>opened my eyes to the foundation of modern-day Judaism >made me realize that Christianity and Judaism are friends even though Judaism despises Christians and Christ >made me realize that the origins of modern-day Israel were not what I thought
Now, granted, I don't think anyone should HATE jews based on this information, but for me it did call into question the propriety of supporting Israel on issues such as the West Bank, etc...
Post what you consider to be an important documentary ITT.
The same thing your OP video discusses... jews infiltrated and subverted Christianity to control it... like the rest of our religious/political/academic institutions "Judeo-Christian" is literally a made-up jew term to trick goyim. Pay attention to the OP video's discussion of the Scofield Bible jew psyop etc.
The real Redpill is this > The Adamic Race is the White Race > Adamites were created in the image of God himself as stated in the Book of Genesis >Non-whites are pre-adamic races >Niggers are the "Beasts of the Field", as stated many times throughout the Holy Bible >Kikes are the descendants of Cain, The Children of Cain > Cain in turn is son of the Devik >Satan turned into a human and had sex with Eve >Introduced his own evil humanoid bloodline on Earth >Eve bore Cain >Cain is naturally evil >Slays Abel >God banishes him and God puts, "Enemity between thy seed (Adamites) and thy sepents seed (kikes). > Hebrews were White > Israelite are White > Whites are Jacob/Israel > Kikes are Edomite/Canaanites, the ones who larp as Israelites , but are not, instead they are the Synagouge of Satan.
what a retarded interpretation of the Bible and creation story. It also says we are all of one blood, so how does that work, genius?
Elijah Moore
The Christian cult explains the Jewish cult. Make it stop and gas them ALL.
Brayden Bennett
It's the truth you cucked faggot nigger lover
Elijah Long
>"Acts 17:26 King James Version (KJV) 26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; The word "Man" in the Holy Bible only refers to ADAM, since he was the first White Man. The Word man has never been used to refer to nonwhite races, a man has always been understood to mean a White Man, and indeed in Paleo-Hebrew, Adam means show blood in the face, to be of a ruddy and fair complexion. By Nations, he means the descendants of Adam that he will produce. The Bible only lists the racial bloodline of Adam, all trhoughout the Holy Bible, only the racial bloodline of Adam is mentioned as the main focus point whenever "Nations" are mentioned. Adam had many nations and God created countries and borders for each one to dwell in. For Example, the Ten Tribes dwelled in Two Kingdoms in the Levant, The Kingdom of Israel in the North, and the Kingdom of Judah in the South.
Cooper Thompson
Who are "we"? Who is the author of that and who is the audience? This is some childish interpretation on your part. It's simple if we look at it from this point of view >God lays down a prophecy that includes our salvation but also the events of revelation >Part of this plan is a global empire of sin and evil that is ruled over by the antichrist >God tells us this empire wont come about unless certain conditions are met >He said it would be as in the days of Noah. Any Christian pushing for "global unity", race mixing, religion mixing etc is just feeding into the prophecy and causing it to happen. You are no better than the Sabbateans and Frankist.
Hunter Jackson
lol that "pastor Anderson" is such a closet fag - you can totally hear it in his voice.Only fags talk with that tone.
Jason Morris
Moses had a black wife, and he was righteous enough to be the only living human to ever get a glimpse of God the Father. You fags need to repent of this bull shit, it says in revelation if you add to or delete things from God's word you get plagues, or go to hell (in the latter case). Quit trying to justify your hatred of black people with the Bible.
Josiah Sanders
>'it did call into question the propriety of supporting Israel on issues such as the West Bank' you're on the wrong board
Justin Ross
>Moses had a black wife His wife was not a nigger She was from an Arabian Tribe who lived in Northern Ethiopia He married an Ishmaelite , and this is why Aaron sperged out, but Ishmael (Arabs) are related to us Whites through Abraham. (Isaac) was the descendant of Whites Ishmael (Isaacs half brother) would be the progenitor of the Arabs > You fags need to repent of this bull shit, it says in revelation if you add to or delete things from God's word you get plagues, or go to hell (in the latter case). Quit trying to justify your hatred of black people with the Bible. Listen stupid nigger Niggers are beasts of the Fields And Whites are the Israelites, i can prove all of this to you, this Doctrine is called D.S.C.I which is the true Doctrine of the Holy Bible.
Jordan Moore
Tower of Babel, nigger. Keep nogs in Africa speaking their oogabooga language amongst themselves, just like the good lord meant it to be.
Ian Gonzalez
>Not wanting to create an environment that brings about the antichrist makes me evil nigga wut? I treat people as individuals but the world is ordered in a certain manner according to gods decree. Whats this black wife jazz about Moses?I don't know if she was black but if she was she is the reason we have shitty sand niggers to begin with. Moses was punished for destroying the tablets also so he wasn't perfect or anything user.
Christopher Wilson
i dont think hes gay, and hes a good man, aside from the fact that the ((campaign to smear)) him is making him hateful and sound unhinged the only blacks in ancient history was the ancient indian 'monkey army' that supposedly carried bricks to build the massive earth bridge. congrats, that was you, buddy!
Joseph Brooks
>the only blacks in ancient history was the ancient indian 'monkey army' that supposedly carried bricks to build the massive earth bridge. congrats, that was you, buddy!
This is so bizarre I laughed out loud, a rarity on Jow Forums. I'm not black, faggot. To be honest I have wondered for a long time what the hell happened to black people, and I think maybe they got cursed as descendants of Ham, perhaps like the Mormons used to teach. But are they animals? No, they aren't. They are men.
I never said he was perfect, but if he married a "beast of the field" I think God would have had something to say about that.
Language ain't the same as race or skin color, my faggot.
>Listen stupid nigger Niggers are beasts of the Fields And Whites are the Israelites, i can prove all of this to you, this Doctrine is called D.S.C.I which is the true Doctrine of the Holy Bible.
Ok, I'm listening. But I am pretty sure whatever evidence you have is gonna turn out to be bull shit, but go ahead anyway.
Samuel Rodriguez
Th last part of my last post was supposed to be for you
>>Listen stupid nigger >Niggers are beasts of the Fields >And Whites are the Israelites, i can prove all of this to you, this Doctrine is called D.S.C.I which is the true Doctrine of the Holy Bible.
Ok, I'm listening. But I am pretty sure whatever evidence you have is gonna turn out to be bull shit, but go ahead anyway.
Ryan Bell
He has a shitload to say about it, entire prophecies about the Arabs and inheritance etc. Do you even read the bible?
Noah Kelly
Its late here and I keep misreading Moses for Abraham, but they are pretty interchangeable in this instance either way.
Brandon Reyes
Of course I do, I guess I missed the part where God had a problem with Moses' black wife though. Why don't you post it?
Jonathan Myers
You mean when he made him wander for 40 years keeping him from the promised land?
Gavin Wright
Now I know you are trolling.
Hebrews 3:19 >So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief.
Where does it say anything about Moses, let alone his wife or her race? You need to quit peddling that bullshit my man. It isn't right.
Angel Sanders
>going against Gods commands isn't unbelief Come on bro...Its telling you right there...
>made me realize that Christianity and Judaism are friends even though Judaism despises Christians and Christ If christians would stop either trying to genocide us or convert us there would be a lot less problems. >ut for me it did call into question the propriety of supporting Israel on issues such as the West Bank, etc... tell those fuckwits to stop committing terror attacks. also, they never want peace. there have have been many peace offers that were very generous but the paleshits turn them down. BDS propaganda
you really need to brush up on your history... the ethiopians (especially higher caste) were as white as any modern european (or ancient greek) up until at least 400ad+
have you seen a statue of hannibal, you mental midget?
John Barnes
Who the fuck watches this dumb low budget shit lol poltards are so retarded
Jaxon Wood
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornelius_the_Centurion >The baptism of Cornelius is an important event in the history of the early Christian church, along with the conversion and baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch. The Christian church was first formed around the original disciples and followers of Jesus, all of whom were Jewish. All males in that community were circumcised and observed the Law of Moses. The reception of Cornelius sparked a conversation among the Jewish leaders of the new Christian church, culminating in the decision to allow Gentiles to become Christians without conforming to Jewish requirements for circumcision, as recounted in Acts 15(Acts 15).
Jesus disciple literally baptized a black in the bible > And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert. >And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of ETHIOPIA, an eunuch >Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus. >And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. Acts 8: 27 - 39
>The Ethiopians were white as well Not according to the bible or DNA so wheres your proof? >Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? (Jeremiah 13:23) Notice it says a Ethiopian cant change his skin, White people can change thier skin when they go out into the sun their skin changes from sun burn to red then to brown, When black people go out into the sun their skin stays black IT DOES NOT CHANGE The Ethiopian cant change his skin so they have to be black to fit that definition HOLY FUCK! Get out. you cannot be that fucking stupid.
you're so painfully retarded I actually feel pity for you... you do realize people have moved over the past few thousand years, yes? I've read all of herodotus, strabo, tacitus, etc, every major ancient history.. they speak of the ethiopians *very clearly* as being white, often blond, and racial kin to the greeks. You are a fucking tardbaby, and historically illiterate
Nathan Perez
Pastor Anderson is a filthy promoter of race mixing.
Its really so extremely sad that a little fucking idiot like you can come from reddit to spew all your worthless garbage everywhere. You are such a sad pathetic piece of shit civnats need to get the rope ASAP. >you do realize nice npc >have moved over the past few thousand years yeah thats not how it works fucking tard. >as being white, often blond, and racial kin to the greeks. lmao no they fucking weren't your own bible says that the ethipoians cant change there skin color. Fucking die already dumb shit disinfo kike lover
In the Gospels: Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38 emphasize that Jesus was Jewish and a descendent of David. Matthew 10:5-6 - Jesus instructs the disciples to take the Gospel to the Jews first, not the Gentiles. Matthew 15:21-28 - Jesus tells a Gentile woman that he was sent to save the Jews first. The Jews are far from being the only ones involved in Christ's persecution and crucifixion. Pilate let Jesus be crucified despite realizing his innocence (Mk 15:9-15) and the Roman soldiers mocked and persecuted Jesus, as well as doing the actual crucifying (Mt 27:27-31, Lk 23:11, 35-37). John 4:22 - "Salvation is from the Jews" (i.e. from Jesus, David's descendant).
In Acts: 4:27 - Herod, Pilate and the Gentiles in Jerusalem (not just the Jews) conspired against Jesus. 11:1-18 - In the account of Peter and Cornelius, the Jews are amazed that God is merciful enough to save "even the (unclean) Gentiles." 14:1, 17:10-12 - Paul follows Jesus' model of going to the Jews first, and many Jews accept Jesus as the Messiah.
In the Pauline Epistles: Romans 1:16 - Salvation is "first for the Jew, then for the Gentile". Romans 9:1-5 - Paul (who is Jewish) describes his desire for the Israelites to receive Christ and the honors the Israelites have received, including that Jesus' human ancestry was through them. Romans 11:1-24 - Paul warns the Gentiles against boasting, comparing them to wild olive branches and the Jews to cultivated olive branches. Romans 11:28 - Even those Jews who reject Christ are to be "loved on account of the patriarchs." Romans 15:27 - "For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings." Galatians 2:7-9 - At least three of the apostles had a specific ministry to the Jews. Galatians 2:11-13 - Rather than an anti-Semitic prejudice, the early church had if anything a pro-Semitic prejudice.
>Intolerance of homosexuality does not just divide the white population, it divides the White Nationalist movement. Ernst Röhm was not the last homosexual to be attracted to White Nationalism. I have met a number of homosexuals in the contemporary White Nationalist movement, and I have my suspicions about a few others. All of these people, however, are intelligent and accomplished. They are real assets to the movement.
>(shortly after describing the apocalypse and “the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory”) Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. >Mark 13:30 Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God. >Luke 9:27 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ, >Ephesians 6:5 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not demand it back. >Luke 6:30 Never pay back evil for evil to anyone Respect what is right in the sight of all men. >Romans 12:17 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. >Luke 6:35
"How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!" >Psalm 133:1 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law(Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." >Matthew 5:17 That's your favourite Jew Jesus talking. "I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment." >1 Corinthians 1:10 "Live in (((harmony))) with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight." >Romans 12:16 "For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit." >Corinthians 12:13 OY VEY We all have one body goy. Blacks and whites are equal in the eyes of God. Why don't you want them to flood your country Christcuck? "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” >John 13:35 Love each other Goy you are all children of God. Why do you have a problem with Niggers fucking white women goy?
>made me realize that Christianity and Judaism are friends even though Judaism despises Christians and Christ
Hell no
Bentley Gray
Real jews and real Christians aren't friends. Only people who are up to no good promote judeo-christian relations. Same magical friendship jews had with with England (that provided country for them) now they have a magical friendship with USA (that protect their country). Jews are always friends with counties that are superpowers and anyone promoting judeo-christian friendship is a zionist.