Hey you fucking progressives on this fucking board

Yeah YOU! What makes you pieces of shit think this is just a lump of cells?
I will wait.

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Abortion should be punished by hanging. This has always been obvious.

i'm sorry isn't this the same site which celebrates every time a cop unjustly kills a black person

>We shouldn't kill blacks who didn't do anything but should kill babies who didn't do anything

The absolute state of liberalism.


being anti-abortion is being anti-white

I think it was last year when more black children were aborted in NYC than born

Are you sadists or aren't you? You can't be both.

> hurr durr abortion kills more blacks
Already proven fake and gay.

And what's really disgusting is when Planned Parenthood sells the little body parts.

youtu.be/CL-5ICEfj24 planned parenthood (by proxy) newest ad.

If you look at the dictionary definition of “parasite” it fits a baby almost perfectly except for the part that says “...of a different species.” The only reason they added that tidbit is to avoid an awkward situation where human babies were labeled parasites — but it’s also a tacit admission that babies ARE parasites. They leech resources and life from the women who carry them, and if the baby is male, they often grow up to become rapists and mass shooters.

Same way you're just a lump of cells?
One is an autistic sperg swimming in its own shit and the other is a fetus
I say we kill both

What are you talking about? I don't want any unjust killings.

that's from a miscarriage not an abortion

Niggers are not people.

It is just a lump of cells. That's what humans are.

In particular, this appears to be a human that is unable to survive outside of another human's body.

Hope that clears things up for you.

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it's mostly brown people taking abortions
I don't see the problem here

I'm progressive and pro-life, whoa! shocker! Not everyone ascribes to a set list of beliefs that are under one banner.

People die, I don't care if some die early.

You too are unable to survive outside the help of other human bodies.

Unborn children are the most innocent of all people, the least deserving of death, the most deserving of protection. Being callous towards this just shows your "empathy" towards anything as being purely performative in nature.

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anti abortionists literally want the world to be run over with niggers cuz muh babies are innocent

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this argument gives a blank check to kill other human beings at will