Why do conservatives suck at comedy?

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Low IQs. It takes wit and talent to get into comedy, which is what conservatives are inept in. Why do you think so many comdians on TV are liberal?

I’m sorry but people who dont recognize the intersectional transdimensional class struggles of the underkin just arent that comical to me. Comedy is of the people

it takes two brain cells to rub together

willingness to molest children for the approval of a predominantly jewish and left wing cabal.

My boomer parents think hes funny.

Last Man Standing is funny when he's not talking about politics

In case you didn't realize those were ironic laughs.

South Park is funny.

You mean Jewish you massive faggot and any liberal that used to be funny would be considered a right wing bigot if they used the same material today

>leftist "comedian"
>it's 90 minutes of complaining about inequality and racism and singing the praises of communism


left wing comedy is propaganda

bill maher (leftist, alleged comedian) defends pedophilia

Chase "Checkmark" Mitchell looks pretty pissed off to me!!! Cheers, Larry

Sent from my iPhone XS

because their humor is too high for faggots like you

Fuck off shareblue cucks


OP btfo

Because usually left leaning people tend to risk these kind of "careers" like comedian and other shit where only 1 in 10 000 succeeds, right leaning people are more likely to pick actually useful careers.

Good bait

Old people suck at comedy.

His sit com was fucking awesome

>Why do conservatives suck at comedy?

Everyone sucks at comedy nowadays. But that's forgivable, comedy is hard.

I think Tim Allen is funny as hell.

South Park Republican is literally the type of conservative represented by the views of the South Park creators over the course of the series

the pol ylyl people that make youtube videos are hilarious
true, the media and the retarded masses don't appreciate them, but they're funny

Also Always Sunny is funny

real comedians dont exist because conservatives comedians get ((cancer))

>Why do you think so many comdians on TV are liberal?
Because you can't get on TV as a conservative comedian you stupid fuck.

I don't think so, Tim.

Wait you actually think they are conservative? The same people who said they regret using the word retard in previous episodes and look at it as a black mark on their careers?

Are you talking about the people who for the past two seasons have made a show with SJW overtones and messages?

Why do liberals suck at comedy?

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South Park creators are libertarian and they openly call trump a retard.

conservatives suck
but right wingers create like 90% of the funny things online

Plz. The left easily takes the cake for being humorless prudes. Comedians dont go to universities anymore to perform because leftists protest and interrupt their shows.

He's a cry bully, not a comedian.

Bill Burr
Nick DiPaolo
Patrice O’Neal
Adam Carolla
Jimmy Kimmel (before he got castrated)

Yup. Those right-wing comedians sure aren’t funny.

I support Trump but he is a retard in a lot of what he does. SP guys attack stupidity on both sides but they're still conservatives. Go on wikipedia and look up 'South Park Republican'

Tim Allen plays a dumb caricature of a conservative. Doesnt his character always concede when someone criticizes trump and espouse stale glen beck conspiracies while avoiding anything non PC like the plague? Wasn't there an episode where he loudly and openly cucks on illegal immigration because he found out one of his employees is an illegal?

you forgot norm

where would nick mullen fall under?


>no Norm McDonald

Terrible quads.

Only Glenn Howerton said that, and that's really the only 'SJW'-like thing he's said. If you actually watch the show they make fun of a ton of liberal talking points and poke holes in the policies they call for

because conservatives are unable to do any sort of self-reflection, they are afraid to question their own party because they rely on boomer old people for money. Also, they think just being mad all the time is the same as humor, which it isn't. They're just mad constantly about petty shit like bathrooms

The characters themselves on the show are definitely conservatives

You have to be an insufferable, pretentious cunt to pursue a "comedy career" in the first place. It narrows the herd down to mostly oversocialized shitlibs and pure megalomaniacs.

the funniest show on tv is far from liberal


the jews deplatform every funny conservative so it's not surprising that a mass media consuming leftist wouldn't have heard of any

Don't know why they're making fun of the hypermasculinization prenatal testosterone theory of autism. There is pretty strong evidence in favor of it.

Basically any comedian whose funny is right wing

This. People think Bill Hicks becoming Alex Jones is just a meme, but he never changed. The world changed.

Simple: Comedians need exposure to be successful, exposure means media, the media is owned and operated by leftists, thus no smart conservative comedian is going to out themselves when they know it can destroy their career.

Note that every celebrity who has spent time in prison - Tim Allen, Robert Downey Jr., Tony Sirico, Danny Trejo, etc - They always end up vocally critical of the left. This is what happens when someone is forced to live among criminals and degenerates; they realize all that garbage about discrimination, systematic oppression and disenfranchised youth is hogwash and that scum is just scum no matter what light you try to paint it in.

I often wonder how south park got away with all the jewish jokes for all these years without being MOSSAD'd

>HEHEHE this is high-brow and sophisticated comedy. If you don't "get it" you're clearly a misogynistic, sexist, racist shitlord who denies climate change now give me more shekels/

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This. They're nasty

then how would you explain that this is probably one of the funiest sites on the internet, and everyone knows it

Do liberal comedians joke about anything other than bad orange man or things their vaginas do?

They have to be just pc enough to get picked up by networks. They have to filter the red pilled shit you see on here every day. A lefty cringe comedian doesn't have to play by the same rules.

Owen Benjamin is a great comedian but he’s really a scorn liberal disgusted with Hollywood. At this point he is wondering why they ever let him in

>Y-y-you aren't funny!

Get shwifty!
MaH vagina!

>Why do you think so many comdians on TV are liberal?
because they're all jews and jews take care of their own cause they don't believe in merit. There is no possible way Amy Schumer could have had her own SHOW on comedy central without her jew connections.

Owen books his venues and only releases the venue to those who purchased a ticket the week of the show. Trevor Moore and Owen Benjamin are great. They go places that comedians should like chappelle

OK, OP has been blown the fuck out. It's another bait and retreat to fill the threads.

You know what to do with this troll thread now

I like Owen Benjamin

>They always end up vocally critical of the left. This is what happens when someone is forced to live among criminals and degenerates; they realize all that garbage about discrimination, systematic oppression and disenfranchised youth is hogwash and that scum is just scum no matter what light you try to paint it in.

I find it amusing commies fucking hero Che Guevara walked away from Africa saying pretty much the same thing yet its a pill they refuse to swallow


most comedians are liberals

successful comedians are conservative

Honestly I'm pretty sure antisemitism and truthful jokes are seeded all over the media as form of camouflage and plausible deniability. South Park and Family Guy take the piss out of Jews often, yet are both Jewish as fuck. Trey Parker is a Jew iirc, and Seth MacFarlane certainly tweets like a stereotypical Hollywood liberal.

Just, thank God for James Woods. That guy cracks me up, and he isn't full-retard liberal. He's pretty moderate all things considered. I wonder if he still talks to MacFarlane despite their wildly differing political stances?

Also you know who else I've grown to love? Mel Gibson. I'm legitimately pissed off that the media convinced me to hate Gibs without understanding anything he was saying, when I was younger.

My clever triple infinities must not go unchecked. Check me boys.

Is that why bubblegum pop and bling rap tops the charts instead of prog rock and jazz?

The best comedians are neither

Norm Macdonald

Sorry you got btfo so hard

Everyone that take everything too seriously suck at comedy, regardless of the political affiliation.

By portraying their token anti-semitic character in as negative a light as possible and their semitic character in the most positive one.

there is nothing worse than a kike leaf using a meemflag

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Comedy is subjective. What’s funny is a group of adults both right and left seem to think we all have to agree with someone to listen to them and find them funny or intelligent. Favorite comedians are Doug Stanhope, Bill Hicks, George Carlin. Do I agree with everything they say or said no but seem to be individuals acting through their own thoughts not afraid to push the envelope.

Stop making fun of her you douche bag. Shes knocked up now. She has an actual punchline.

This. Kyle is always the voice of morality, and Cartman is always the antagonist


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You got me so angry i ree'd and forgot pic.

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Yeah the poor smuck who gets the infamy of being a confirmed porkaphile.

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Norm Macdonald is painfully unfunny
Funny rightwing comedians can't push boundaries (i.e be funny) because that wouldn't be PC and they'd be shut down immediately for making jokes like that. In other words they post here.

I think hes funny desu. His conservatism gets a little cringey sometimes but overall its a good show.

Based Bob the Bilderberg-smasher.

Difference is they still made them expressly wrong and right respectively on many occasions, kind of like The Simpsons did with Lisa before they fully swallowed the SJFem kool-aid.

>Lecture people about how bad Trump is for a half hour
>Somehow considered funny

Norm IS painfully unfunny, but only most of the time and usually only in his own material. His guest/voice work, such as Mike Tyson mysteries, is fine gold. His standup is hacky garbage, but every once in a while I'll hear him bullshitting with other comedians and he'll say something that makes me laugh from the gut. He's a champ when he doesn't pull punches and goes for the low blows. His sissy frufru apology for defending Barr and C.K. was an absolute travesty however, and cost him most of my respect. He plays too close to the line; his jokes aren't good when he's being a pussy for easy claps.

South Park isn't conservative. They're classical liberals if anything. You realize they only joke about being republicans to take the piss out of people. And BTW this is why conservatives aren't funny. Just like SJWs aren't funny. They take things too seriously. Comedy requires an irreverent middle ground. If it's just you making a political point without being funny, you're not doing your job as a comedian. (See: Seth Meyers)

Norm Macdonald is so funny, that liberal media who shuns conservatives do mental gymnastics to enjoy his humor without noticing that they themselves are the butt of his jokes.

If you don't think discussing Bill Clinton as a murderer on the view is hilarious. Then we just have a different sense of humor

Ok may have to reword that, whatever people post in ylyl threads with him in it is painfully unfunny.

that seems like a win/win

>Funny rightwing comedians can't push boundaries because that wouldn't be PC and they'd be shut down
Came to post basically this. A white guy could take the stage and do word-for-word stolen routines that niggers do about niggers, Jews do about Jews, and women do about women. It might be hilarious, but you’d never hear from him again. Michael Richards (who played a funny character but isn’t stand-up funny) had his career ruined because he said “nigger” a few times on stage. Imagine a white comedian opening with that old accepted black comedian trope, “yo, why are niggers always yelling at the screen in movie theaters?” He wouldn’t even make it to the next venue before the tour was cancelled.

We're all scorn liberals. All part of growing up.

and THAT is the real punchline.

The highest selling comedy tour of all time is the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. A collection of Conservative comedians.

Those guys are great but libshits will never admit it.

Oh yeah

Trips of truth

Wouldn’t like half of Eddie Murphy movies be considered extraordinarily transphobic if they came out today?

>tfw remembering the episode where they had to disarm a nuke inside hillary clintons vagina

>It takes wit and talent to get into comedy,

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Most of their funny jokes aren't political. They're self effacing, making fun of right-wing, or just getting applause lines if political. Look at the title. And some aren't even all that conservative personally, beyond the stage persona.

They aren't allowed to crack jokes about anyone but white males or their Jew Masters black list them.

How do you spot Antifa without their costumes on?
All the women are afraid of paternity tests and the men are afraid of scales.


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