the French-English ally up
In fear of a second French-German war the French (after signing treaties with the Russians) gave great concessions to the English in regards to disputed colonial claims and trade in 1904 to improve relations.
After Germany started to expand their Navy the English developed similar fears as the French (even though the Germans would've taken decades to surpass the English in naval capacity in any form) and they joined in unofficial defensive agreements with the French.

The relations of the Americans in the 1890s-1910s to the British, I don't know that much about:
A great turning point in the English-American relations was the support of the Americans in the American-Spanish war (1898) while most other powers backed Spain. (What the arguments of the British were for backing America over Spain, I don't know. I guess British access to the West Indies)

In the beginning of the war America was neutral and the American public was split on the issue of supporting the Entente or the Central Powers. The US-government was initially more pro-Entente than the public at large. The view of the public swung to the Entente with more and more American citizens dying in the "Unrestrained Submarine-War"-tactic Germany used and the Anti-German press reaching the Americans.

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Literally white suicide, a pointless war that killed millions of europeans,strenghtened colonial independence movements and spawned (((modernism))), the (((frankfurt school))) and the (((soviet union))), creating a depressed generation

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fellow ww1 autists: Collision of empires is fucking fantastic. Four part series on the eastern front
1: 1914
2: 1915
3: 1916-1917
4: 1918-1921

>just read sleepwalkers

Also this ^

>Collision of empires
noted, sounds interesting

Yeah it’s really excellent. I highly recommend it.

Also, fuck A-H. if they were at least *semi* competent it would’ve been a rout for the central powers. You guys had to save them time and time again

>besieged Austrian forces at Przemyśl running out of food
>Russians content to wait this out
>Austrians launch a massive assault at the carpathians to try and relieve the siege
>get absolutely btfo
>fortress falls in March 1915

>OHL decides on a new offensive in the east to relieve pressure on A-H
>completely catch the Russians off guard and start quickly gaining ground
>A-H (right flank) is supposed to recapture Przemyśl
>Germans take it

Fucking lol

> if they were at least *semi* competent it would’ve been a rout for the central powers.
I know, it's just depressing.

>Yeah it’s really excellent. I highly recommend it.
I will look into it. Most books focus too much on the Western Front in my opinion.

Agreed. I’ll also throw ring of steel out there. It’s all about the German and Austrian perspectives during the war

Anyway, I’m about to pass out. Take care, Krautbro

Yeah, take care, Ameribro

Thanks, noted.

Non-white here. I have studied your history extensively on WWI. You were all tricked by the Jew to fight each other white man. Doesn't matter what the reason was why your nations got butthurt mad over some papers or other bullshit. A Jew was always involved in pissing all of you off. WWI should have been the mass extermination of all Jews in every single European country.

>fucking with the US
Right after the Revolutionary War like a half of your political elite wanted as close relations with the UK as possible.

absolutely based and redpilled. Potential honorary Aryan.

It was a war of women shaming their men into fighting. And for their efforts, the ladies were enfranchised. It was the first battle in an SJW war that will kill us all.

>america literally went to war for France/Britain because they owewd us a fuckotn of money. Not that we loved France/Britain but Britain controlled the high seas.

ww1 and ww2 were both times of mass killings of native europeans, fueled by a changing economic state of the world, that's all. I'm just tired of europeans killing each others because of the (((shekel)))