Varg Drops The Redpill on Christian vs Muslim Europeans

Varg Drops The Redpill on Southern Europeans Christians

He indicated that he would much rather let his children marry blonde MUSLIM Bosnians than dark eyed black haired southern european CHRISTIANS like greeks, italians etc.

I think he has a good point, nordic person marrying southern europeans = marrying arabs, nordic genes will not survive.

What are your thoughts?

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Other urls found in this thread:

his books are factually incorrect nonsense

I think he has some very good points

Varg has browsed Jow Forums again it seems

He triggered those amerimutts in the last thread.

Based Norwegian.

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I'm Italian and if I have kids, I don't want them marrying fucking disgusting satanic pagan nordcucks with soulless blue eyes and fat pink faces

Sounds like you're suffering from Ancestral Trauma.

Tell me, do you relive the sack of Rome nightly in your dreams, trapped as a helpless bystander, watching the legacy of his civilization despoiled by Barbarians?

He cannot stop the Nordoid females from going after MED BVLLS instead of his cucked effeminate men. They are naturally drawn to darker, more masculine men.

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Good stay away arab mutt

I'm italian and i agree with him. My hair are blonde, my eyes grey and i can feel in the airthe weaker genes.

new ones maybe. old ones not really.

Christcucks on Jow Forums rekt into pieces

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Your race is low i.q

I absolutely so no arguments against his video ITT. They have no arguments lol

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You should be hanged from a tree.

Muslims are violent scum, Varg is an idiot

He's explaining this logic in christcuckery

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>be paranoid schizophrenic in black metal band
>kill a guy because of your paranoid schizophrenia
>spend years hard time in jail like a nigger
>released from jail
>marry young stupid autistic girl who for some reason likes you
>have 6 kids you cant adequately support like a literal nigger
>support using welfare (like a nigger)
>live in a shit shack cuck shed in france with no bathroom and running water like a literal nigger
>excuse for this is you want to live more "simple off the grid life" despite still using internet
>claim to be a farmer but cant farm for shit (like a nigger)
>make excuses talking out your ass about how fruit trees cant handle the sunlight of france (there are literal flourishing fruit groves in florida)
>make more excuses about snails and vermin eating your plants and saying "oh this is nature, we wont do anything about it"
>larp as a viking in the woods (like a literal autist)
>make failing dungeons and dragons copy
>become one of the most historically illiterate youtube personalities to ever exist
>make retarded claims such as that autism is a superpower, that europeans are 100% neanderthal, and were all blonde
>ban people on youtube when they call you out on your retarded theories

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Blood > Religion

Do you disagree?

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Yeah I know I was saying that christians ITT and the following christians will not argue the points in his video at all. They will insult him such as this is all personal attacks. Where as people that argue against Anderson argue his ideas based on his race mixing/multicultural belief system. They never give the same kind of respect to anyone that is right. Just like jews. I'm getting real sick and tired of there shit brother

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Lol, varg loves subhuman scum, what's new.

French typical behaviour
Basé Vargue de Viquerne

That's not a suprise really. Varg is not spititual at all but a materialist, hence he worships matter and DNA. Of course he prefers biological purity - the spiritual and transcendent does not exist for him, it's just a garb to dress up his zoo in.

Blood and Soil is our religion

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Yes, I disagree. Who do you serve? Your material being and race or the Creator God of the Universe?

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See I have to log now to go to church, I might be back later.


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Spoken like a true mutt

Gods live in us, in our land be it the mountains, pure rivers or the woods.

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This dude is so obsessed with blonde hair and blue eyes. He didn't even have blonde hair when he was young. I can't wait until his children grow up to detest him & get into interracial marriage to spite him, just like his first daughter.

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Fact: blonde hair blue eyed people contributed less to humanity than black africans

Mediterranean Master Race > runaway germanic slaves

checked, you speak truth

Nord-tards look weird. They can't compete with Mediterranean good looks.

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>A non Christian dropping red pills


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>blonde muslim bosniaks
Fucking kek. The absolute state of this forest-dwelling retard. He doesn't have the balls to shit on muzzies because he knows they would behead him.

Christcuck WhiteLARPERS absolutely BTFO

I'd rather marry my daughter to a blond European Christian than to these degenerates. What's your point?
Wiccans are known for their shit in the pagan community, no one takes them seriously except for you cucks when you're trying to make a strawman.

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Well his argumentation is that the christians are the ones that allow these people to attack us. He takes an inside out approach at solving the problem as opposed to fighting the symptom

(((Kristian's))) whole premise for rejecting Christianity is that it's foreign and essentially non-European. In what way is Islam any different...

>if you're not blond, you're not European
Thanks Varg for your invaluable insights

This entire thread is full of shill cunts trying to divide and conquer. Sage and ignore. White = European = white. We're brothers and these D&C kikes are trying to cause infighting because our most effective opponents are ourselves.


Varg is a fucking moron.

checking those digits

>nordics built ancient med empires
>civilization is a product of racemixing

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Arabs are literally Aryans

Love how you can't mention Varg without getting the mutts all riled up.

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Well, my grandparents came from Greece to live here, so I can tell you... he's right; at least for me and my young cousins, we may be redpilled, but still are cucked. I'm beginning to leave Christianity for real, it only promote fear in me, you know, feel guilty for anything, turn the other cheeck, etc.
That said, we have a huge hate for degeneracy, so at least, I still have hope in me and my family.

Varg is a retard because blonde muslim people are far more likely to racemix with pakis or Arabs or niggers than Christian Italians

He’s guaranteeing his spawn become abominations in the future

No, anyone saying yes to this is a complete idiot.

>the spiritual and transcendent
You mean the cosmopolitan and Jewish.
Spirituality comes from the blood and not the other way around, as the Slovenian user has been trying to tell you.

Hope you're having fun in your Jewish temple.

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I don't know, when you look at Muslims inbreeding rates, Varg might be onto something here

>Muslim Europeans
Let me guess - he takes the muslim side.

He right though, doesn't matter if a person is Euro or not, if they look like arabs like a shit ton of spainards italians and greeks, then we were never united to begin with so thers nothing to divide. Biology is more important

That's what you get when the author is a pathological liar.

>far more likely to racemix with pakis or Arabs or niggers than Christian Italians
What's the difference?

And also mentally ill and appealing to an equally mentally ill fanbase

In the same way the leftists "rek" us all the time.


Hes right

He's right. It's all about race, I'd pick a Chechen women over a Christian Ethiopian women anyday

Get the fuck out, Rastus. Guess you love your gibs too, just like your fucking boyfriend "Varg" (haha) the welfare queen. Calling out a cuck like him is the fucking point. Varg is a nigger, living off the tax tit and shares more in common with the Orthodox Jews who also "child farm" for the gibs than the working white man.

natural selection.
think about it this way: brown invaders, whether they're nigs or muslims or chinks/gooks, are competitors to whites in terms of physical attributes. jews are also competitors to whites. even white europeans are competitors to each other. the only way white euros can win is if they all get together to stop and fight off the non-whites. that's not happening and hasn't happened for a long time. so the jews can easily manipulate laws and liberal whites, sending brown hoards into white euro countries. this is beneficial for the browns as well as the jews. when nigs rape girls in the uk/sweden/france/germany etc., it's happening at such a massive scale that the kikes can get away with their more covert ops of rape/murder/organ harvesting.

also, consider what happens when there is rape and abortion. who benefits from those fetuses...they are not just being thrown out. look at the US, its happening too. tons of missing children. no one is doing anything about it. tons of illegal immigration. nothing gets done. tons of gun violence from blacks...nothing is stopping it. the police only react after something has already happened. they arrive at the crime scene.

so you see, its whites vs. everyone else, but the whites aren't getting along yet, and there are also many traitorous liberal whites. that's the big picture.

non-white + jew manipulation is putting selection pressure on whites. this is a huge test. it includes chinks buying up properties in western anglo countries. if whites can defeat these opponents, then they survive. but right now it looks extremely challenging. we can't even get along on Jow Forums without calling each other slavs or potatoniggers or nordcucks or southern-euro trash, etc.

Nothing this guy says or does is relevant, interesting or intelligent. All religion is garbage but christianity is the least garbage. Paganism is fucking hilariously retarded. Why do you autistic retards worship this guy?

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Pagan Nordic > christian southern european, or christian ethiopian

Wrong question. It's, whom do you preserve? God needs no preservation; ancestral heritage does.

ironic that Bosnians are whiter than some of their neighbours because they were Muslim under the Ottomans

>All religion is garbage but christianity is the least garbage
Words of a man who lacks conviction.

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All ((civilizations)) end up with mutts. The wealth simply attracts people from all over.

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Muslims will mistreat by action or omission his offspring
If he is willing to do that just cause of MUH ARYAN PURE WHITE FENOTYPE than fuck him, worst father ever.

>unironically defending muslims and the Ottoman invasion
>we must preserve our pagan heritage
>also if Europe becomes muslim it's no problem
>proceeds to call others non European just for having dark hair and dark eyes
>doesn't even really believe in his own pagan gods
lmao people that take this guy seriously are retarded

Based and redpilled Norwegian

Not what he said you autist.

He said both Islam and christianity are FOREIGN non european religions. Which is a FACT, favouring one over the other is retarded. Biology is what counts

My kids will never marry a pagan or a muslim even if they are european pagans or muslims i rather have them marry a christian i don't care what race is christian is because i dont want them to go to hell.

Fuck off Vag

Christcuck kys

heathen beast.

We just can't go the road that Varg is on.

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>Bosnians are whiter than some of their neighbours
Kek actually thinking this.

If biology is all that matters why does it matter then that Europe is Christian?

Because he thinks LARPaganism and atheism is white.

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Where is their blood now? All mixed up. GG no re.

Because Christianity is a bluepilled race mixing cult.

You can't be a race realist and christian at the same time.

>biology is what counts
>only blond haired people are European
>France, Italy, Spain, Portugal are less European than Georgia

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>taking the opinion of a larping welfare queen viking wannabe on anything other than how to cash a welfare check or murder a bandmate

If that's true why isn't Europe a mixed race shithole like Brazil then?

It's funny how Christianity began to be a bluepilled race mixing cult in the 60's, you know, when it lost its role as a major moral institution.

Its going to be thanks to Christcucks like you worshipping your jewish death cult

>communist talks about race mixing

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too real

But Europe is more atheist now than it has ever been and the vast majority of people promoting race mixing and other degeneracy are left wing atheists and civic nationalist 'intellectuals'.

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Who are "they"?

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So Europe is fine now? theres absolutely no problem with Europe and illegal immigration or anything? interesting to know. Thanks for bluepilling me you dutch faggot

>Arabs are Aryans
Arabs are Semites you dumb memeflag mutt

jokes on him, if few generations his descendants will drop 20 IQ points espite being pureblood nordic aryans, because muslims practice inbreeding

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>Look at the memeflag posting
When are you Baltic memenations going to be annexed by us?

Because Christianity historically wasn't as cucked as it is now.
t. Atheist who always leaned towards Christianity.

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It wasn't cucked until they acted like our pagan forefathers. There's nothing worthy of preserving coming from the Bible.
And so you see it was Europeans being European, not some semitic cult making us strong.

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