Socailist Propaganda

Why is this shit so rampant? With no influence of (((them))) as well.

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The QoL list has no influence of (((them))?

Did I read that wrong from you or?

True facts =/= propaganda

how do they not see the correlation with whites?

>Wow. Almost as if not having Jews run our highest institutions, Beaners not invading us, and Nigs not Nigging....makes us happier.

imagine if we didn't have slave labor spics and welfare nigs dragging us down,

Because it only exists for NPCs like you? Those countries are doing better than us as a result of their policies being superior. Not because of an arbitrary difference in melatonin percentage

>the more money the state steals from you, the happier you are!
Yeah, it's bullshit.

It's like social cohesion and homogenic cultures work.

how is this propaganda? it just truthful

shut up nerd
wanna come and live in my country?

the only people that bitch at social cohesion dont go outside and dont have social interaction

Canada is very funny. Toronto is literally full of people with no culture, whites selling drugs and negroid gangs
and some people are peak degeneracy they use weed and then say they steal to survive
again, canada is the best nation
world fuck canada post

I fucking hate taxes and have health insurance from my employer, but I am also somewhat middle class (our income is about 175k a year). Shit is ok for me but health care is a privilege and not a right in the US and it's a little fucked up. I don't claim to have a solution but I see how people can be disillusioned

>race is just skin color
The US would be doing better if it was ethnically homogeneous.

54% of the annual budget goes to military and only 6% of the annual budget goes for healthcare. Our people suffer while our military radicalized terrorists who in turn come back to attack us. You're either brainlessNPC or a corporatist to be fine with this, and in either case you deserve to be shot.

Are you saying multiculturalism creates higher trust societies?

Why do you care about some random Twitter fag's arbitrary top-ten list of bestest countries?


Get fucked retard, you can watch how full of shit you are in real time. These nice "socialist" countries are dropping at a free fall because their type of policies are only geared to a homogenous society. Imagine being such a fucking retard you think race = melanin and nothing else. Kill yourself.

>"wow if your extremely white, small country is happy, than a country where half of its population are brown should do the same principles lol"

California has more citizens than Canada.

When these systems start leveling up with people, I don't see them standing as strong since the amount of people taking will eventually outnumber those putting in.

whats the point of going outside when everybody speaks random languages and their is no unifying factor??

fuck you homo :DD

All these other socialist countries are so fucking great. That's why we stay where we currently are and bitch about it instead of moving.

ok so you pay 35% in taxes with all the bullshit in this country and receive no benefit whatsoever, but paying 40% in taxes and changing the shit the government spends the money on is somehow evil and over the line and a travesty of liberty

god i fucking hate libertarians so much. children all of them

>California has more citizens than Canada.
poor choice of words

you and I both know that scenario doesnt exist

How they do the methodology

>The study and model used to score and rank countries were developed by Y&R's BAV Group and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, specifically professor David J. Reibstein, in consultation with U.S. News & World Report.


It's all so tiring, Jow Forums...

>how do they not see the correlation with whites?
we are 10
we are not a white country

how the fuck is that an argument?

>hurr durr all socialism is exactly the same
Oh? Is that why all nordic - democratic socialist- countries are thriving and have been ever since the enstatement of the nordic model? You're a retard whi doesnt understand the difference between race and ethnicity. You conflate race with "species". You're alt-lite NPC as fuck

Canada is shit.
I'd rather live in US.

I paid a lot for them.

these systems are stronger with more people you chud

the more people and gdp the easier social programs are to implement and maintain

>hurrr durrr race is just skin color
Race determines cognitive ability ON AVERAGE, brainlet.

reminder that half of those countries don't have a minimum wage

because medial bankruptcy makes people happy right?

We ain't faring any better on place 7

>#1 in QOL
yeah maybe if they had less Canadians

whats your point

In the 50s and 60s when US was 90% white we had among the highest standards of living in the world. These arguments about public policy are putting the cart before the horse. Welfare states and libertarian capitalism can both be made to work, but you need a cohesive, high trust population or neither will work.


Is there a country with 300+M implementing the same policies as Canada? Because I'd like to see the results.

as bait, this is bretty gud

>leftist tries spouting the NPC meme

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Idk about that. The average IQ of Jow Forumstards is extremely low, and white supremacy is the meme of the hour here. Its contradictory to what you're trying to claim

Most people in these countries are on welfare and growing.
People who work hate the life there, but they're a minority paying for majority leeches

Don't fall for it.

Urban Democrat shitholes are dragging America down and American liberal bias is dragging this shithole up. Canada's being held together by twine and prayer.

Your local community is your safety net. And you don't need "universal health care." Pay for your own shit. And don't make other people pay for your shit, because you're a weak bottom-feeder. Socialism - a weak ideology for weak, pathetic, dependent people who are like domesticated animals - incapable of taking care of themselves without their master being present.

>Canada #1
Fuck no unless you are a shitskin!

I'm wondering how many of the faceless throwaway scientists cited in these bullshit MSM studies actually exist in real life.

No, apparently caring about things like how progressive your country is and gender equality is.

>Citizenship (16.95 percent): cares about human rights, cares about the environment, gender equality, progressive, religious freedom, respects property rights, trustworthy, well-distributed political power

Meanwhile snowniggers are suicide experts, have to get drunk to even socialize and have to be drunk to hit on women and have a shitton of one-night-stands in their modern culture.

Prime quality of life right there. You are cold all year long, it's night time by 5PM, you have to drink to even be able to talk to people, chicks are anti-social until they get drunk, at which point they are openly whores.

>canada at top of list
fucking lol, seems legit

>t-the bell curve is credible!
>craniology is a real science!

Who said it was? It's more an observation.

What? We spend more on social programs than we do on the military. SS, medicare, medicaid take over 50% of the budget. Get fucked.

if you actually think the prosperity in america in the 50s was because of white people you are so fucking stupid you should be court ordered to contract AIDS

china and india are trying to right now and are implementing huge medial advancement programs

there is no fuckign excuse for the united states

where's the UK on this list? they have pretty generous gibs from what i hear...

#1 in quality of life for our white citizens.

It's something like #70 for our indigenous population. Third world.

Great nations are built on the backs of subjugation.

not really. keeps getting defunded

That's not true you fucking RETARD. 54% - fifty four percent - goes to the military every single year. Your math is embarrassingly wrong.

>our people suffer
Anyone with an actual financial need(aka makes less than 2k a month) gets free, bomb ass state healthcare, literally everything 100% paid and a ride to the doctor. You're an idiot.

Actually, propaganda can be true. The best propaganda is the one that tells you the truth

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visit the west coast some time.

>canada #1
Either the rest of the world is complete shit, or these fucking commie morons are just pulling rankings out of their ass

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>evolution stops at the neck
>all races are equally capable and intelligent

Get fucked you science denying faggot.

Put 50 million niggers on the dole in UK and the NHS would collapse overnight. It's ridiculous to suggest that implementing these systems in the US would produce the same results, but politicians can't openly explain why it won't work here so we're fucked.

a single payer healthcare system in the united states would fucking save the government money because they wouldnt have to pay medicare and medicade at the same price point as extortionate private healthcare providers charge

I live in chicago and you're still wrong. you're just insecure and off your fucking ass on self induced race realism psychosis that makes you unable to process reality

>Define Quality of Life
Oh look another shittily thrown together statistic with zero effort done by simply yanking other easily Google'd "statistics" as the base.
It's all so tiresome.

>Anyone with an actual financial need
Except for 40% of the general population who works but cant afford healthcare but let's just ignore that fact because
>liberals baaaad!
>white supremacy gooood!
>its the fault of theJews! it's all their fault!

Implying you trust their survey or their interpretation of the data. I find it hard to believe that some of the most expensive places to live would be considered the highest QOL

There is so much more fucking money in the united states than any other country in the world

it is so fucking easy to implement a single payer system its criminal negligence to make excuses for why we dont have it yet

because medical bankruptcy is quality of life right?

You fuckin moron. You’re looking at discretionary spending. If you look at the complete spending, it clears up the picture. Seriously you need to eat a brick.

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It's actually 19.5% of the budget, but if you actually researched anything instead of spouting nonsense you read of Facebook, you'd know that.

>make random list about some bullshit only liberals care about it
>put america not on top of it
truth = america #1
liberal bullshit = america #17

Imagine if we didn’t finance all these countries for the last 50 years via one sided trade and military and also Americans weren’t fat then we could afford health care most Americans are clueless about what European health care is like and would riot in the streets

1)Tell him he's obviously being racist because those are white dominated countries.

2) Watch chaos unfold.

3) Leave.

>I live in chicago and you're still wrong. you're just insecure and off your fucking ass on self induced race realism psychosis that makes you unable to process reality

Now I know that you are full of shit nigger, you must be some type of mongrel or mixed breed to not notice the demographic replacement over the past several decades.

Top 10 enslaved countries.

nobody gives a shit about your feelie weelies that people dont think going bankrupt for being sick in america is great

LMAO no Canada got flooded with Poojeets so now everywhere I go there is just a horde of smelly brown people talking their disgusting language and smelling like body odor cheap Cologne and stale cigarettes.

Ya it's top fucking quality here guys. Really it's super.

>if you actually think the prosperity in america in the 50s was because of white people
It wasn't the niggers creating the prosperity user. Go ahead and rattle off your post-WWII-boom talking points though, we all haven't heard it 1000 times.

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There isn’t enough money to subsidize Americans drug addictions and unhealthy lifestyles

Leaf here and this is bullshit.
Nuke Toronto and maybe #3.

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This is what you’re looking.

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you're just proving me right

god you fags are total cucks
you just immediately capitulate to fucking corporations telling you that being a slave is great

kek, yeah, our healthcare is mandated by law but not paid for by the state (unless you're a social case)

>There is so much more fucking money in the united states than any other country in the world
Yes, the US can print any amount of money that it wants. But it's not yours. Go move to China or India, non-white piece of shit.

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The research says that in the long term it can.

Apparently quality of life is directly proportional to having a media who hates you and demonizes population for being who they are

im whiter than you filthy fucking mutt

>These nice "socialist" countries are dropping at a free fall
My sides

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>china and india are trying to right now and are implementing huge medial advancement programs
>there is no fuckign excuse for the united states

It's still nothing compared to the united states, where the majority of medical advancements are made. A single country makes more medical advancements than the entire world combined.

Half of China's medical advancements come from not giving a shit about patent rights from pharmaceuticals developed in the states btw and doing whatever the fuck they want to do. The other half of the advancements that come out it because they have next to no ethical guides when it comes to testing the medical advancements. Do you know what the majority of drugs costs go towards in the states? Medical trials. It costs on average 2 billion dollars for a drug to get approved in the states because of the mountains of testing and safety regulations. China has none of that. So it's indeed possible that they will outpace the US one day just on that alone.

Without those shortcuts, the number of medical advancements from those countries would be tiny under a system like Canada, where they have rules and regulations. Why the fuck do you think medical advancements from every other first world country with a socialized system is proportionally garbage compared to the US?

You have no argument, so you just say that people are insecure or cowards. Spoken like a true nigger, you have proven nothing besides being a mongrel and failed abortion. Universal Healthcare is fine as long as we get rid of niggers like yourself, of course.

I assure you, I am not happy here