Joseph Goebbels

>Joseph Goebbels
>hate Jews while using a Jewish name

Why do whites do these retarded things?

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1968-101-20A,_Joseph_Goebbels.jpg (572x800, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

A lot of people have those biblical names, it doesn't mean they are Jewish.

The entire Nazi ordeal was a Rthschild funded Jewish plot to undermine nationalism, Germany in particular, and the white race, while simultaneously giving legal foundation to a new Israel. The holocaust, though overstated by a factor of at least 3, and padded with starvation and typhus deaths, did happen. (((They))) don't care about the little people. In the end, (((they))) won on all fronts.

Fake news typical of a squareheadded ratfucker

Anti-Semitic whites praise Jewish God Yahweh and a Jewish man. It is so strange.

Only bump gay threads, errbody!

>The last people who fought against the jews, having to fight the entire world as a consequence, were jews.
>The ones who fought against zionism were actually promoting zionism
Yeah right

Meanwhile, looking at the picture pings the jewdar into the red zone.

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Christians if they read their bible are taught that the Jews are not the chosen people anymore. Jesus has accepted everyone as his son or daughter. Sure if the Jews want to change their ways they can, but they wont cause they are stubborn.

Imagine looking like that and thinking you're part of the master race

Eh, he has a high thoughtful brow and a severe taught mouth.

To look at the face alone, I would characterize it as the face of an architect or concert pianist.

"Chosen people" logically could not possibly be anyone else. Like whom else would a tribe's god "choose" other than the tribe? How would it go over if Moses came back from the mountain and said, "Sorry, guys, Yahweh has chose the Caananites over us. Nothing we can do about it".

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This makes perfect sense, but every time this is posted no proof follows. There is no evidence of the Third Reich being a Jewish puppet, there is nothing that even insinuates it. If you have anything post it please.

Pretty sure it was Yahweh's choice of making the family bigger I suppose. Why not, if I was God I would want a huge family. I am pretty sure the Jews are still chosen as well but they just need to turn to Jesus. Jesus is for everyone user.

Jesus is a catamite, and he stole Zoroaster's shtick.

Circumstantial evidence:
>letting the British go at Dunkerque
>declaring war against the US (relieved FDR of the political fight)
>the year Hitler spent in Liverpool in the 1910s

It’s literally a shilling point to demoralize young national socialists. They pay billions for retards to post here to turn your mind astray, don’t forget that. Hitler was the real deal, and so were the nazis.

The Jewish Problem - Joseph Goebbels

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If you want to see Rothschild controlled opposition in action you don't have to look far. Trump's big cabinet goy is Wilbur Ross, a former Rothschild banker. The next PM of the UK will be Jacob Rees-Mogg, a former Rothschild banker. The President of France is you guessed it.. a former Rothschild banker.

Attached: rothschild.jpg (600x430, 39K)

Hitler went out of his way to assfuck the Rothschild and Warburgs. Nobody fought and exposed international jewry like Adolf Hitler and his movement.

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jews change their names to match those of the host country so they aren't recognized and dont draw attention, even to this day, its pretty noticeable in Hollywood and the media

Germany losing the war was the best thing that could've happened to the kikes and since then they have been in control. But that doesn't mean they were subverted by Jews, because had the NSDAP succeeded the Jews would've been left with nothing, possibly not even their genetics.

It's like having an infestation in your house so you call an exterminator but your entire neighborhood (who is already infested and controlled by parasites) conspires to fight and sabotage the exterminator so the exterminator fails and when the vermin flourish a lie is made up saying the exterminator caused the infestation and was the reason the parasites succeeded in order to prevent another exterminator from coming in and exterminating their parasitic asses. I really wish the Holocaust had happened

>giving legal foundation to a new Israel
Is this a joke? The plutocrat-bolshevist alliance created Israel via the UN they created. You've borrowed trillions to protect Israel. The Balfour Declaration wasn't issued by the Germans and it didn't drag Germany into a world war.

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People that have read his declaration of war on America know better. As for the UK we had tons of manpower, the equipment was abandoned and Hitler dumped hundreds of thousands of peace leaflets on the UK after Dunkirk.

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After the repeated rejection of my final peace proposal in 1940 by the British prime minister [Winston Churchill] and the clique that supports and controls him, it was clear by the fall of that year that this war would have to be fought through to the end, contrary to all logic and necessity. You, my old Party comrades, know that I have always detested half-hearted or weak decisions. If Providence has deemed that the German people are not to be spared this struggle, then I am thankful that She has entrusted me with the leadership in a historic conflict that will be decisive in determining the next five hundred or one thousand years, not only of our German history, but also of the history of Europe and even of the entire world.

Germany's Declaration of War Against the United States

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That‘s why they arrested Rothchilds son and got ransom, right?

I don't get this argument, typhus and starvation do count, they weren't random events

Hitler was one of the only leaders that called out the Kremlin jews for exterminating millions of Slavs around the Black Sea by seizing their grain and selling it abroad.

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Not only is it strange, it is fatal.
Pierre Krebs writes about it in his book, how the murder of the original pagan cultures and the forced import of egalitarian, incompatible Judeo-Christianity caused the decline of Europe.

I herewith repeat my prophecy: England will not only not be in a position to control Bolshevism but her development will unavoidably evolve more and more toward the symptoms of this destructive disease. The democracies are unable to rid themselves now of the forces they summoned from the steppes of Asia.

All the small European nations who capitulated, confident of Allied assurances, are facing complete annihilation. It is entirely uninteresting whether this fate will befall them a little earlier or later, what counts is its implacability. The Kremlin Jews are motivated only by tactical considerations; whether in one case they act with immediate brutality or, in another case, with some reticence, the result will always be the same.

>excerpt from his final speech

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Imagine borrowing six trillion to protect this

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Ah yes
The decline of Europe
That's why Europe dominated the world for 400 years

Every neighboring chingchong country hates yours.
Be happy the whites let you exist

Good for him, what does it have to do with my question? Nothing
Hitler is fine as far as I'm concerned, it's brainlets I'm against

The IHR seems to be the only source that has this text in full, but I only did a cursory search. Most normalfags who google this will get propaganda that the IHR is an "antisemitic Holocaust denying" instititute in order to discredit what is seemingly the only source. Can you find a kike approved source that has this and that normalfags will consider reputable? As it stands, this can't be used to redpill because the well has been poisoned so to speak