Claims to be "redpilled"

Head of Orthodox church declares slavs second sort humans, almost animals.


poustrotourk gamisou poustara

you know son, lies will never get you ahead, shove that up your kike asshole faggot "communist" where anorexia is chic.

at least here before communism orthodoxy was a norm in society and people were patriotic, satisfied, fullfilled, beautiful and they didnt loathe and have mean spirit, in 19th century with god's side serbia transformed itself from a 15th century village under turkish boot to a modern state that gifted us many great influental people and gave us the greatest generation that fought, bled and died for this soil, now after years of communism, republics and liberal leaders the same people who support them wonder how did this country and people went to absolute shit, how did some bad people inflitrate the church etc, then you vent out your frustrations at whole church and those who wished and wish nothing but good blaming them for your empty life and frustration.

Only brown people are obsessed with religion

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im convinced. orthodoxy is truly the religion of based aryan nationalist whites. where do i sign up at

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>t. euromuslim cuck
okay, next
so it was here too until 1979, in 1980 the socialists came in with massive demogoguery and ruined the country for the next 35 years

you are not aryan, you are mongol, so out

Reminder that the reason why jews are rich and powerful is because stupid christian laws that made it so only jews could be bankers and thus keep the money of all of europe.

Literally christianity created the monster that is the jews.

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fucn orthodogs

mkay b-based orthodox

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