Multiethnic societies are prosperous and strong

Those who claim otherwise are ruled by irrational fears and hatred. Proof: Germany and Sweden have the strongest economies in Europe and also happen to be two of the most multiethnic countries. Purely white Eastern European countries on the other hand suffer from vast amounts of corruption, weak economic growth and are drifting from one crisis to the next.

Attached: 3112.jpg (843x1149, 116K)

Other urls found in this thread:;jsessionid=984D72198184A4E8C2DEA5D621B28ABE?doi=,8599,1993074,00.html

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sage and kys

What about Japan and South Korea? Are you ignorant of these nation?

Yeah, no, Swedens been looking into limiting immigration lately because its literally strangling the economy.

populations with white people and great geography and natural resources are wealthy?

Attached: 1457894415100.jpg (869x641, 67K)

that bitch is ugly. so, she went to someone that would take her.

Jewish race bait the thread

>Germany and Sweden have the strongest economies in Europe and also happen to be two of the most multiethnic countries.

That's in spite of immigrants, not because of them.

Identity-based nation states exist through an organic mechanism. But faceless economic zones are born to die.

shift + click
hide thread


lel no, they're heterogenous and mudswine camelfuckers are stuffed in suburban ghettos

You don't mereit translation

Estudo de Harvard demonstra que "diversidade" não funciona e é desastrosa para sociedades homogêneas:

Quanto mais "diversidade", menor é o espírito de comunidade e altruísmo, enquanto maior é a depressão, o desanimo no capital social, o medo, os crimes e comportamentos antiéticos:

Aumentos na "diversidade" estão relacionados com problemas por todo o mundo:

Quanto mais "diversidade" nos departamentos de polícia, mais abusos, mau desempenho e menos confiança no trabalho:

Experimentos de "diversidade" na Alemanha terminam com resultados desastrosos:

Bom estudo da Universidade de Cornell sobre como fronteiras culturais e autodeterminação de um povo gera a paz:

E mais, escolher um parceiro da própria raça é NATURAL; similaridade genética, altruísmo e seleção de grupo:;jsessionid=984D72198184A4E8C2DEA5D621B28ABE?doi=

Altruísmo e parentesco:

Outro bom artigo:

Attached: anti race mixing propaganda.jpg (540x540, 56K)

Estudo sobre as diferenças em habilidades cognitivas de acordo com a raça:

Escolher um parceiro da própria raça é natural. Estudo sobre altruísmo e seleção de grupo:;jsessionid=984D72198184A4E8C2DEA5D621B28ABE?doi=

Estudo sobre seleção de parceiros:

Os riscos de saúde de jovens frutos da miscigenação:

Estudo sobre as diferenças entre brancos e teutões no que se refere à encarceramento, casamento, salários, educação e etc.

Sobre a taxonomia humana e suas implicações:

E mais: raça, um destructo social de um conceito biológico:

Variedade genética humana: Lewontin's Fallacy:

Investigação da estrutura de populações europeias com aplicações em doenças:

>Mas, bê, miscigenação é bom! Variedade genética! É tudo subjetivo!
Os riscos de saúde e comportamento de adolescentes frutos de miscigenação:

Attached: what happened to Brasil - niggers redpill.png (1806x1042, 504K)

Diferenças raciais em habilidade cognitiva:

Casais interraciais são menos educados, mais pobres e mais propensos ao divórcio:
Problemas com violência doméstica:

Escolher um parceiro da própria raça é NATURAL.
Similaridade genética, altruísmo e seleção de grupo:;jsessionid=984D72198184A4E8C2DEA5D621B28ABE?doi=

Altruísmo e parentesco:

>Mas, bê, somos todos iguais!
Diferenças em salários, casamentos, encarceramento, etc.:

Crimes com fatores raciais e étnicos em uma amostra de jovens delinquentes:

Sobre a taxonomia humana e suas implicações:

E mais: raça, um destructo social de um conceito biológico:

Variedade genética humana: Lewontin's Fallacy:

Investigação da estrutura de populações europeias com aplicações em doenças:

Attached: undertale btfo reddit cuckhold cuck.jpg (622x416, 68K)

Miscegenation - single most dangerous thing a young white woman can engage in:

Mixed race children have higher risk of health problems:

Finding bone marrow donor for mixed race people like winning the lottery:,8599,1993074,00.html

White wife/Black husband marriages are twice as likely to divorce by the 10th year of marriage compared to White/White couples:

The stereotype that black-white mixed-race couples are typically black men hooking up with trashy, fat white women has a factual basis:

Attached: why woman hate borders, immigration.jpg (300x750, 76K)

That girl looks terrified and your thread is shit

>Germany and Sweden
Not much longer, cuck.

>Multiethnic societies are prosperous and strong
Nope. They're once-prosperous-and-strong countries that are being killed by "diversity."

Why is their economy turning to shit as they get more shitskinned if it's so great ?
>1 post by this ID

No need for more posts unless there are real counter-arguments to the thesis. So far there has been no statistical challenge to the facts I noted. Name-calling is not an argument and for posters of such juvenile nonsense I just feel sorry for. Thus I am winning the argument by default unless you can produce real statistical counter-arguments.

Nice bait. There are people out there who will actually believe this.

it's photoshopped...

''Those who claim otherwise are ruled by irrational fears and hatred. Proof: Germany and Sweden have the strongest economies in Europe and also happen to be two of the most multiethnic countries. Purely white Eastern European countries on the other hand suffer from vast amounts of corruption, weak economic growth and are drifting from one crisis to the next.''

Attached: 477970100536737801.png (107x128, 20K)

You didn't even have any arguments, Proof immigration has an direct impact on economics

oh yes let's turn Berlin into Detroit and build a ring of projects around it filled with africans, muslims and turks. It would probably end up like South Sudan with an incapable governemnt trying to pacify a bunch of feral shitskins. Worst thing is NPCs would still think its okay because muh kebab

>white Eastern European countries

London is over 50% non-white and the economic engine of Britain. While the old coal-mining areas of white Britain are decaying.

Attached: WhoCouldItBe.png (900x675, 879K)

>Proof: Germany and Sweden have the strongest economies in Europe and also happen to be two of the most multiethnic countries.
Since when? So called "diversity" in these countries have only existed for a few decades.

If you're white and you have sex with black males, there is something seriously wrong with you.

>Those who claim otherwise are ruled by irrational fears and hatred.
America, you should visit it.

What do you mean by strong economy? Compared to the rest of Europe, Sweden is not very high in total GDP and neither of them are #1 in GDP per capita. Also Germany and Sweden aren't more multiethnic then, say, France or Belgium. If you argue that all of western Europe is wealthy and multiethinc, it became multi-ethnic after it became prosperous, because people from all around the world moved here for wealth. You literally pulled your entire case out of your ass.


fuark, that's a hell of a link. gotta get this out there

Give them 20 years or so and the economy will turn to shit.
In another 20 years, your grandchildren will be moving here.

enjoy your ban

Attached: 239.jpg (600x450, 22K)

>Diversity DESTROYS Social Cohesion in the West

Attached: The_downside_of_diversity.png (617x3902, 409K)

Attached: People_who_live_in_small_towns_and_rural_areas_are_happier_than_everyone_else,_researchers_say.png (927x2283, 1.62M)

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Another Jewish post. Niggers are going to leave these women, also the women are fat.

Attached: $30,000.jpg (1920x2974, 2.33M)

Attached: Diversity__Proximity=War_The_Reference_List.png (549x2199, 120K)

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Their house goes to shit

Attached: household productivity.jpg (1920x1984, 1.64M)

Attached: married mothers.jpg (2912x1920, 2.08M)

White women are THE most loyal. To say otherwise is another Jewish trick.

Attached: multiples of other races.jpg (2302x1920, 2M)

>asian mother's turning niggers loyal
how did they do it?

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That picture is disgusting and obviously not even true, that poor white women looks terrorized by that gorilla holding her

Attached: C39685E2-0573-4510-8E7A-28642AB638DD.jpg (620x620, 33K)

No-one wants to date Niggers

Attached: whites don't prefer blacks.jpg (2516x1920, 1.89M)

holy fucking kek

Attached: 1542491270244.jpg (1024x777, 101K)

No clue fren. Niggers are still holding strong though at 81%

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Immigrant are following economic growth in those countries, not causing it.

What's more, in spite of the doom and gloom, they have been very homogeneous until very recently.

The EE countries are poor and corrupt due to the after-effects of communism, but they are seeing pretty solid growth right now iirc.

Obvious b8 sage.

We ARE the multi ethnic society by excellence and let me tell you kike, we ain't prosperous at all.

A otro perro con ese hueso, puto.

they are probably the nerdy niggers with jobs

>The capital of England is the capital of England.
Well done.
Now imagine how much wealthier it would be if it was homogenous.
And by the way all those engines of finance and industry are majority white and live either in 99% white areas in London or 99.9% white areas outside of London

I don't know from where you got that info. Sweden have a NEGATIVE GDP per capita growth rate. Our economy, accounted for per citizen, is shrinking.

Yeah I’m sure it had nothing to do with the massive amount of aid Germany and many Western European countries received with the Marshall Plan while Poland was left to rot

Ok, tell me one then
As far as I know european countries that are accepting "refugees" have decreasing HDI numbers

fucking died laughing good one bro

Have you seen Paris lately?
OP is a raging faggot

Vibrant economy indeed.

Attached: sweden.png (700x248, 26K)

yes it is and my country is doing very good because of it. look at video of nightclub in tallinn
our reality

Haha hahaha Haha hahaha

Attached: Ahhahaha.png (717x1099, 116K)


Mixed ethnic societies are unstable and only become prosperous and stable when the populations mix and eventually homogenize

i want to punch that ugly thot in the face.

god look at this cuck who cant understand statistics and variables.
what a little neckbeard dork

I don't think this is entirely fair on Black men.
Don't forget all these woman were coalburners.

Like Brazil

he made all those images and i honestly feel like he BY HAND in PAINT you show some respect, nigger

Attached: 1321470949758.gif (720x480, 309K)

> Niggers rape and steal and leave you at higher rates than any other group
> they need more fairness
Sure schlomo, sure. Stop touting your diversity cancer

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Attached: 926BE5B0-A76F-4DB8-8046-F19EB944A08E.jpg (920x1211, 378K)

>With communism
>Without communism
>Without communism
>With communism

What Paris is it that you want to go back to? The Paris of Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy when upto 30 000 civilians were slaughtered Ruanda style? Or perhaps the Paris of Robespierre's guillotine? The Paris of the siege of 1870-1871? The Paris of WW I shelled by Big Bertha?

Attached: La_masacre_de_San_Bartolomé,_por_François_Dubois.jpg (1400x840, 372K)

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Yeah just take a look at how awesome Brazil is.

Fuck off nigger kike

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This is so insane on so many level. Any prosperity was due to the pre-migrant times. Sweden is now near all out civil war. 200 German special forces tried to overthrow Merkel's government to stop the invasion. This OP is so insane it has to be bait.

Attached: D4A3AEAB-C63B-41BF-86BC-20FF39BE8D61.jpg (920x1211, 371K)

How can there by Diversity™ and Multiculturalism™ if you fuse every ethnicity but your own into a blob of cultureless mutts, schlomo?

no plz

>blames the weak economies of Eastern europe on their population's genetic background
>completely forgets that communism takes a hell of a long time to recover from
>shills for genocide of the indigenous Europeans
Fucking lmao

london is not over 50% non white

Is this guy going to post a panel everytime someone makes a comment?

Attached: scu2N7j.jpg (480x360, 9K)

and if they were invaded without any assistance from allied countries, they would be wiped out in a moments notice because despite all that economic strength, they have literaly no way to defend it themselves. if they didnt have help, theyd be FUCKED

>Those who claim otherwise are ruled by irrational fears and hatred. Proof: Germany and Sweden have the strongest economies in Europe and also happen to be two of the most multiethnic countries. Purely white Eastern European countries on the other hand suffer from vast amounts of corruption, weak economic growth and are drifting from one crisis to the next.

This is why Israel NEEDS immigrants the most!

it's photoshopped.

careful the fucking hashes autoban if you use imgur

Attached: 1506207968036.webm (544x960, 2.95M)

cheap troll is cheap.

Sage this nonsense.

>The joke
Your head

Leaf can't handle it. He needs to shitpost to hide this thread. He can't withstand his lust of sucking nigger dick.

That just the way I deal with fucked up situations desu. At this point I'm just sick of lies.

Good luck with your own situation. Met a Greek once, was quite the welcoming lad.

Are you retarded? A prosperous nation attracts migration. Migration doesn't create prosperity. It doesn't necessarily not create prosperity either, it depends on the calibre of the migrants.

Western prosperity has lead to chronic altruism amongst the ruling elite which has lead to more open borders which is leading to civilisational suicide. This is all very simple stuff.

Explain Central America then.