The reason why this guy is hated now because he is ultimate troll and he clearly understands that. He kept being authetnic to himself without taking himself seriously. While people in here(former fans of him) decided to take themselves too seriously(with the recent reddit refugees influx) with all the "save white race; save western civilization" cringe hence why there were so much assblasting when Jim decided to take down Sargon the king of cringe.
Explanation of sudden hate for Metokur on Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
i dont want to speak for the entire board but im willing to bet less than 5 percent of this board sides with Sargon over metokur you kekistani faggot.
this thread is retarded.
The only reason you kekistigger think metokur is hated here is because alot of us hate e-celebs equally, regardless of who they are.
He's pretty funny actually, but talks too much and too long about furries
I place very little value on metokur and sargon's opinion on the other.
I dont give a fuck about your faggot internet drama, but Metokur is an intolerable nigger who somehow managed to never grow out of his /b/-phase. The man still acts like the internet is in 2007 and the Internet Hate Machine is firing on all cylinders for epic lols. Fuck him, go get a hobby that consists of doing and not watching you user.
sweetie squad!
sargoy hired share blue to AstroTurf this place
i dont care who wins as long as sargon loses
>Kekistani flag
>Anti-Metokur thread
Someone should make a glow-in-the-dark Sargoy set of images. I don't want to spend my time doing that, but if it goes on long enough I might make one or two.
Theres no hatred for him its literally sargon and his buddies sperging out pulling gay ops and literally everything they claim he does.
The fun thing is that it isnt working and they keep digging their hole see the bullshit of today the kekistan killer
Mekotur and sargon are for brainlets that just spout off their opinions with no solid evidence or statistics.
Alternative Hypothesis is the true God of the alt-right
Jim is ok. Worth a listen. Sargon is fucking terrible and annoying. Nearly as bad as Jahan.
Get that shit off of Jow Forums, it's /b/ tier and it has no place on Jow Forums
This, I'd even go further and say Sargon's busy liberalist shills make up fewer than 3% of the users here who are aware of both of them.
Take eceleb shit to 4channel nigger.
I don't see how disliking Metokur means you love Sargon or disliking Sargon means you somehow love Metokur. In my humble opinion, Metokur is a political nihilist and Sargoin is a destructive subversive. Both are 'bad'.
kill yourself nobody gives a fuck about your zceleb trash
No amount of larping tranny discordniggers will make think that Jow Forums suddenly hates Metokur.
Gay Discord Ops are cringe and bluepilled.
Sargon isnt even alt-right, he is a civnat cuck that is afraid of going full fascist in fear of social exile
Only sargoon nigger faggots hate Jim. He literally dindu nuffin and is one of the very rare user internet ecelebfags.
Neither is Metokur "alt-right." And so what? The "alt-right" doesn't even exist.
OP, you were shilling for Jim last week under the Kekistani flag, Jim is a massive nihilist faggot, I explained this to you last week.
>ultimate troll
Is this 2007? Kill yourselves
I hate on metokur ironically for (you)'s
Holy shit another sane man
#Jimgate has already begun, OP
Eheh, so there's a little board on Jow Forums called Jow Forums aheh...
Sargon and Internet autisticrat are both old internet clowns that need to die off.
>is a literal faggot
>defends mutt Tara McCarthy
Also, he now is distancing himself from the alt-right and calling himself a first-worldist.
Here's one I made really quickly
>Jim decided to take down Sargon the king of cringe
Yeah, I think that's why people hate him now because he was too dumb to even do that right
Reminder that one of Sargon's fans just murdered their mom by strangulation, and a bunch of skeptics deleted their videos, one of which had said murderer in it.
Jim is essence of the white man that must be preserved in this country.
Jim is America
literally who
t.Jim's chink wife.
You're not fooling anyone
You will never understand what it is ti be American.
To be such a shitty peasant that your own lords rather decided to send you to a penal colony in the new world instead of having you work for them? Yeah, I guess I nor he will ever know.
special mention of ex-con ralph with his shrieking womanish voice and fucking irritating mannerisms.
Burn them all, piss on the ash then bury the gray mud at the bottom of a trench full of dogshit. Then set the trench on fire.
No, it's because boomer leafy has been coming out with the same shit content for months now.
Almost anything funny he ever says is just repeating something some lolcow said or from a superchat.
If you send Jim money you are retarded, he doesn't deserve anything for his low effort work, and most of us can do his current content better.
No more series on anything, no more reporting on interesting shit, just low effort internet stream drama with keemstar.
Eh, I think I have a pretty good grasp.
Of course this arrogance/ ignorance that only America has troubles unique compared any other western country is typical.
I hate on Jim for being fucking lazy and all you niggers give him welfare like a titty streamer so he doesn't feel the need to actually make videos anymore.
Because fucking dog race Cambodians is the white ideal?
Kurt means penis.
I always thought he was a faggot.
Implying him being gay and distancing himself from the alt-right makes his past arguments invalid? His research has been a great aid for the alt-right
Same reason why Spencer became hated
Then Lauren
Then anyone "parroting" Jow Forums(TM) views "for shekels"
Jow Forumsbergs are retards who will bite any bait. If "a fellow user" continuously tells them to attack X they will attack X.
To see how retarded Jow Forumsbergs are to to JFs channel and take a look at the live chats, he doesn't moderate them. That is what the main demographic of Jow Forums looks like.
Jow Forums never hated Jim, any hate threads were just assblasted Sargonites slandering him
>To see how retarded Jow Forumsbergs are to to JFs channel and take a look at the live chats, he doesn't moderate them. That is what the main demographic of Jow Forums looks like.
This is very true. This board has some extremely stupid people on it.
They are all e-celebs fishing for patreon dollars, super chats and donations.
Jim is no different.
These people don't deserve your money, they barely even respect you as a person.
Fuck off reddit. Jow Forums never stopped being a hate machine and what the fuck is wrong with being a troll for the sake of laughs? That's what this site is fuck for, not for people trying to make some sort of positive impact. You're the outsider.
Bump bump bump
Can bump this
Bump all gayass threads
Can bump this
What do you mean by sudden hate? Metokur was always seen as last resort meme, but more like he became big lately with his constant bantz.
You will never not stop giving low effort boomer leafy money.
You are the pinnacle of an embarrassing amerimutt.
Reflect on your shit idols and e-celeb worship.
his recent action all the body of his work into question
>save the white race
Jim doesnt care about anything, there is not one position he has not backed out of, perhaps except
He seems to think that by making things worse he will make things better.... yeah, real smart
>takedown of Sargon
No such thing happened, he just doesnt like him because he denounced charlottesville. But what is Jim's stance on charlottesville
>Alt right
More of Jims accelerationism,, because he doesnt give a fuck. He knows he could neither lead it nor join it because he is Jewish
>taking yourself seriously
When youre a troll trolling trolls you become the joke, and Jim being an oldfag should know this
>not your personal army
Jim knows he even with free speech the consensus is that calls for action are unaceptable. So instead he will do "it would be funny if X happened" routing. People are seeing through it. If they are not 12 that is.
>reddit influx
So that is why sweetie squad are posting anti-anit-SJW memes in chief-of-sjw's - Destiny, subreddit? the guy who is for deplatforming? Good to know.
Begone Sargon.
I do wish that Metokur would get some new material, though. This sceptics shit is getting real fucking boring.
Like metokur. Hate sargon of stillborne. You discord trannies aren't going to change a single thing with your obvious shilling. People with your levels of ego and retadation, should commit seppuku unironically. Also i hate that ugly gypsy kike and that lesbian larper. Fucking ONIONS filled beta bitch bois
Why are there so many sargonites on pol?
>kekistan flag
haven't you got some mothers to be strangling
We are a diverse community without race mixing.
>the left can't meme
But sargon said there's no such thing as race.
If it isn't obvious already, all the meme flags are discord trannies trying their attempt at shilling . Their flags are british, romanian and probably some other third world european country like germany
I just want to anyone who has ever donated to Jim to think about this for a second.
>can I do his content better?
And the answer is yes, and you should, he isn't unique or special, and he barely has any original ideas or thoughts, you, the superchats, are his only source of unique content
Go make that fucking jewtube channel guys instead of donating to boomer leafy and his next episode of irrelevant stream drama with keemstar
The anti-"eceleb" shilling is out of this world.
ecelebs are gay, all of them
I've been following metokur since he was internet aristocrat and I honestly can't see any political differences between him and sargon. jim may as well be a liberalist.
this all just seems like in-fighting to me. the only difference I can see is that sargon pretends not to be a patreon shekel-grubbing whore while metokur embraces it
Nigger I am legit asking you fucks to work on your own YouTube channels instead of these awful basket of low effort e-celebs.
I am subbed to about 30 different Jow Forumsacks on here because we should be supporting each other, not any of these other e-celeb faggots fishing for donations.
He embraces it because brainlets give him superchat content, without it his streams are worse than DSP tier.
>subscribed to randoms on youtube
>supporting them
you just sound like a jealous faggot butthurt that other people are making money being more entertaining than you are
After the stream with Kristi, I unironically prefer her over Sargone
There's no such thing as internet, it's just an illusion. I am actually speaking to you telepathically. You aren't even real.
It's just redditors being faggots, as usual.
>on Jow Forums
kys newfag
>Jow Forumsacks
Absolute retard, this is how I know you don't belong here, anons here actually make good content, better than any of these e-celebs, and you wouldn't know because you are a toe dip faggot living on base in a chink country, probably as an engineer or teacher, some really pussy position for wet cunts
I sub to every small alt-right oriented channel I can find on youtube. even if they're cringey I'll sub just for the sake of criticizing them.
I think metokur does something similar with the youtube liberalists. he btfos them with petty insults but also offers plenty of constructive criticism. I think he wants to be associated with them but is incredibly embarrassed by them at the same time.
not an argument, memeflags are here to use them. deal with the arguments or fuck off
Sargon pls leave, this is just sad
its funny. jim was starting to lose me when he was focusing on furries for a few weeks but i cant help but love the current war with all those gay op people. All of it can just be explained by "gay ops" it really is gay. Is this why women love housewives of newyork and kim kardasahian faggotry?
He's lost and doesn't know what to do besides go after easy drama.
He's been lost for years user, he's 100% a liberalist, but he also has a deathly aversion to being apart of any group or saying any opinion non hidden under 5 layers of irony out of fear of ridicule.
When he has that mongrel child of his with dog race jade, I wonder if he will try abandoning it like his old channel.
lol keep believing that your sub matters at all, you are a nobody, just like the people you follow. You aren't doing shit for them and you are delusional if you think anything else.
Also why the fuck would you care about "belonging" on a board, what are you, 15?
Hear hear. Good content like this thread instead of e-celeb trash.
All gay ops is at its source is, shit content
They want to have dumbass videos of drama with each other and
>[Person] btfo!!!
In the title of their next video so badly they do really dumb shit to do it
It's all cancer, all the views and subscribers and donations have gone to these faggots heads that they fake and gay content harder than Jerry springer
>Willing to cover himself in shit in order to take down people who criticizes sjw/feminism
>Calls himself edgy but has never once called Sargon a jew, maybe it hits too close to home?
Really makes you think
Alright, here's an argument, people who use meme flags are faggots, and you should drink bleach.
I think his main criticism of sargon and the liberalists is they behave like SJWs themselves.
digits confirm, based and redpilled
I don't really like Sargon, but the other people he seems to be up against are even worse. They just act like edgy kids on the internet. I'd guess most of their followers are
I've been here on Jow Forums since before zimzam retard, and was on other boards before that.
This is an autist site for autists, and I will support other autists. First and fucking foremost.
Go fuck your pathetic militarycuck existence defending insectoid countries with your noncombat role nigger ass.
Gas every fucking e-celeb.
Purge the sargonites and peacefully sunset metokur.
>i wasted more time here than you that means i am better than you
>fuck people who make more money than me
sure sounds like peak intellect, we need more people like you to keep the master race alive
>i have autism
why am I not surprised
Fuck liberalists.
Fuck liberals
Fuck individuals
Indivualistism is where it's at.
Ill take down my memeflag and all you are going to see is my vpn flag.
Flag has nothing to do with what I said about Metokur. It may be a separate argument, but its has nothing to do with what I said about Jim
Here is the argument, for posterity:
Don't know don't care. Just be sure to tip GookMoot when you're done with your shill threads, E-nobody. He needs it.
I seriously doubt that metokur is jewish lol
>not Individualisticimysticism
fucking plebs
Patty mcfurniture is a potato white nigger though.
>chink fucker user gets btfo
>Uhh I make more money than you
Good lord brainlet, go back to Facebook with the rest of the subhuman iq normalfags lol
Don't forget to donate to all your e-celebs while you are at it, wouldn't want your israel bux to not fund their banal existence.