Brit/pol/ - Enslaved Edition

>DOG accused of a hate crime after fouling outside a home

>Corbyn says second referendum is an 'option' and demands UK stays in EU customs union

>The silent killer in our homes: Wood-burning stoves emit six times as much pollution as a diesel truck

>Spiders living in towns and cities are adapting to light pollution and losing their fear of illuminated spaces

>Five men caught entering the UK 'on a container ship' are passed on to social services after claiming to be children

>Britain's schools are failing boys who fall behind because feminists and gender equality groups have made the issue a 'TABOO

>Enough of the neurosexist bilge. It’s not all pink and blue when it comes to our brains

>The British state has given up on who need it most: Black and Ethnic Minority Communities

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Fuck for fuck Eddies daughter

Ya fukcing nonce

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Lowland Scots are Anglo-Saxons.


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He’s right of course. He’s (usually) always right.

I seem to come to /pol for the news now instead of Google , oh Lord why can't I escape this hell hole?
also checkem

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the numbers have been counted and have been done, Eddie wins.

which footie team do they support norf or souf

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this what doing numbers looks like

Clean your room Bucko

Norf ofc

Anonymong tier, despite the lack of empty pot noodles

strathclyde is brittonic land.

this now or last night lol

I've done a number on you.

Dismal, even by your standards.

The children's play mat makes this all the more depressing.

Witnessed, I do that as well, it doesn't help my mental health at all

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I need to stop the drink

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When Eddie's daughter's had her first blood, I'll put a son in her

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D-did you drink them all yourself?

>literally all Brexiters saying May doesn't listen to them
>we've been begging her to listen for 2 years, she's ignored us
>we need her to change direction
>she won't

what the fuck is May's reasoning for doing this? the Brexiters actually explain their positions and receive a stonewall from May, but May is never pushed, she never explains why she has completely ignored all the people who supported Leave for two years despite apparently doing what they want. this doesn't make any fucking sense at all and it's not surprising that the country is turning against her now given it appears she has just been stalling and trying to keep us in

When your daughter's had her first blood, I'll put a son in her

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nice digits dude

If that's your shit then yes you do

Did you try to fucking bake spaghetti hoops?

Eddie's daughter is a black mutt you know.

They’re shrimp

wtf is that?

Post university stories.

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stop you virgin nonce

prawns ?


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Not much to say. Apart from the general feeling of leftism, most people are really nice in my classes.

I've won
Eddie's daughter belongs to me

Seek help from a medical professional fren

I think I had seen enough.

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i can fap to this

Save me

[pneumatic elbows engaged]



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I'm renting a room in a flat shared by two Koreans and a Lithuanian couple right now. The Lith couple are about 20 and studying in university, and I think they must come from a middle-class family back home. In the kitchen I just saw a note they pinned to the fridge encouraging all of us (basically the Koreans) to mop the floor if it's their turn cleaning. The note finishes with "Let's try to keep this place clean and tidy - it's the easiest way of respecting yourself and others." I clean the flat well when it's my turn (which they acknowledged) but I came back to my room and felt pretty sad, since it's tidy enough but I've been sleeping in a sleeping bag for about a year now and don't wash it as often as I should. It's a pretty pathetic way to live I know, but reading that note about respecting yourself made me sad.

Sort your fucking life out

... maybe

>as Boris Johnson and David Davis hammer out who should succeed May

It's horrible to watch.

>Dominic Raab (pictured on the BBC's Andrew Marr show today) tore into Theresa May's Brexit deal today - warning it come 'pretty close to blackmail' of Britain

Another failure thinks he knows better.

Where's Eliotposter?

Why do you have such shit taste in alcohol?

Are you at uni as well?

Also why don’t you have a fucking bed?

Stfu you little cunt

>>Spiders living in towns and cities are adapting to light pollution and losing their fear of illuminated spaces
Coup by arachnids when?

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>"Let's try to keep this place clean and tidy - it's the easiest way of respecting yourself and others."
I also live with foreigners who put up notes like this, including on one occasion a hilarious diagram about how to use the toilet (aimed at the Turks I think), I wish I'd taken a picture of it. Stop sleeping in a sleeping bag and buy a plate.

nu-brit/pol/ and its newfag tripfags, what a mess

Were you posting about your living situation a couple of nights ago? Move out of London ffs

why the fuck do you care? what are you scared of

We might care if it was funny mate. You just look like a sad cunt 2bh.

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>their fear of illuminated spaces
Not something I've ever noticed, the ones here march around bold as brass

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No I work full-time. I do have a bed, but the room's so small I don't really have anywhere to dry my sheets etc so I just sleep in a sleeping bag on top of the duvet.

Shat up ya fookin souf spacker. at least i ain't at vuh dole office.

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he's getting off drawing these, he's a serious nonce.

How much is the rent? Could you not get something better?

Even in a corner shop you can get better stuff than that shite

I might need to take the sober pill, maybe mix it with the daffers pill. I’m on the road to destruction

this sounds fucking horrific.

>12 cans for £10
Wind you scrawny neck in

Where did this come from? No-one says this you fucking spacker

do you think this is it for your life from here on out or are you going to knock the living in filth problem on its head at some point?

Buy British, hire British.

No fookin foreign muck will pass me lips.

My apologies, I forgot you're poor

I don’t always live in filth, it’s the aftermath of my binge

>he doesn't know that vuh is a pronounciation of the.

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Might open another can

For those of you Brits who are afraid of American food standards, I just took a job in the food and bev industry designing conveying systems and I can assure you that literally zero systems are cleaner and safer than what we build here in small town Minnesota.

You should be begging your corrupt politicians to adopt our food standards.

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stop listening to grime

I hope you're reading some decent literature.

I don't want a hang 'em and flog 'em Conservative to push through, that is something that I'm scared of. I want our Prime Minster to be a person that brought us to peace and calm through what we are experiencing currently. Anything else won't do.

You seen Dumb and Dumber To?
If not, don't

I'm off now
I have things to do

You should kill yourself, honestly. There's no place for you in this world. No brighter tomorrow. You poor soul.

>checks digits
>gets digits
Fuckin' nice.

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i used to have a chilean birdeater when i was a teenager, i called it matilda.

No rolling papers and spilt ashtrays/ash on cans, son i am disapoint


forget that
Look at them mighty digits.

By who?

who runs the norf deep state? Where are the headquarters?

I don’t smoke?

It's £585 a month. Last room I rented was £650 a month and the same size. The benefit of living where I do is I can walk to work (~45 minutes), whereas otherwise I'd have to get the tube or cycle through the centre of London every morning.

Which part specifically?


We're getting on.

He who points, gets the digits.

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What do you mean decent literature? Is this a reference to something?