This is the 2020 swing state map

>This is the 2020 swing state map


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Other urls found in this thread:'s_8th_congressional_district#Recent_elections


Hehe, texas turning purple! Drumpfy wumpfy is finished for real this time!


Once they have they Texas, it's all over goys.

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>the texas and georgia are swing states meme again.

Neither of these was even close, and no one has Beto tier appeal.

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Trump will win in all the swing states except Pennsylvania, Michigan and New Hampshire, thats about 270

At this point even if the dems exposed that they were pure satanists that sacrificed babies I would still vote for them over republicans. I fucking hate republicans to the core of my being.

I don't see the problem.

that's about 270 for Democrats correct

I hope the fucker gets murdered after he loses, and I hope his children get to watch.

Here's your 2020, faggot.

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your brain froze to death

Nancy picks the president in this scenario

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This. Cruz won by like 100000 votes and someone mentioned Abbot got re-elected by a crazy-town margin. Beto O'Rourke was an anomaly, Georgia won't go blue unless a Jimmy Carter or a Bill Clinton runs again (which will never happen).

I actually respect Nate Silver and 270towin but this map is probably placing too much weight on the midterm results.

NC, GA, TX, FL, and PA should all be red. You're listening to the people who said there was a 99% chance Hillary would win.

>being red ever again
>ever even being purple again

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After two terms of Gavin Newsom...let's talk.

Minnesota is full of white cucks who have never even seen a brown person before, and Michigan is full of blacks. I am skeptical of them ever going red again. Not saying it's impossible, but I'm not holding my breath.

Fucking leaf thinks he knows politics

there's literally more unassociated registers voters than reps at this point.

I'd say Minnesota is tilting purple or red. Saying Texas and Georgia is going blue is ludicrous and the Commie who won in Arizona cheated.

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it's true

trump is very unpopular in PA, WI and MI, even Iowa with his tariffs. Plus AZ and FL are in play as well.

That isn't how it works.
The house does decide the president, but it's not by simple vote.

The reps of each state vote for who they want, and if a person gets the most vote from a state, they win the state.
But each state only counts as 1 vote.
You need 26 states to win.

GOP would still win, as they usually control more states.

oh sweetie

Attached: mn governor race 2018.png (353x390, 92K)

shit my bad you're actually right

Blue wave is real.

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Sweetie pie...

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-18 United States presidential election in Minnesota, 2016 - Wikipedia.png (518x623, 248K)

>actually believing this shit.

>This is the 2020 swing state map

u were talking about minnesota were u not? now you're trying to change the topic? u still re-living 2016 in ur head?

Minnesota nearly went Red in 16 and the GOP picked up seats so it's plausible

>I'd say Minnesota is tilting purple or red.


why dont u retards try looking at statewide races

ZOGApedes need to be brought back to reality.

OP posted a 2020 Presidential election map, I posted a 2016 Presidential result and a 2018 House result. Minnesota has been blue since 1976 and there has never been a time it's been this red.

>try to steal elections during the midterms
Maybe you should have kept that trick in your back pocket for a little longer.

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FL, AZ and NC are the most likely to flip blue in 2020. Obviously NV is long gone. All of that is terrible news for Republicans but the worst part is that MI, WI and PA are all going to be battle ground states and the Dems ignored them in 2016. The 2018 midterms showed cucky Whites in these states, plus states like OH and IA, are coming out in droves for Democrats.

Unless Trump does something huge on illegal immigration, which is topping the list of concerns for Whites, even higher than the economy, he'll be blown out in 2020.

To clarify, some states that have red senators also have blue governors and vice versa, he must have been a boring candidate

Midterm gubernatorial races aren't the best indicator of where a state is going for a Presidential race. There are 300K people who did not vote from 16 to 18 based on the results you yourself posted

I can't wait for a spoiler that keeps either candidate from getting 270 and pushes the decision to the Senate.

>scott walker wins 2010 Wisconsin gov race
>obama wins wisconsin in 2012

>bruce rauner wins 2014 illinois gov race
>hillary wins wisconsin in 2016

ok pal

Not sure about North Carolina turning blue, they've consistently voted red from 1980 to 2008 and then voted red again in 2012 onward.
As for illegals, immigration has been a huge issue for Republicans. Many polls show Republicans are getting sick of all this immigration stuff and since they lost the House it should be interesting in January

they're a better indicator than looking at house races u dumb fucks

what do u mean by this red? you're saying the GOP has never had 3 House seats in MN?

No they're not, they're slightly worse. The only thing you can tell about a House race is the direction which people who vote regardless are going. In a state like MN which has a few districts that's more significant than the governorship

nevada, colorado, new mexico, minnesota, and new hampshire will go red in 2020
virginia may flip to red but i dont care

except presidential races are statewide contests, not by house districts

thus a statewide contest would give u a better indication than 1 house race

u need to get mental help

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That's not realistic but this is. The democgraphic bomb is just starting to hit. AZ and FL will be blue by 2020. NC maybe too. The Dems are going to go all out in OH, PA, MN, WI, MI.

Attached: 2020 election.png (850x614, 90K)

EC tends to look more like the Senate map, just because Dems won some seats in the house and other suburban districts doesn't really mean shit.

As long as Trump can keep Texas and Florida, and keep the couple rust belt states he flipped in 2016, he should be fine. Shouldn't be too difficult I think if the economy is still on fire like it is currently.

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>thus a statewide contest would give u a better indication than 1 house race
Not when that statewide race is done on an off-year where typically less people turnout. Especially when that lesser turnout affects the party with the Presidency. The House races serve as a foundation to where the States may be going, and it's looking like MN is going to be within GOP grasp

That canadian is retarded. He's not worth your time

my god u people are fucking retarded

MN isn't within GOP's grasp

look at the statewide race u retards are basing all this off 1 house race that went 50-50? LMAO how fucking retarded r u ?

Honestly I don't even know why I post on this board anymore, it hasn't been politically adept since 2015

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this is your proof that MN is trending GOP even tho the statewide race was won by the Democrat by 10 points? u retards are fucking clueless

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how ironic considering you're completely retarded when it comes to political analysis

u think 1 50-50 house district in 2018 is more relevant to a statewide contest in 2020 than a statewide contest in 2018.

you're literally fucking brain dead

are your fee fees hurt?'s_8th_congressional_district#Recent_elections

u know im right

are u trying to claim the GOP has never had 3 house districts in MN before?

PA NC blue for sure

Are you claiming there's no trend here?

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why r u looking at 1 district to represent an entire state?

how fucking retarded are you when it comes to politics?

holy shit wait.

u think MN only has 1 district?

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It's a district that Repubs don't usually win that's trending red you moose fucker. God you're retarded

correct so your entire argument is that 1 district is trending more to the GOP


that proves nothing for the entire state

how fucking retarded are you?

>u retards are basing all this off 1 house race that went 50-50?
No faggot, look here

1.4 M
1.3 M
2.7 M
1.4 M
1.1 M
2.5 M

Dems in 2018 got 20k more votes than in 16 whereas the GOP lost 200k. Midterm turnout always favors the out-party, and if the GOP had a consistent turnout from 2016 then the governor's race would have been razor-thin. Depending on who the Democrats front then the GOP has a real chance of taking the state especially if they run another Hillary-esque candidate. The House races aren't a definite indicator, but show a base trend leading into 2020. MN is a purple state, as is FL and possibly AZ

>u think 1 50-50 house district in 2018 is more relevant to a statewide contest in 2020 than a statewide contest in 2018.
Nice strawman

Trump will lose in 2020, but what will he lose...

>correct so your entire argument is that 1 district is trending more to the GOP
>that proves nothing for the entire state
>how fucking retarded are you?

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presidential elections are statewide contests

the statewide contest in MN was won by a Democrat by 11 points this simple fact triggers and annihilates u retarded GOP shills

u know im right, that's why u have no argument

we were arguing about MN statewide and u turned it into an argument about a single district because u know u lost

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ill gladly bet u retards that the Democrats win MN in 2020

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u got btfo so badly that this is what you're resorting to

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>EC tends to look more like the Senate map
They really don't.
2016 is really the only instance of this in recent years.

>I won an argument about your country that I know nothing about

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>1 house district indicates how an entire state will vote better than how an entire state just voted

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>11 points
Don't look at the percent, it's a misnomer. Look at the raw numbers. The Democrat won in 2018 by about 300k votes. Compare that to 2016 where they won by just 45k. If you look at the sum total of the voters then you see a ~250k drop between 16 and 18; this is due to 18 being a midterm year. I'm not saying that MN WILL go Red, I'm saying it's POSSIBLE the GOP can pick it up. Do you understand the difference?

ok it's possible lol

lots of things are possible lmao

That's true.

It's possible your mother drank 180 proof vodka while she was pregnant with you LOL

dont project your personal family stories onto me

>lots of things are possible lmao
Literally all I've been saying this entire thread is that based on the numbers and the flipped seats it's possible the GOP can pickup MN. You autistically screech about how I think one house race amounts to a GOP victory in the State come 2020. You're either a bad troll or only see what you want to see

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shouldn't u GOP shills be more concerned about holding MI, WI and PA? all of which hate trump right now

that's the presidential right there

let alone Iowa, AZ and FL..

u act like the GOP has never held 3 districts before....

they used to win 4 pretty regularly...

Attached: mn house.png (1334x763, 77K)

Nice pivot, but everyone knows the first to cast the "shill" stone is themselves the shill

>Harking back to Bush-era politics
Yea no

give me a break. it'll be a landslide for trump in 2020. after 2020 however the republicans are fucked forever. civil war by 2035 cause demographically the house and senate will be perma-blue by 2026 or 2028

I'm from MN, we have shitloads of Somali scum and trash from Detroit often flee here.

Pic related seems like the best-case scenario for Trump in 2020. I think it's very possible if Trump gets more done in the next two years (and that means dealmaking with Pelosi) and maybe tones down his rhetoric when necessary to win over the True Conservatives in the suburbs. New Hampshire might even be possible, since it was such a close election in 2016 and now out-of-state college students can't vote there.

Otherwise, my gut feeling is Trump loses due to a blue Florida and/or Arizona. I don't think Texas goes blue just yet - if the margin is close in 2020, then we'll have a problem in the near future but I do think quite a bit of this year's race was because Cruz is unpopular and ab ungodly amount of money and publicity was poured into Beto's campaign.

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>he doesn't see it

Baron trump for Führer 2036

Yes but what if the dems are dumb enough to go full socialist

Lol Texas no solid red.
Who actually thinks that?

Not until 24 they won't, but here's the catch:
They'll win

Why is that dude wearing a bikini top?

Are you blind faggot? Did you not see how Beto nearly came within 2% of smoking your Cruz cuck?