The California wildfires are caused by imported Australian eucalyptus trees. Should Aussies pay for it?

The California wildfires are caused by imported Australian eucalyptus trees. Should Aussies pay for it?

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we did you a favour

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Its not Aussies fault that the task they carry out just fine (removing brush) isn't done by the retarded Californians

Shithole state

>the most elaborated shitpost in history

My hometown in the south imported these trees a few years ago. Do you remember the cnn stories of iguanas dying because it was too cold in Florida? Turns out the entire batch of imported trees all around the city died and became a fire hazard

Trees ain't hard to deal with yanks. Just burn em down nice and easy

>when you're so dedicated to shitposting, you conceptualize a shitpost so long term that you'll be dead for 100 years before the effects are seen.
>do it anyway because its your fucking legacy

Only Australians could do that.

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Emus aren`t hard to deal with bruce. Just shoot them down nice and easy.

Immigrants aren't hard to deal with Hans. Just don't let them in.

Nah, is right, fuck California

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The European refugee crisis is caused by American wars. Should Yanks pay for it?

That dance makes a regular appearance when goon of fortune comes around at a party
>On hot days in Tasmania and blue gum’s other native regions, eucalyptus oil vaporizes in the heat. The oil leaves a smoggy miasma hanging over the eucalyptus groves.
>This gas is extremely flammable and the cause of many wild fires.
>extremely flammable

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Trump should build wall. A firewall.

kek, btfo

I don't think there are any eucalyptus trees in Butte County.

There are large numbers of them in the Bay Area, especially in the Oakland hills.

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This. Thanks, Oz. Fuck California!

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Everyone in CA should listen to John and Ken. They are constantly trying to end and expose corruption in CA. They are based. They are on in tue LA area on am 640 @1400-1800 hrs

The fires are caused by PG and E and SoCal edison.

Why would the power companies do that?

no. they should be given medals for torching that hell.

G*rmans btfo for eternity They're onto us!

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well how is it our fault if youse put the eucalyptus tree but didnt put any kangaroos or koalas? not paying jack shit buddy.

learn to swim

Spics are supposed to be good at gardening but can't clear a little scrub?

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Because not doing maintenance makes some pencil pusher look like a money saving hero.

Why should Australia be blamed? The dumbfucks wanted them. Eat shit, Cali!

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nice try retard, the fires were caused by white men and blamed on immigrants for political reasons

The eternal shitposter strikes again

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Aussie Troll Status: Legendary

Fuck off mate! You should give Australia an award for kills of those Commiefornians

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oh my sides

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