The Root Cause of Anti-Semitism

Just in case any of you vile antisemites wondered what causes antisemitism. Here is a short explanation for you:

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>The Root Cause of Anti-Semitism

jews being assholes.


also fuck this meme flag jew faggot op

Yeah we all know, it's NEVER the Jews fault. Doesn't matter how many times it happens, the Jews are NEVER at fault themselves. There are NEVER any real reasons to dislike Jews and their behaviour. Antisemites have ALWAYS been motivated by jealousy and insecurity, no matter the circumstances.

>Posting some vid from a jewish channel
Fuck off Nosef, the time you scabs can hide behind the guilt of white people are nearly over

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>root cause of antisemitism
>is jews
I dont need to watch your faggoty video to know the answer .

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The Root cause for counter-Khazarism does not start here but it is still a good foundation for the lumpen Goy Millennial

>~ Benjamin H Freedman speech 1961~ Big History Lesson ~

Now let this shit slide and concentrate on "Jew" phallic worship, Goyim related gore and their degradation of non-jewish bitches as per (((Jow Forums)))'s mandate

Almost forgot "semite" How the fuck European Talmudists still get away with labeling themselves Semites is beyond me...?

>Benjamin Freedman's explanation of Khazarian Jews

Can't we all just get along?

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This is the most arrogant, self-congratulatory shit I've seen in a long time.

Who the fuck chose these people to lead humanity and to cast it into their vision of what it should be?

These people are no different from the Muslims who believe that they should rule the place and will do anything it takes to get there.

Yes, this is good, main stream acknowledgment of the new world order

Aside from the mild shaming language, this properly lays out that yes, all jews explicitly work towards globalism and will actively work against nationalist interests

What's hilarious is that if anyone made those same arguments in defense of white Christians, he'd be calling it "racist."

ok OP but first
>define your terms
Tell me exactly what
>anti semitism

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Here's a shorter explanation for the cause of antisemitism: Jews

jews ran the slave trade in Europe during moorish rule, that explains everything

As soon as I saw Karl Marx I could no longer watch. Stop being baby blood drinking commie kikes and you might just be good people then.



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It actually is the way most kikes act actually. They project their own insecurities on everyone else like its a norm.

Μarx, Freud, Trotsky, Zuckerberg, Friedman.
Gas the kikes.

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Without antisemitism, jews just don't exist. They'll never tell it, but it's not the jew that creates the antisemite, but the antisemite that creates the jew.

It’s called counter-semitism. Countering their profane, undue influence on our socieities is a God-mandated duty.

>contributed to the world

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I guess that is why they hate Jesus because he is like a daddy that makes them mad!

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We don't do anti-semitism. We do counter-semitism. Very necessary given the fact that there's this huge pro-semitic propaganda campaign going on since WW2.
>Yes goys jews don't do anything wrong and are totally just poor victims in need of support and defense.
>never mind that they are raping the entire west psychologically, financially and demographically

y'mean like larry david, woody allen, jerry seinfeld, and every other neurotic kike comedian who commodifies insecurity?

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>the root cause
jews being jews probably

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>devil pic
>hamas burning star of remphan - the star of the devil
You're fucking retarded, heretic. A kingdom divided....

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S-stop being anti-semitic, you fucking filthy goyim... and ban assault weapons too

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>Jews have been dragging the world kicking and screaming, towards a vision of values
>throughout time, Jews have been unfairly persecuted
I can't tell if that video is serious

>The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.


you will die under the jew regime and your children will be born into it and all your proceeding generations will be slaves

hahaha nah, the internet has shown so many young people the truth, and all of the mudniggers that jews have flooded into white countries hate kikes too


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>racism is taught
>people just started hating jews out of no where.
Jews hating other jews because they were getting out jewed is where it all began.

It's because the Jewish identity is the world's strongest. People hate what they can neither understand nor conquer.

Shit like this is why people hate Jews. Does this guy not even realize it?

>The Root Cause of Anti-Semitism
Is Jews

I could tell you what causes my anti semitism but I don't have all day, maybe go ask the 200 other countries that removed you

kikes doing kikery
right now it's because they are trying to ethnically cleanse Europeans.

Yes yes... they NEVER did anything wrong. They are just such a wonderful bunch of god-fearing people and the jewish people must be the moral measure when it comes to judging nations.

Clips such as there literally remind me of pic related.

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Root cause is Jews

[citation needed]

It's against the law for me to give you my honest opinion

>The Jews aren't evil goyim they just want everyone in the world to follow their belief system
>Ignore the fact that there's probably a reason they get kicked out of everywhere they've resided in history goyim

the root cause of anti-semitism is jews. the solution to this particular problem is remarkably simple. remove all jews from existence. ta da, no more anti-semitism.

The root cause of antisemitism is jews jewing.

Nah, it's the Talmud