How will these times be remembered 20 years from now?
How will these times be remembered 20 years from now?
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probably pretty well
the future is going to be a lot better or worse (depending on your views), but the past is usually remembered fondly regardless
This sex change stuff is definitely going into the big book of medical failures, right next to lobotomy.
lol this
Before the war
Agreed. Especially female to male. Expose the general population to an image or two of the end result of these surgical procedures and you’ll get an immediate disgust reflex.
join us for a pol inspired drawing session
>female to male
Christ yes. The idea of cutting an axe wound into where a penis used to be is one thing, it’s another to stitch a “penis” created out of tattooed grafted skin with a pump to simulate blood veins and boners, an absolute abomination that makes nazi experiments look humane
The only people supporting this abuse in the comments are women, kids and trannies. That is the target demographic they're going after to push this further.
Think about all the single mothers watching this or the future single mothers who will convince their son he's a girl just so she can fit in with all the trendy mothers.
Same way we remember everything else evil
Similar to emo. The ones that got terrible sleeves, tounge splits and giant ear stretchers.
Some said they were emo because of some silly haircuts and bad clothes but then laughed about how it was just a phase.
This is nothing new think last decades horrible tattoos. Nu metal and it's piercing, punk, grunge, hair metal with its hair and fashion.
It'll be a bunch of kids who said they felt feminine because of the push of toxic masculinity and coming from broken homes with no strong male role models. Others will chop off their cock and scream "it's not a phase"
as the rise and fall of the modern sodom and gomorrah
Beside electro schock therapy this will make the books
Pretty good we finally beat by both the christfags and allahfags at the same time while the Middle East and East Asia are busy playing economic catch-up and pretend military. It's why we are entering a golden age.
Pre-rope times?
Based jew
I'd like to have all three of those trans girls. Triple anal. Triple.
No condoms.
This has been my in person point when I've argued about this. I remind people doctors use to drain your blood when you were sick only making it worse or killing you
The civil war can't come soon enough.
They won't
just look at how people forgot how diverse movies were before this decade and they still complain that there's no diversity, no acceptance, etc
White men won't do a thing. Calm down. White men have been LARPing since the end of the Civil War and haven't accomplished anything meaningful in all that time.
...You idiots should consider fighting fire with fire and trying to change things non-violently like your enemies have. They took over the world without firing a shot while you were playing with your AR15s and masturbating to traps.
Yep. In the future they will horrified at this malpractice.
The Jewish Heresy
Getting your ear pierced isnt the same as cuttting your dick off retard
will there be anyone to remember them?
Remember the multiple personality craze that swept through the world of psych decades ago? This crazy idea that some people have multiple personas and people living inside their head? And how upon this getting big it's incidence got big? And how it faded into nothing the number of diagnoses also faded?
Medicine like all things has its trends and our current trend is gender dysphoria. Instead of treating these people like the schizophrenic who says he is chairman Mao; by not indulging this clearly false fantasy and helping them back to reality we have given a kind of credence to the whole thing. We indulge these fantasies and convince all those around us to play along; we make people say her when referring to this 6'5 rugby player in a dress.
Modern medicine will look back upon this current treatment for gender dysphoria the same way we look back upon blood letting and other crazy treatments. We will look back and feel sad about how we failed these poor confused souls. How we thought we were helping by cutting off dicks and stopping kids going through puberty. I just hope all those involved in this mess are ok when they realise what they've been doing to their patients for decades has been worse than simply doing nothing.
>implying people marched in the streets for the right of kids to have a lobotomy
It will be worse desu
>Freudian psychoanalysis
>Surgical gender reassignment
This Hussar put 'sex change' in the right box
Very badly.
>Be me
>Be burger idiot
>Be mentally retarded
>Yo, you should change things non-violently
>like your enemies have
How does
>marching in the street
impact on something being a medical failure or not? They can march all they wont, it still doesn't work. Chopping off your willy does not make you a woman. MedTech has got a long-looooong way to go before the concept is even remotely possible.
In 30 years people will go
>Oh wow, who could this happen?
>It's as freaky as Nazi experiments
>They literally fucked up their own kids
>Pumped them full of pills and drugs made by (((them)))
>They even handled pedos as a sexual orientation and allowed pedos to fuck their 5 year olds
>Let's wipe them all out
>All of them.
>the past is usually remembered fondly regardless
Yea, that's definitely the impression I get when I hear millennials talk about the past...
Only by those who do not know of it. Most of "the past" was dark and wretched, much like your skin.
I'm stating that it will be even worse this time around.
>shut up you bigot
>*banishes you from twitter megacorp*
>be idiot german
>start war after war and lose
>ignore all diplomatic options that could have bought you time to build nukes in the 1930's.
>with a few nukes and you would have been safe for all time
>chimp out and invade Poland over a tiny strip of land while completely unprepared for the war you just started
>convince all of your men to join in your great LARP
>invade Russia in the winter!
>get your entire population killed/raped/thrown into gulags.
>80 years later invite all of Africa to migrate to your homeland to finish the self-destruction you narrowly avoided in the 40's.
Look, I appreciate the handful of inventions you people gave the world, but the sooner you die off the better everyone will be. What a useless, LARPing, idiotic, cancerous race of people you are. Your men live in this alternate reality distortion-field full of costumes, "muh ancestors", and LARPing that destroys any ability you might have to self-manage.
Wow look at these 3 future suicides
It's going to be seen as a cruel experiment. Kids will say "people really did this to us?" and we'll respond that before Trump purged the swamp and took the crown there was a period of very sick people in charge, but they're just a memory now
People who support this are literally pedophiles.
Things usually seem better when your small. The tree of knowledge and all that my friend. To know is to suffer.
letting children cut off their penis and give them hormones is a crime against humanity.
He's fat, boorish, lumbers instead of walks, and chews with his mouth open. And his frankengina surgery while he was underage failed.
But not pretending this is an honest to god girl in instead of a child abuse victims is now a hate crime.
I missed that point entirely. But it's very valid point.
Looking back at doctors who bleed patients to death to cure them, or scrambled their brains to make them better persons. We see, stupidity and ignorance. Looking back at the gender thing. When the future look back at [pic] and his followers. They will see pure evil, far worse than Josef Mengele.
History always repeats itself it seems. Hopefully that includes another world war.
The black kid's parent is a white woman. Clearly adopted, and we can assume what kind of woman the mother is if she is willing to adopt some random niglet. The kid never stood a chance. These women are poison.
That's the kike who started this damn thing isn't it? God these people are evil
As much as I want to give this faggot crap for the whole "burger land" thing, he's not wrong. The only way this is going to change is if people get fed up with it and solve the problem. Permanently and violently.
people will say
>wow jews and degenerates really fucked every one over that much?
yes, but that was before the great purge of 2020
Remember lobotomies? Pretty much there.
That was before we were all a half brown slave race with no nations and communist dictators that would kill our entire family’s for even talking about this
This. We are replaying the past again.
He presents evidence to support a "perfect storm" of "multiple interconnected failures", meaning that more than one natural and man-made cataclysm caused the disintegration and demise of an ancient civilization that incorporated "empires and globalized peoples"
Globalized peoples.
Every single time!
This is a Jew,
>Implying there will be anyone left to tell the tales 20 years from now.
Already did. Johns Hopkins University who pioneered the procedure now recommends therapy instead.
That retarded time normal people didn't stop fags physically abusing and mutilating children.
There will be the death penalty for homosexuality over this shit.
Now we know why it's in the Bible.
Death pool on when? I'm guessing before age 16.
One of them will stop and say it was a phase. The other two will stop in private in their 20s or so. Probably one will at least attempt suicide
Statistically, 2 of them will be dead by 30. Considering how early they started, I'd say a 100% mortality rate by 17.
What saddens me the most is whether any of this will even be remembered. The way you eurofags commiting suicide by immigrants, will there even be whites to write this down?
The world will know of mohammad and random nig-noggery only.
Wrote a book "Racism" to claim he was persecuted for being a Jew and not a foul degenerate mutilator.
He didn't start it though, Jews were castrating European and Slav slaves for centuries to sell in Islamic lands, he was following a long tradition.
Its the logical conclusion.
Piercings were only a (((test))) run.
Unfortunately this is going to be the case.
If trumps terms go by and nothing happens, nothing will EVR happen
the tipping point has come and passed
That's what I'm worried about as well. That historians will write this down in some "secret history" book and it will never be published in mainstream how this shit went down this last decade.
>he was following a long tradition
He even combined two long tradition. The (((slave traders))) tradition of completely cutting off mens bits (as opposed to the snip-snip they do to their own kin) and the (((bankers))) tradition of getting the victim to ask, ney, BEG to be royally screwed over