Make good money, have house, try to stay in shape and have a few doggos

>make good money, have house, try to stay in shape and have a few doggos
>gf lives with me
>by 10am today, read, worked out and about to make breakfast
>gf still hasn't woken up
>every weekend
>split bills but I still pay marginally more, cover all phantom costs (shit breaking, HOA, restaurants, etc.)
>gf is convinced she is pulling equal weight
>constantly tries to leverage it in arguments. Shut her down each time but it persists.
>is fairly clean but not up to gender role standards
>meanwhile, all of the traditional male roles are excepted. Forgotten after performed.
>basically just do what I want now.
>about to start ramping up my level of authority until she caves or moves out.

Ironically, she is the most responsible and rational girl I've dated. Why are women such trash and how do we stop it?

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Also, any 40+ year old anons here unmarried without kids? Are you happy? Probably going down this path.


Bruh I went through this exact thing and pushed her away and have regretted it for four years

Don’t do what I did man.
If you get along with your chick and she’s not mental to deal with, thank your lucky stars.

Get your space when you need it. Don’t watch porn and fuck the shit out of her when you need to get it out. But don’t get in your head and think you deserve better. Most are garbage. If she’s even trying to contribute and is a pleasure to be around most times and shows well to your friends and family

Lock it down

>allow a woman to live with you before you are married
>pay for all of her shit
>listen to all of her shit
>put up with all of her shit
>no really guys, I'm about to put my foot down! I mean it this time!
>why are women such trash?

Hmmm, I wonder

The asinine arguments are just part of having women in your life afaict. I agree with the leaf saying this isn't enough to trash the relationship over. Particularly if you are ultimately winning the arguments. If you look at a long term couple you will often see the a dynamic where the women starts bitching and before it can even turn into an argument, it's over, because the man has outwitted her so many times all he has to do is signal which counter-argument he is going to pursue and she already sees her defeat. You don't need her to cave, you can wear her down.

I guess you've never been in a relationship. The point here is that it's all taken for granted now. I mean for the average woman.

>I guess you've never been in a relationship.

If a "relationship" is what you call allowing a woman to walk all over you while being too much of a pussy to set her straight then trying to avoid blame for the whole mess, then no, never.

I hate being young and alone , I couldn't imagine being old and alone. i suggest you find a girl who isn't trash or get your current gf into top form.

40 soon. no wife. no kids. easy to maintain lifestyle. bored mostly.

So what's the problem? If she's close to 50%, then she's close. Is it you get snotty when she claims she's 50%, and she's only 41% ? Is it that she isn't thanking you every day for doing everything you do?
Think carefully user. What is it that is making you so pissed off, you are bleeding out your mangina to us?

I'm not allowing anyone "walk all over" me you dickless faggot. Let me reiterate, all women from my experience have a victim or inequality complex. No matter what happens they believe - legitimately - they are getting the short end.

Having a wife is like having a grown teenager that you can fuck. Deal with it nigger.

40 here, it’s all good. I do have family near me but I travel, play vidyas, golf, eat out a lot, get strange and enjoy it.
If you’re looking for something you can talk yourself into anything,
Let your universe guide you when you have a true heart.

Mod 50's user.
Retired, single, no kids.
Doggo, 4 cars, house in country.
Full life between playing with dog, taking care of house, working on cars, playing piano and in the summer tending veggie garden.
Have FWB who likes me enough to want to fuck, but not enough to ask about moving in.
Life is Beautiful.

Help me help us

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This is fairly close. They're mostly retarded but can perform a few useful functions, although not reliably. Your best bet is set a good example and then get her on some sort of routine for getting her shit together and maybe she'll pick up the slack. I find they aren't really smart enough to see what really needs to be done, but they can be brought onboard a reasonable (and simple) plan. They're all a pain in the ass. Just remember that no matter how hot or cool a chick is, some guy somewhere is sick of her shit.

Are you speaking from experience? If so, why on earth do you put up with it?

She's just using you user, roasties are leeches and the sooner you realise that the sooner you can kick that useless cunt out and do whatever you want and fuck as many slags as you want

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>Jobless gf sleeps in till noon everyday
>Complains how bored she is
>"Borrows" money for a beater and gas
Finds scam sales job
>Complains how hard job is, how "you don't know what working is like" (play poker for living)
>Cheats on me because "needs a man with initiative and drive"
Dude is literally homeless methhead that sleeps on next door neighbors couch

>...thx for the car, no refunds.

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Care to give more detail?

All women are using men to some degree and vice versa. It has shifted in favor of women though thanks to big government.

42, unmarried, no kids. I enjoy it, but I like alone time. Plus, former Chad, so I don't have to go without.

Also my lady has been getting into reading some good parenting books and I've found some really helpful info from the Rudolph Steiner and Waldorf cirriculums that he developed. There's one called simplicity parenting that's pretty good. They've just been commie brainwashed so hard you have to be playing positive shit and leaving good books around constantly and cancel the fucking cable also.

I used to date a similar girl; got along with her very well on a personal level, but she was absolutely awful in the home - messy, very poor wife skills, almost never cleaned or cooked.

It was after 2 and a half years of a roller coaster of emotions with good days and bad days that I decided this was simply not the person for me. That was many years back, but it was particularly difficult to go through with the break up as it was my first relationship, and didnt know whether I was being unreasonable with my expectations

Take from that what you will, OP. I met much better women later, and a few years later ended up meeting a girl who I really clicked with on a personal level, but wasnt a lazy unproductive ungrateful shit like my first woman

42 never married no kids don't give a fuck.

Modern technology let's us live much much longer so I don't even consider this middle age. 60 is middle age now.