Why have people become so rabid about race, sex, religion, and other topics? I was watching Oprah and Dr. Oz last night...

Why have people become so rabid about race, sex, religion, and other topics? I was watching Oprah and Dr. Oz last night, and people seemed more chill back then. I mean, I know it's just a show, but a lot of shows are politicized nowadays. Why can't people just get a long without having to make everything about, or always think about, race and stuff. Isn't that what people like MLK and Malcolm X wanted? Has society regressed in this sense since the invention of the iPhone, or did social media bring out the worst and the stupidity in people?

Here's Trump on Oprah in 1988:

Attached: pic.jpg (300x225, 18K)

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>I was watching Oprah

Someone else was watching, so I was too from the side.

>I pointed out a moot point

Mlk and Malcolm X both were shot dead for their beliefs.
I'm not sure what you mean by regression.

I get it already, you love Oprah.
>You did the exact same thing

Bush was a primer and Obama activated the “intersectional” wars in US to try and advance social marxism and energize voters despite sexism/racism being at record lows.

I just feel like people are baiting way more about race, sex, religion, or any other topic they can find, and driving wedges between people. Making everything controversial, making bag issues where none exist, seeing everything as racism, sexism, etc. Whereas, maybe I am wrong, but people were moving closer towards unity or, at least, being more chill about things, in the past. It's sad.

So we can be divided along these lines. Duh!

big* issues

These issues have been going on for ages, you just started paying attention.

Because Niggers are destroying this nation like the two-legged Roaches they are and the rest of the brown,under educated handout seekers are'nt helping! A right wing backlash IS coming...AND it's needed! Liberalism is literally killing US.

>Why have people become so rabid about race, sex, religion, and other topics?
Because culture is downstream from politics.
In order for Democrats to motivate their base, they have to play every bait card they have. And since the MSM is all left-wing, they serve as the megaphone of the Democrats.
NPCs watch the TalmudVision or Jewtube and receive their latest mind patch, and act accordingly.

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I'll never forget the time Roosh V went on Dr. Oz to talk about fat shaming and the obesity epidemic. Dr. Oz just started telling Roosh he was a sicko who hid behind his computer attacking the strong beautiful women. "Everyone woman is beautiful on the inside and that's what counts." - a man who is a doctor defending obesity

They have been, but I feel like people have been "driving" them more in the media. But yes, I didn't use to care about politics until Trump ran in the Republican primary. I just disliked politicians in general before.

t. meme flag

Was it always this bad, though? Is there one talk show that is not hyper politicized today?

Dr. Oz has some surprising guests on.

>one talk show
I mean, Dr. Oz isn't like that, but you guys get what I mean. (sage)



It's pretty interesting because it actually shows you how intentionally brainwashing shows like this are suppose to be. They're meant to appeal to older housewives.

They got Roosh on by convincing him he was going to be able to share his views. No idea how he fail for this, but the moment he walked out to the stage he became aware they just wanted to paint him as a monster.

(((propaganda))) and (((brainwashing)))
LOTS of it
humans are very suggestible creatures
as to why....it's all about control, imho
someone has been trying to establish more and more control over the fate of the human race
they have plans
and are trying to bring them to fruition
making us hate each other appears to be part of a divide and conquer strategy perhaps?

I'm pretty sure he had Jordan Peterson on, too. I couldn't care less about him, but it was surprising nevertheless.

Things have been getting worse for the majority of people. Less money, more debt, harder work, etc.
This means there’s less status, more uncertainty, which leads to more radical political views, and behaviors. The sociological research on this is very clear. For example look at Greece during its debt crisis. A lot of young people had no money, no future, things for many of them were very uncertain, and they became extremely radical.

that was the last seriously destabilized period in our history
the same shit is happening now and will probably get worse, though it seems as if humans have gotten more sluggish and harder to move towards violence than they used to be, or maybe the violence is directed by (((different))) individuals and is thus aimed at very different targets--instead of leaders, they take out innocents in an attempt to push us into giving up our guns
again, someone wants total power

>or did social media bring out the worst and the stupidity in people?
Yes this. The Internet gave stupid people a way to unite and influence the society.

But the tensions rise and fall, they don't rise and rise and rise...and also, they were getting better overall, bit by bit, year by year
someone didn't like that. (((someone))) really likes chaos.

imho the Democratic Party (and those who own them) literally own most of the MSM, body, soul and talents

That's how it was with the Weimar Republic as well.

>stupid people
Basically the average person, in my opinion.

Divide and conquer. If anyone thinks that Trump is not a part of this, then he's an idiot.

No you're right identity politics wasn't a hot button issue that made new Buzzfeed articles every week so nobody gave a shit. That sort of "journalism" would be considered tabloid.

>stupid person
basically why Jow Forums exists, people tend to become less extreme when they go out and actually interact with other human beings instead of staying home the entire day asking why their wife prefers the bull over him

I think everyone in this country knows Trump is a puppet. It's just been so bad for so long that we are stuck with this massive generation of sociopathic accelerationists who just want to see more videos of tumblrinas screaming.

A lot of things seem low quality now, compared to before. Journalism, music, movies (although the graphics are better), games...

People lead empty and vapid lives now. So small irritations take on a greater significance.

I really think that, even though I may be a reactionary for saying it.

>people tend to become less extreme when they go out and actually interact with other human beings instead of staying home the entire day

Sorta true. Normies aren't any happier than anons are though they're just oblivious to what's really going on around them. Just because normies are ignorant doesn't mean the decline isn't happening.

I agree with you and I don't think it's reactionary, just a simple observation, I mean ffs the children are listening to rappers that dress like literal clowns and do little more than make grunting sounds.

>I mean ffs the children are listening to rappers that dress like literal clowns and do little more than make grunting sounds.
They did the same in thing when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s.

It has everything to do with communism vs capitalism. Capitalists want everyone to keep what they earn, communists want everyone to get the same.

So capitalists want a hierarchy and communists do not want a hierarchy.

A hierarchy depends on differences among people such as gender, race, sexuality etc. so you can stack categories like a hierarchical pyramid.

Communists want to abolish the hierarchy, so they will try to eliminate all "categories" of people. That is why they are attacking the very concepts of gender, race, sexuality etc...

There are two ways of attacking concepts btw. The first is to eliminate differences and make everyone wear the same, look the same, behave the same etc... The second is to enhance all differences to obscure the categories by claiming everyone can be who or what they want, gender is on a spectrum, sexuality is on a spectrum, race is on a spectrum... everything is on a spectrum, so there are no categories. The soviets used the first method, the western liberals are using the second. Next up is figuring out why communists want to abolish hierarchy.

>Why have people become so rabid about race, sex, religion, and other topics
People haven't, westerners have

>The second is to enhance all differences to obscure the categories by claiming everyone can be who or what they want, gender is on a spectrum, sexuality is on a spectrum, race is on a spectrum... everything is on a spectrum, so there are no categories. The soviets used the first method, the western liberals are using the second
That's really interesting. I suppose that is what "Cultural Marxism" is. But are you sure people are that smart? Or is that just how we can rationalize what has been going on?

I think you are right, but it is spreading, so watch out.

It's not about being smart. They do this more or less unconsciously. kids in kindergarten do the same things. If someone is getting the best seat at the table, they will be pretty quick to figure out a reason why that isn't "fair"... It's all about jealousy. When I think about this, I usually imagine a kindergarten or a group of cavepeople. Politics is nothing more than primitive social interaction. A group of 8-10 cavepeople would have the exact same motivation as any politically minded person today, whatever their ideology is.

how can you faggots watch this video and not understand that this election and all elections are rigged from the start. Do you really think your meme magic showed those libtards? Youre in the same fucking boat slave. Better wise up before your darpa ai overlords makes sure those ad keep playing in the transhumaniist cyberhell brains of your grand children.

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This is what people are talking about with manipulated social media creating fake realities. They put some angry fake tweets out saying nasty stuff about white people, and use algorithms so it dominates the discourse, then another fake account puts up a staged incident of a black person doing something really violent and stupid, and make sure that dominates. Any normal reasonable discussion vanishes so people only see angry, divided groups, and assumes that people are so wound up nowadays that a civil war must be round the corner

the slow decline of the dominant protestant, white majority's grasp on culture pushes both sides away from each other. And even though you might think it's not so obvious as two sides, there's tonnes of evidence to say that people who have one specific strong belief are much more likely to start believing other things that whatever side advocates for that belief believes. How different were Al Gore and George Bush from each other really? Compared to the distance between the democratic base and republican base right now they may as well have been the same candidate. Social media definitely empowered inane (which I think is a way better word than stupid here) people, but the elevation of the mediocre over the elite is just one more manifestation of the tyrannical other.

Civil war wont happen because everyone in the west would rather masterbate than fight.
To get the laws they want they only need to prescribe anti depressants to the sons of single mothers. A ticking timetomb. Throw in some guns and roll the cameras. They dont need to false flag everything.