Why are the Jews so desperate to push fat fetish propaganda on us? What's their end goal?
Why are the Jews so desperate to push fat fetish propaganda on us? What's their end goal?
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I don't think it's the Jews. I think it's fat women. They want to be viewed as 'beautiful' regardless of their weight. Forget about heart disease and other problems that come with obesity, ugh...
because fat people are lazy and stupid. of course the kikes would want more easily controlled cattle.
>falseflagging post
Fuck off, you're the australian who posts fat bitches on Jow Forums all day long. Get gassed also sage this thread
Fat people are the societal majority. This is a natural consequence of our cultural norms adapting to the fact that almost everyone is fat. It won't be long until thin people are seen as freakish and ugly. Mark my words
see also: dad bod
>oy vey bury it!
I'm on to you.
my wife is getting fat but her titties are not growing.., literally fuck everything
The same reason why they push porn so hard. They are hoping that whites just don't breed.
My kind of body.
being chubby was always seen as a sexual turn-on
Tell her to lose the weight and then impregnate her you dumb faggot.
Chubby women were the most chased after in Ancient Greece because it indicated fertility or some shit
you sure it's fake jew kike amalekites making
people fat? the main source of fat are sugars
and the body stores those from the enzyme
released by your pancreas called amylase.
The present application claims priority based
on the Japanese Patent Application No. 2009-
168550 filed on Jul. 17, 2009
the fucking japs are manufacturing bacteria
that shit that same digestive enzyme into
our food to predigest the food which makes
it more calorine dense and flavor dense.
having that bacteria in your body from the
food will cause you to produce that same
enzyme inside you making you super fat.
japs don't put this in their food supply, so
don't blame the fake jew kike amalekites
for everything, they have tons of help.
Jews are degenerate scum, they hate beautiful things and they certainly don't want the goy to see nice things.
That's why modern art is so awful, why modern architecture is an eyesore, music & movies are so shit, etc etc, you get the idea.
That's what lactation is for.
In the old times when only the wealthy could become chubby.
Now its seen as poor life style decisions.
Synonymous with being lazy.
And unfit motherhood.
Also indicates poor metabolism. Which isn't ideal for breeding.
yeah goys
why would you be attracted to someone who could easily bear you a dozen children?
>implying a little chub isn't patrician
i already have 3 kids and she cant get pregnant anymore... now what?
Fake moustashe, new town
The jews are pushing it, but an attraction to chunky women has existed for some people in all of human history.
Damn 3 and hit menopause?
Fucking kebabs got his second wife on nine.
Wtf I love the jews
not menapause, but other medical reasons.
Real mustache, same town.
It loves the Jews it gets in the oven.
My dick says it's cool
I am unironically sorry to hear that.
The only thing left to do now is to show us your timestamped mommy milkies.
I would berry my 5 incher so deep inside of her she may even feel it
Yeah well you just said you love the Jews.
So fuck what your dick says.
If it's anything like Britain, it's to make the majority of women unfuckable lardarses. I should never have got divorced lads.
You need prolactin you idiot. It's super fucking easy to grow the breasts of anyone no matter their shitty genetics, even men can grow tits easily.
thiccc mommy posting
Why do they push any kind of feminism? What's the end goal? Their goal is pretty obvious.
Ask Shakespeare
>(aside to ANTONY) Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
>Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look.
>He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous.
Maybe back when people couldn't afford food.
These days being "chubby" aka fat betrays the fact that you're lazy, unhealthy, and unintelligent.
Also there's nothing that LARD does for your figure that muscle does not do better.
thicc women are for high test men
you are a DYEL my senpai
>being a newfag
Very simple. To sell you more shit. More products. More food. More healthcare. Keeping people fat is very costly, and someone will receive all this money.
Also, there is an epidemic of fat roasties and someone needs to settle with them lol
I think about fat women all the time. I can't get into it. Shame too, life would be way easier.
You don't fool me, Jew. I'm not falling for your propaganda.
how do i get her prolactin?
I'd like to know as well.
>1 post
>Calls someone a newfag
>So much epic oldfag win
Buy it online or give her an antipsychotic that blocks d2 receptors, or get a growth hormone releaser than also releases prolactin, or get a herb that increases prolactin.
>Also there's nothing that LARD does for your figure that muscle does not do better.
Insulate you from the cold, and provide you with additional energy for periods when food becomes intermittently scarce, aka why we have fat in the first place.
They make good kids. Your Asian waifu will only give you weak and retarded kids. A chubby will give ypu.large strong children who are better equipped to survive and become chads.
oh my fucking GOD bro
Damn... /tips fedora
if you would divorce your wife to chase sex she unironically deserved better
sucking on her nipples frequently enough that they produce milk also helps
but you have to suck on them a ton (or get preggers or use a milk pump some of the time)
This myth comes from the fact that Venus (Roman fertility goddess) was always portaited as having just given birth. Idiots them look at painting of her (she isn’t even fat by any means, just a little chubby) and think that’s what guys were jerking off to. It’s all horseshit
Do women even give a shit if they are fat? The first thing you hear out of a fat guy who hates his weight problem is "I feel like shit." The first thing out of women is "I can't get men." Women are pretty much destined to get fat in modern society, once they find a man it doesn't matter to them if they are 300 pounds cause they already fulfilled what they needed.
I’m not attracted to fat chicks but I’d shag her rotten
Nothing wrong with a bit of meat, much better than fucking a Skelton
there's a lot of gay fags in here
Some of them have issues with the social pressures (friends, family who get concerned when they blimp like hippos), but if a thin woman gets in a relationship with a guy who says "hey, I don't care, get as fat as you want, I like it" she'll go from svelte work-out girl to 300 pound sweatpants zeppelin before you can blink.
i would eat a mile of iskra lawrence's shit just to see where it came from.
That woman isn't chubby, she has definition around her abdomen She is literally big boned. Hot as fuck. Would breed.
It's based on their leftist metaphysics of "inclusion". It is about inclusion at multiple scales of reality. Muscle = useful = strong = working for the identity. Fat = excess = flabby = useless = weak = a drain to the identity. It's the same reason they push foreign immigration to western countries. The foreigners are the useless "fat" of the host organism, making it weak and ineffectual. They want us to accept love this surplus "fat".
Literally any self respecting woman should have a bit of meat, chubby girls are a miracle of the universe.
Skinny is boring and not as attractive while landwhales are obviously disgusting.
The only issue is that there is a very fine line between chubby and too fat and a lot of girls simply end up going past it by a large margin.
In the end chubby girls are perfect and only lowtest beta """"males"""" would disagree.
I meant aesthetically. Regardless
>Insulate you from the cold
Human fat and human fat distribution does a very poor job of insulating from cold, also muscle actually generates heat, so a fit person will stay warmer when he puts his coat on instead of standing out in the cold like a retard fatty bom bom
>provide you with additional energy for periods when food becomes intermittently scarce, aka why we have fat in the first place.
Your body also breaks down muscle when you're starving.
Am I fucked in the head? I would rather fuck a chubby girl than a skinny one any day of the week, never was sure if this was normal or not.
There's nothing more sad than a fat chick with small tits. I'm sorry brother.
>Blame them for our bullshit!
Dear lord of spaghetti, how many feminist infiltrators do we have here now?
who is she? she's perfect
yeah sucks.. her mom is fat but has enormous boobs..
Put a baby in her, it makes their boobs grow and WTF her belly’s growing anyway.
Feminism is controlled by Jews.
we already have 3 kids and she cant have anymore
Imagine the smell
Bobette Vegana
Retard Jow Forums conspiracy theory: white men don't like fat women. If all women are fat, there will be more race mixing.
Would Jow Forums a thicc gilf?
>Human fat and human fat distribution does a very poor job of insulating from cold, also muscle actually generates heat, so a fit person will stay warmer when he puts his coat on instead of standing out in the cold like a retard fatty bom bom
Yeah, and the statement was "there's nothing that LARD does for your figure that muscle does not do better." Fat is a better insulator. That's something it does better.
>Your body also breaks down muscle when you're starving.
Yeah, if you have muscle and fat, it burns fat quicker, leaving you with remaining muscle and strength to catch some food so you don't die. If Morg the cave man is 2% body fat, winter comes, his food sources disappear, the first thing to go with it will be his strength and ability to hunt and provide.
So if you don't want to have the conversation on those terms then keep it to aesthetics, I won't disagree. There's a reason human beings store fat, it kept us alive for thousands of years until we were smart enough to create proper coats and stable sources of food.
south america looks like a sea horse if brazil were removed
Same, don't know if it's normal and idc anymore
>big boned
I got one of those too
because they sell food
they should start opening gyms
would squeeze her fat balls while pounding
I don't see it.
Not a conspiracy.
White men have higher standards than the third world.
Have you seen a black woman?
Their beauty standards are for shit.
We have a winner
Nah bro that ass is straight up fat.
many fats also have some chronic diseases like diabetes, heart problems and etc
no u
god slam pigs like that are so fun in bed
looks like a fucking leg to me.
The hottest women to sleep with have a little extra flesh to sink into. I absolutely fucking love those ones and now that picture (below the face which is nothing special) has awoken my never-fap libido thank you very much. I’m so busy too but this is going to demand a few hundred push ups to get over. I won’t be going to get even a chance to blurt until next weekend and with my work schedule even that seems like wishful thinking. Damn it.
>that ass is straight up fat.
I know isn't it great?