Why doesn't anyone bring up jonestown in modern politics...

Why doesn't anyone bring up jonestown in modern politics? They act like Jim Jones was just some nutter but the more you read into it you see that these people were actually hard line socialists all the way till the end. The mass suicide's audio was recorded and it's some bretty good stuff for people who havent heard


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it's lasting legacy is stupid jokes about Kool-aid

>communist liberal
>diversity peddler
>glow in the dark nigger
>mass murderer (including a senator)

He's liberalisms endgame.

>are we black, proud and socialist? What are we?

Same reason they never bring up the Soviet Union, or the Khmer Rouge, or the Munster Rebellion, or the Tower of Babel, or Cain and Abel.

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Yeah. They were left-wing ideologues through and through. The religious elements were a front right from the very beginning. They'd received support from the Soviet Union.

Oh and I forgot one important thing:
>darling of intellectuals and celebrities

>Kids schoking to death
>It fine just drink more

>>are we black, proud and socialist? What are we?

Many of his top advisors were Jews.

And even though his dad was welsh and his mom was Irish and both immigrants he told people he was descended from slaves. Elvis, Talcum X and Dusty Rhodes combined into one

>They act like Jim Jones was just some nutter
He is, he should've sent all those people home.

He wouldn't let them and most of them were convinced the world was ending because he was reporting fake news to them. Dry. Run.

it wasn't even kool-aid it was flavor aid kool aid has been getting a bad rap

if only lefties chose mass suicide
I mean, the "beyond" has no scarcity nor morals, so communism/socialism/liberalism could work. There.

>majority of the people who died were black
>all communists

really makes you think doesn't it

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This was actually the top story on our biggest news peddler NRK today

>even though his dad was welsh and his mom was Irish and both immigrants he told people he was descended from slaves

>serfdom wasn't slavery
>white people were never slaves to other white people

everybody's ancestors were a slave at one point

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>if only lefties chose mass suicide
Jonestown was literally a colony of religious leftists tho

Yeah they were commie faggots. Also most of them were niggers. Makes you realize there's a correlation between those with low IQ and people who will believe something as retarded as a communistic preacher.

These are the kind of communists the USSR eliminated. They even admitted it in the video.

>tfw commies can't afford kool aid

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The Jim Jones cult was basically just anarcho-communism with Christian window dressing. Even weirder was the political ties Jones had to Harvey Milk and the rest of San Francisco's liberal elite.

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You forgot the most important aspect of him though:
JJ was literally what every baptist and lutherite wants to be.

Christians sure are swell. Religious nuts should all off yourselves lol for Jesus lol for da messiah for da jooooooozz


Jonestown is a pretty cool guy. Eh convinces niggers to an hero and doesn't afraid of anything.

DAILY REMINDER: arch-faggot and "gay-rights saint" Harvey Milk suckled on the cock of Jim Jones.

> Harvey Milk, who spoke at political rallies at the Temple,[49] wrote to Jones after one such visit: "Rev Jim, It may take me many a day to come back down from the high that I reach today. I found something dear today. I found a sense of being that makes up for all the hours and energy placed in a fight. I found what you wanted me to find. I shall be back. For I can never leave."


And this faggot was was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 by the former nigger president.

>They'd received support from the Soviet Union.
you misspelled CIA

>Religious nuts
Jim Jones was no religious nut, he was a narcissistic SJW who used religion initially to get into the minds of gospel niggers to eventually convince them that there was no God, because he Jim Jones could "cure people" with his fake healings - thus that made him God on earth, a bit like Kim Il-Sung (and the people's temple even requested land from North Korea).

See this recording of one of his speeches after he denoucnes the bible and tells his followers - after intially starting off as a gospel preacher - that there is no god, and how he spits on the bible and how if he were god he would do so much more for the world with "his power".



>Jim Jones was no religious nut
You retards are worse than commies.
>"that's not TRUE Christianity!"
Own it, retarded protestant. You're all cultists anyway.

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Listen to the type of "sermon" that Milk was inspired by:
Do listen.

Judging by your childish response it's clear you know fuck-all about the subect and so are absolved from having anything resembling a considered opinion - go listen to the sermon then tell me this is a "religious" person, and not a narcissitic atheist.

You really don't know anything about cults or Jim Jones

In this, one of the only televised People's Temples recordings on youtube, Jim Jones has his followers sing the communist anthem "the internationale" in the style of nigger gospel singing.. whilst he talks over with reptitive, SJW soundbites (complete with clenched communist fist salute)


Interesting. And of course we wuz prez Obama awarded a bunch of degenerates

The 40th anniversary of his death is on the 29th.

What is lost in all the puling is that it was Harvey Milk's actions that set off Dan White and caused Milk and Moscone's deaths.

Harvey Milk was not murdered because he was gay. He was murdered because he stuck his Marxist hooknose where it didn't belong.

It all began with Dan White submitting his resignation the week before.


because Jonestown was where they field tested brainwashing masses of people.

same CIA shit as that MkUltra McGill business.

Almost 70% of the deaths in Jonestown were nig-nogs. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

Serman by Jim Jones, "I am very emotionally disturbed!'"

Patron saint of SJWs

Jesus Christ i can easily see this happening again, i hear alot of leftists trying to claim jesus as their own nowadays as well

sunday drink

Because Jim Jones is how Diane Feinstein got her political start. Jim Jones ran a political machine in the city, the affects of which are felt to this very day.
But it’s a story whose time has come. Willie Brown is another Jonestown acolyte.

>hur dur socialism bad!

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Harvey milk owed his entire career to the people’s temple.
Dianefeinstien conspired with others (including dan white) to murder mayor muscone and seize the position in a bloody coup.

i never said it was bad lol, feeling a little guilty though eh bernie fan?

youre dumb

>people were actually hard line socialists all the way till the end.
socialism bad!

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But they fuckin were? rofl. They were chapo's trap house with gospel choirs, what reality do you live in

you ever stop and think for a minute that it could possibly be that it wasnt socialism but some deranged cult leader with a bunch of low iq whites and non-whites following him that caused this?

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>that wasn't real socialism!

Do you ever get tired of being a political clown? Sorry your heinous ideology always ends in failure haha


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this but unironically

Around 16:50 he says "socialism is god." He was an honest SJW.

Harvey Milk and Dan White were both elected to the Board of Supervisors in 1977, the first year SF instituted district elections. Neither could have been elected on a city-wide basis.

Dan White at the time of his getting elected was an SF city fireman. The City Attorney ruled that being a fireman and a County Supervisor was a conflict of interest, so Dan White had to take a leave of absence from the SFFD. SF Supervisors at the time made $9800/year, so very quickly he was strapped for money. By mid-November 1978 he decided he had to resign. He submitted the signed paperwork on a Friday afternoon. Over the weekend, friends an family came forward with offers of financial support while he was on the board. The following Monday, he asked if his resignation can be rescinded. Mayor Moscone is on film sort of rolling his eyes but seemingly willing to go along with Dan White's request. But (((Harvey Milk))) had to get involved and he lobbied Moscone to use the situation to appoint a more liberal Democrat to the seat.

Dan White felt betrayed by both men. On Friday afternoon, a reporter for KCBS radio asked him, "Dan, what are you going to do about it?"

Monday morning, everybody found out.

Supposedly Dianne Feinstein that weekend had decided to quit politics. She ran a distant third in the Mayor's race the year before (where Peoples' Temple hijinks had enabled Moscone to win). By the end of that day she was the acting Mayor of SF.

> When Jones was accidentally placed in the black ward of a hospital after a collapse in 1961, he refused to be moved; he began to make the beds and empty the bed pans of black patients.

Huh. A good thread on Jow Forums. A rarity.

>Jesus Christ i can easily see this happening again
We can only hope.

Jim Jones was of the same cut of SF commies that Manson came from, just slightly more eloquent.
He used the same tactics that the left use today, dividing families, keeping his forces run ragged so they cannot think, using social ostracism to get them to regulate themselves. He even used fake news, claiming that the kkk had taken over the US.
I’d advise anons to research him, he was a blueprint of the modern day filth we face.

There's a bunch of antifa groups that live together in little high control environments. I remember a few years ago I guy who left BAMN talked about how cultlike it was and how they tried to keep him from leaving.

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Exactly. They use these tactics because they work. It’s why they wish to enact hate speech laws, and push the ultimate evil as being the idea of nationalism. If you can get people to thought police themselves, and take away their ability to confide in anyone, you have a population that will kill their own children for you.

Manson is a little different: he was a former prisoner who had a certain way of speaking that resonated with renagade hippie girls who had run away from home, believing that the Beatl's lyrics about "Helter Skelter" meant a coming race war.

Jim Jones was a pastor who began as an ordinary gospel preacher who eventually morphed into a communist/athiest demagogue with a far bigger following.

Just because the word "cult" is attatched to both, that does not mean they are the same - they may share similarities, but Jim Jones is very removed from Manson... for one thing Manson never tried to get his followers to all kill themselves in order to hide any secrets they may have had about him.

Go take your meds

They were hard socialists who's ideology revolved more around "social injustices" and anti-capitalist communist rhetoric than actually teaching anything Christian-based. The entire reason they even moved out of the US was to show the government that they could "totally make a commune work dude." It's amazing that young retards today and even people who voted for king nigger don't seem to realize how similar the words and principles of the left are to a legitimate suicide cult from the 70s verbatim. If you listen to any of the guys tapes, he doesn't sound like a preacher at all he sounds exactly like someone running for a democratic seat from 2010 forward. Leftists try to avoid the information and obvious truths that can be easily examined and looked over which is also indicative of BEING IN A FUCKING CULT.

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I agree with your points. My point was that they were fundamentally of the same cloth-pushers of left wing ideology to disgruntaled youth, sweetness and light on the surface, but once you’re in, it’s a nightmare.
Same as today. There are communist groups where trannies will force actual females to sleep with them else they call them transphobic.

Jim Jones was not sincerely religious. His son said Jim was an agnostic and didn't care whether God was real or not.

The perversion was that he wasn’t a Christian. He literally denied both Christ and God, saying that “there’s no heaven above”. He used the appearance of Christianity to gain normie acceptance, while he pushed Marxism of the foulest sort. Again, same as they do today.

Yeah, that's what frightens me so much about the Jim Jones story. How people can be manipulated into following a death cult and eventually convinced to kill themselves, forced to if they have second thoughts and want to live.

It's a harrowing tale of the malevolent powers of malevolent leaders.

Wanting to incite a race-war doesn't sound very leftwing to me, especially when Manson hoped that the whites would win on account of him being fucked in the ass by niggers on the inside.

Manson thought the blacks would win, then he and his group would come out, and using their higher IQ’s,dominate the negro population. Exactly what Jews do. Of course he didn’t believe in any of the left wing stuff he talked about (how his followers had been abandoned by their families, how families were evil, etc). Left wing leaders never do, they just use it to trick gullible goys into following them off a cliff.

>Manson thought the blacks would win,
reference plase, not to be a prick - just to inform myself.

>inb4 Wikipedia
It cites its sources and correctly describes his views.
There are also some good documentaries on YouTube about him, with interviews with the surviving girls.

checked and yes

This is not the first time I have heard of this.
Feinstein is a nasty person. She's surrounded by nasty people doing terrible things to gain power.

This isn't some far fetched conspiracy theory.