Why do so many Jews have blue eyes?

Why do so many Jews have blue eyes?

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Cultural appropriation


based and redpilled

Because they're gene stealing goblins. They're always trying to breed with WASPs


Because they are white

tfw raped by Cossacks

fuck that. blue eyes are souless eyes. i'd much prefer black/brown eyes.

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They're White but can yell anti-semite when anyone points out they're jewish? Top fucking kek.

ever wonder how they try to sneak in the best
genes. It is mind boggling but the wisest is that
we all look the same. they are just small imperfections

who is that cutie on the pic israel?

Looks like a young Jennifer Conelly.
Peak jewess.

They give other babies to Moloh, or eat them during Yakkutzvah.

The Jews of the Bible don’t exist anymore, you have larpers now, the Rothschilds themselves are converts not ethic Jews

This film has your answer

Because during the war they started to cling onto the Nordic master race to prevent from being expelled.
Also they're whores and love to take uncut master race cock behind their husbands backs.
Read the Torah and Talmud, she's women can do how she feels. They're a truely degenerate religious group.

They're white you dumbass

Jennifer connelly.
1:27:20 .. Enjoy.

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oh shit it was all just love

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because they literally are a genestealer cult

Attached: genestealercults.jpg (772x1024, 250K)

Jennifer Connelly has green eyes, Ilan

fuck off jew shill

Jews chicks are kinda cute in a demonic way, then you realize they're curveless and have massive amounts of body hair and your kids would be genetically unfortunate schizos, then you remember you probably shouldn't bother.

>literally asking for a black eye

Black or brown like a soulless animal, you mean?

looked her up and she looks 100% like my sister but tallee

this is weird now

>there is an actual codex for genestealer cults

Aye, another horse nigger bro wad up.

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fake jew kike amalekites are not jews
they have japhethian features from all
the rape they've done of all the nations
they've destroyed by war.

stolen everything that's their way of
life to steal. stolen genes.

Attached: real jews armenia fake jews amalekite rome.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

how the hell can you call this soulless?

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Thats an Irish name tho.

it's like nobody has ever watched They Live

>Thats an Irish name tho.
mother jewish father irish.



They stole them from the Aryans of course.

potato-bagel, though

Ashkenazi Jews racially upgraded themselves from Middle-Eastern to North European phenotypes via gene acquisition. Couldn't lose the noses or facial structure, but did gain the blue eyes and fair skin.

Literally all false
"a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans than to Middle Easterners,"
Jews have always been white

Light eyes do not signify whiteness. In fact, white people existed before blue eyes even came about.
Posted this yesterday, but it’s even more sinister than you think. They shill babies that look like Rihanna to convince white women racemixing is okay, and that they won’t end up with brown skinned black eyed mutts. Mongrels can have light eyes, they don’t matter as much as other signifiers at all.
Extremely pale, non-yellow skin is the ONLY thing mutts can’t have, and noses that don’t turn down is the only thing Jewish mutts can’t have.

Eye color means nothing to determine purity. They shill light eyed mutts to make you think racemixing is okay.

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you think like peasants of the xix century.
educate yourselves.

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Mutts can have light eyes. They can’t have extremely pale non-yellow skin. It’s the only thing they can’t have.

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Jews are white, just a different version. Do you think Spaniards, who are white, are indistinguishable from Danes?

Light eyes mean nothing, they are used for subversion.
And I’m saying this as someone with blue eyes.
Would you let your daughter marry this man? Didn’t think so.

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but White spaniards are rare, compared to those looking completely arabic

they dont you dumb nigger most have brown eyes

I'll take your non-answer as accepting that Jews are white.

>fuck that. blue eyes are souless eyes. i'd much prefer black/brown eyes.


I've never gotten this meme where people say Spaniards look like Arabs. I think it has to come from people with seriously poor pattern recognition abilities (i.e. low IQ).
A Spanish man with very dark hair and tanned skin still looks castly different from an actual Arab if you look at all the other factors beyond hair, eye and skin color.
I mean, according to your logic Russians and Danes look alike because we both have light eyes and skin, but Russians really look very different and it's not hard to tell.

>t. Would rather their daughter marry a mutt like this
>instead of a man like pic related

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Cuz they steal the babies!


Nice try Chaim lmao. Why do you guys want to be white so bad?

>I have brown eyes

Strangely the sales of brown contact lenses are sliiightly behind that of the sales of blue eyed contact lenses

Only blue eyed people are white. Stay jelly.

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You idiots don't realise that Jews with Germanic blood fled to Israel after WWII.

not a meme at all
once was talking with a Spanish friend
he told me he was shocked at how many arabs there were in paris (compared to when he used to live there, a few decades earlier)
then I looked at him, and asked him
>have you fucking looked at yourself in a mirror?
then we all laughed, because he indeed looks al andalu as fuck (crooked nose, "swarthy" [ie brown] skin, thick black hair, skinny build, etc)

I for one have troubles recognizing individuals (prosopagnosia), but am very good with patterns, particularly phenotypes
I've lived a bit in Spain, and clearly, most of them aren't White
deal with it

>dirty jew

>gemanic blood

Pick one

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Even though whiteness and blue eyes cane about separately? Sure thing buddy
Also can’t be jelly, I have blue eyes myself

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Khazars do.

Even today they cluster closer to other Semites than to Europeans. Neck yourself, Christnigger.

You act like southern Spain wasn't occupied by Muslims and Jews for hundreds of years.

Its the Mengele Effect

runoff sexual selection , read some dawkins you turbonigger
maccabees had blue eyes

Jewesses would fuck Aryan Chads behind their husbands backs and because of Jewish racial law the men couldn't do a thing about it. They're a literal cuck race

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You can't tell anything from that pic
Professional photographer.
Professional make up and lighting.
Eyes made up to look darker and weird/mysterious.
Pupils deliberately dilated by lighting and maybe other things.
Photograph aftertouched.

>I like brown eyes!
>Posts a woman with light eyes
Come on now

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WH40K is redpilled af, only men who truly realize how the world works will appreciate it.

Biggest pile of shit I've seen today still, also found the jew.

Hijacking White DNA just like they hijack governments.



>science deniers
honorary abos

thats not a jew thats a russian

I’d love to paint those eyes white... with semen.

This but unironically

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They live is cannon socialist anti capitalist propeganda. Not advocacy for retard conspiracy theory belief about jews. Although lets be real all fascism is just the product of confusion over being too retarded to critique systems and resorting to *it's Der fault*.

shit colored eyes

fair enough

Thats how all progressives look.