Establishment espionage

Dear Jow Forumstards. I'm a Dr. of Sociology writing an academic paper on you lot. The basic premise is that because chans are a platform that provides a historical pinnacle of boundary-less communication, the inevitable result is a pseudo-community that is completely obsessed with social boundaries, which is why the prevailing notions on Jow Forums are anti-globalism and national socialism.

What do you have to say to the heart of Jewish intelligentsia Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>prevailing notions on Jow Forums are anti-globalism and national socialism.
you can cancel you (((study)))
I'll save you a lot of time
the issues of anti-globalism and national socialism prevail because of the negitive effect Globalism has had on our societies, and the search for a solution to those problem leads people to consider national socialism.

creating boundaries because there are none is illogical and stupid hypothisis, and implies people act without sound reasons.

The very same platform allows for us to not entirely reveal the true nature of our organization
> Not amount of deductive/reductive logic will ever give you an accurate sample of representation.
> The mutability of participation of an anonymous website has you focused on a vain attempt to personify a hivemind which will never accurately give you usable data
....I could go on but I won't

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Interesting point user.
How do you think globalism negatively effects people on Jow Forums the most? materially conceptually existentially or something else completely?

So you're saying Jow Forums is completely fluid?

BTW anything goes - weather relating to my premise or just something you want Jewish intellectuals to know/think. this is going out.

Most natsoc posters are larping

I can appreciate that. But it's still what they like to larp most. why do you think that is? why here?

I'll also answer questions if anyone has any

post benis

you assume I have one user

No. We trust our eyes and not you lying kikes anymore. The constant black crime was the breaking point on this board, it spiraled from there.

Are you saying black crime suddently skyrocketed at some point since Jow Forums was invented and that was the big "red pill" moment that turned the tides here?

you're paper is dumb


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fast forward 4 months and op's paper's conclusion reads something like, "these people are the worst of the worst and should be eradicated. hate speech is not free speech. the federal government must step in to do something!"

I don't really need to tell you anything because you people are so fucking clueless about what goes on here that your paper can say basically anything but as long as it paints us in a negative light and draws conclusions like, "Nazis bad," I'm sure you'll go on to have a great kosher career fucking up universities around the world. Good luck Mordechai, I hope your subversion goes well

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Fluid is a vague interpretation...
>The hivemind concept has been birthed here and will only develop in the future.

> Unrestricted speech can still exist because of this model

lol. I promise that won't be what I write. but I can assure it's what some of my peers will conclude

that kmac was right, and you people literally cannot help yourselves.

what he is saying is that black crime is purposefully hidden from the population so that pre-written outcomes can't be derailed. becoming aware of the issue, and the amount of subterfuge involved in keeping the majority in the dark, wakes people up to other lies being told.

There are no girls on the internet
> Tits or gtfo

A combination of trolling the JIDF and memeing. If it wasn't taboo it wouldn't be done. Jow Forums is contrarian at heart.

>media merchant
i love stereotypes

My career is pretty good as it is. Actually you can thank trump that now people are beginning to be genuinely curious what this is all about. I know you aren't fools.

Personality research shows that the left wing are higher in trait Neuroticism which means they have a greater negative emotional response to stimuli. When you remove social rules in communication like with Jow Forums the people who are able to cope best tend to be those who lean to the right.

This is why there's loads of SJW hugboxes and safe spaces, literally on campuses around the world there's now safe spaces for people to go if they're feeling upset and need a bit of a cry. You find them manned by lefties and full of people who start to cry because someone drew MAGA in chalk on their campus.

You see this in social media as well, spaces which can be highly moderated to control the content of peoples speech, what you find is they become fixated on left wing ideas.

I will look up this paper when it's published and find your name and report you for using the word tard on Jow Forums

Jewish women all look like inbred mutants, French women are top tier though with a splash of North Africa.

i peak into the mind of jewish intellectuals daily. its not like you people conceal your true aim when you think youre talking to yourselves. see: the forward or any other jew rag you people think the goyim arent reading

I can appreciate that hiveminds will grow in the future, but it seems you were saying that Jow Forums is too amorphous to be understood as an entity to be researched?

that sounds right. But on the other hand, there are alternative conclusions from realization that you're being manipulated, other than nat soc. no? the question would be why necessarily that

Pol is the control social media. It helps xxxx better understand how to propagandise other social media to keep multicultural societies from becoming tribal. Where we get relatively free speach they get censored speach pushing the narrative in the direction that stops people becoming tribal. It’s designed to make dissenting thinkers feel isolated and alone. We get constant shill threads and such to ‘test the waters’ so they can find out what a ‘free’ group would do as a reaction to certain data. They then use that to thought police the rest of social and main stream media. Society ends up policing itself as dissenting or potentially explosive views are marginalised to the point that the individual thinks they are alone in thinking it while the group shared a common beliefs. The truth is that most of the group probably feel like the individual but ‘political correctness’ keeps those ideas hidden. It’s full on 1984 shit. It’s also a powder keg waiting to explode. Pol is more diverse and akin to the way people really think than anything else you will find online. Barring some tribal propoganda from marganalised groups ofc. Personally I just come hear because I hate political correctness and thought policing. The nazi and other social boundary pushing stuff I can take or leave. I deal in facts over feelings.

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haha very presumptuous dear goy

I don't think he's lying. We often tell people to lurk for 2 years before posting. We communicate in many different ways and have an established culture.

Oh and we get marketing and media agencies here too for similar reasons. To test the waters and collect data.

what is contrarianism?

Pol is diverse. All we share is a desire to speak freely.

>What do you have to say to the heart of Jewish intelligentsia Jow Forums?
>I'll also answer questions if anyone has any

what's your / the Jewish intelligentsia's opinion on khazar milkers?

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great thought. I'm familiar with the research you're referring to. so Jow Forums is sort of the anti safe space.

Have you ever considered why leftism prevails in social networks?

>trips of truth
Tranny confirmed

I have no doubt that Jow Forums will track my every move

Niggers tongue my anus

bitch in OP is Jewish

We'll always reject the mainstream and norms. Hence the "normie" hate. The ironic thing is support for things like the nuclear family or conservatism is now frowned upon.

Being already vigilant we'll see 90% of the bulshit thrown at us.

By design, to keep order.

m o m m y

Come now user, look what happened with the bible. we know you're following. but I thought we could have a dialogue after all.

you know what uncle A said about debating jews, right?

The word "notions" doesn't fit well there.
Who are your favorite sociologists?

OP..Blah blah blah.. Mumbo Jumbo slipity slam ala kazam...
Here try this. Go live with real niggers in a ghetto and THEN write your drivel about borders. Oh yah don't forget to take your wife & kids with you and only use public transportation.

You must reference the mouse utopia experiment in your study.
The fracturing of identities is due to social pressure conditions created by the city state condensation of life.
Cities have devolved into tumors that fracture peoples identities into niches that protect the individual mind from the problems of the group.
Mgtow, trannies, antifa, white supremacist, nazi...
All of these are means for people to change their social value and escape the doom of their unsustainable social climate.

What we are experiencing is the period leading up to a great die off.

A foundation of trauma supports a global system of social pressure and agreeability.

Control of human trafficking and drug trafficking, the money supply, media, pharma, and proxy military control of the un, us, isreal, and rebel groups to assert military dominance.

Our history is rewritten to traumatize.
120 million men in America are circumsised.
Jow Forums is the exhaust pipe as society burns.
Our anger is emitted into the nothingness.

>Doesn't have a penis
Most predictable plot twist ever.

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None of us think you're doing is good faith. I refuse to beleive any paper you're going to write is going to be fair on us. Jow Forums is not one person.

Youre an idiot.

Thats a great theory user.
you don't mind participating? so is that sort of an "accepting" frame of mind ("black pill"?).
Do you think the owners of the site are participants in this predicament?
Also, is there any realm you see as outside the hands of xxxx? weather in the digital realm, economic, or physical?

Sociology isn't a real science. In a real science, scientists design experiments in order to disprove their thesis.

Social "Sciences" tend to use an unproven thesis built upon assumptions as citations to lay the groundwork a new unproven thesis based on more assumptions.

The scientific method is non-existent in a field like sociology. You might as well be a Dr. of Creative Writing.

That is all.

It seemed to me he was trying to express a complex idea, which often at first seems like a contradiction. I hope to understand the nexus of his notion.

Your hypothesis would suggest that all the other chans should be as obsessed as we are, seeing as they too are part of the same "historical pinnacle of boundary-less communication." This is clearly not the case.
Try again.

That't true, but certain ideas rise above the parapet don't you think?

What kind of PhD can't spell wether?

I'm familiar with the notion. There has been research on this issue, as well as a very important book in the Jewish cannon calls the Kuzari הכוזרי, which is a debate between a jewish rabbi and the king of khazaria, which lead to the kings conversion.
However, most research indicates that khazars amount to a fairly small portion of Jewish DNA. however, you need to consider two main things to do with that
- Jews are mixed with lots of races, even if maintaining usually a common maternal line.
- Judaism is not a race, but is best considered as some form of neo-tribe. tribes can be joined. so Jews are not very bothered with racial purity.

does that answer your question user?

No seriously youre an absolute mouth breathing retard.

Youre going to write an 'academic paper' about us.

Get the fuck out of here.

Censorship. The only way to maintain leftist ideology is censorship and propaganda. Something Israel is adept at exporting across the globe

>How do you think globalism negatively effects people on Jow Forums
Your in Israel, a closed border ethno-state, and your seriously asking what are the negative effects of globalism?

1. Economic - job outsources to cheaper nations, taking away good paying jobs. Cheaper shit is then imported, undermining local producers.

2. Globalism promotes Open borders agendas = more economic problems with influx workers pushing down wages, + Negative cultural and social influences destabilising & dividing society. Increasing crime rates and even terrorism.

3. Globalist agendas are also anti individual rights, including property rights, right to self defense with fireamrs etc

Nationalism protects against this.
And national socialism stood against the (((globalists))).
People are rapidly waking up to the fact those behind this crap often have a berg or stien, in their name.

The correlation between 1920's germany and 2010's US (or most the west) is HIGH.
A jewish minority has burrowed their way into dominating all the major pillars of society, and used that privilege to nepotistically enrich their tribe, and simultaneously attack and undermine other groups, especially whites & christian culture.

Im sure you know jews have been booted out over 300+ times in the last 2000 years. And they still havent learned their lesson.
Integrate with the community, NOT parasitically leach off it and kill the host FFS
But jews have their "gods chosen" complex, think they are above everyone else, that its ok to exploit the dumb goy. Well the dumb goy always eventually work it out...

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Why is reddit different then?

It can vary on any given day. Opinions become popular after consensus is met through debate. This is one of the reasons why shills get eviscerated here, we've had the argument a 100 times before.

It's quite good actually, the more we are.attacked or demoralised by outside forces, the stronger we become.

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You're not inteligent. You're satan's synagouge and that's why everyone despise you. You think about yourselves that you're super race and others are not even human but truth is you're subhumans :)

>materially conceptually existentially or something else completely?

It's the identity, stupid.

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6 years ago, there was a fairly outspoken libertarian contingent here. This board has always been edgy but at some point about a year ago, moderation stopped caring. Its evident by the cuckold spam.

The ones who call us Khazars do it to get a rise out of us. They believe it's true because they want it to be true. A measured explanation won't satisfy or inform them - on this topic, they're not really interested.

What would you replace notions with? conceptions? ideations? I appreciate that I know much less than you do about this field, what would fit best in your mind?

I'm in the line of Simmel, and I'm a fan of Bourdieu and Robertson. and a few other lesser known sociologists. Are you familiar with the field user?

It became more emphasized as America gradually shift from the contested mobility to the sponsored (Morgan, Harriet P.). Ideas are kept more in line. The people who are more likely to subscribe to the social guidelines are found on popularized sites where these same guidelines and anti-deviancy/indecency are realistically in place. Those who find themselves on the outskirts or in contrast to this herd locate elsewhere. It is a natural separation.

with jews you lose? ;)

I said why, essentially. It's a digital safe space that comes with harsh moderation, if you try and post anything even slightly right wing to social media it's taken down or you're punished for it, they've created an echo chamber in which they're safe from any other ideas. It's why most of the large social media platforms had to address accusations that their news feeds had a left wing bias, which was found to be true.

Moot did a good talk on Jow Forums that referenced this, I think more specifically about /b/ but in general it applies to Jow Forums because they're really the same thing just targeted at different age groups. He said that Jow Forums had a very low technical barrier for entry, there's no accounts or signup, people can just post immediately and anonymously without consequence. However there's a much higher social barrier to entry, I think a lot of the horrid stuff that gets posted, like the gore and that kind of thing, that's to ward off people who would be offended by it and would seek to control/police the medium.

I think the bottom line is that people such as myself who have a very low emotional impact from negative stimuli really do not like how overly sensitive those on the left are. Honest conversations are stifled because facts don't care about your feelings, sometimes things that are horrible are true and we need discourse about those things to advance. The big hot topic right now is race and IQ, mainstream science is now starting to accept that yes there are indeed differences in IQ and they manifest racially. If you try and have that conversation with a SJW they'll more or less burst into tears because they cannot handle that kind of information, and so that stuff gets discussed here, where crying liberals cannot shut down speech.

Remember 1933 when you lost Germany? :)

Kill yourselves, parasitical rat bastards.

>What do you have to say to the heart of Jewish intelligentsia Jow Forums?

what's the Ashkenazi endgame?
why do their women keep trying to steal our seed?

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>Dr. of Sociology
Meme Dr., Meme Flag, totally checks out

I don’t mind participating as it allows me to manipulate the ‘hive mind’ to some extent. Like throwing a stone into a pond and watching the ripples flow. A comment here, a thread with a sexy woman and subversive idea hidden in a question there and you can have the same effect. I’m not blackpioled but what else can I do. I aim to make people feel less isolated and alone IRL mostly (to break the politically correct conditioning) with aborting success, pol takes up some of my free time.
There are good threads here too, we were discussing the meaning of existence (pic) last night, catching pedos on YouTube a few nights before that and discussing the possibility of HIV being a bio weapon about a week ago (this whole thread boards.Jow So it’s not all subversion and propoganda.
I would assume that their are many different players all trying to run the game, from governments to corporations to secret societies and religions. All aspects of society are studied and manipulated in some way. Is their one big conspiracy by one group? Probably not. It doesn’t really effect me. I long ago refused to try claiming to the top of the ladder to be free of the game, instead I chose to ride under it like a leech. It’s not as interesting as being part of the controlling elite would be but it keeps me entertained. Especially when you drop an idea into the pond and see it ripple out into real life.

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This is very true. Those who rationalise emotionaly rather than logically simply will not survive here. We truely do not give a fuck about your feelings.

I think I'm going to quote you user.
how do you envision your world in 30 years?

i hated globalism before i found Jow Forums
ive become an ethnonationalist because kikes stole my city and gave it away to muds

Somebody's gotta say it.
Big khazar milkers or GTFO.

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Our black seed is just superior, brother.

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for many it's just the edgiest most non-pc thing that can be proclaimed. 1) teach the children a framework built on lies, 2) impose upon them the idea that any derivation from the official narrative is verboten, 3) watch as the kids become self-aware and begin to gravitate towards the ideas that were put most off-limits by the authorities whose word is no longer trusted.

>>I'm a Dr. Of Sociology writing a paper on you lot.

Hahaha your boss needs a refund

I won't try to convince you user.
how do you know if anyone here has good faith?

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

you're well aware of the difficulties of social sciences. how would you study society?

I’m phone posting, meh, predictive text is annoying and it’s a pain to go back and edit. That didn’t read as well as I thought now I’ve read it back. Oh well, you get the gist of it I guess.
I have no idea if the owners of the site are complicit. It doesn’t really matter does it?

one who's mother tongue is Hebrew

Where is your study going to be published?

Id like to at least skim the abstract.

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Israel is highly nationalistic and even partially socialist so you really don’t have a leg to stand on

>I got a useless degree in socialist propaganda studies
>Now let me misrepresent your values so I can get pretend academic points
Get a real job you nigger jewlet.

Fascism was developed in part by a jewish italian girlfriend of mussolini. It makes sense theyd implement some of the parts in israel.

>the inevitable result is a pseudo-community that is completely obsessed with social boundaries, which is why the prevailing notions on Jow Forums are anti-globalism and national socialism.
You say why the notions are x y, which are stances. Being obsessed with social boundaries does not logically follow with anti-globalism, perhaps a generally critiqued stance, but then you follow with national socialism and it makes me believe you wish to mean the prevailing "topics" or some variation.

I read a bit, but I am still a beginner at sociology. I am only just starting to read Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow and I'm sure that is regarded as some baby steps in your community. He has a beautiful way of writing that inspires branching thoughts, even if what is described is not directly based on reality.


Eva Green + my smoking fetish literally jizzing in my pants.

Without forming biased opinions. Without emotion. The same way you study any other animal. Their should be no end goal, no desire for equity. People are not equal. If anything the end goal should be eugenics. Based on meritocratic doctrine.