Modern Rightwing Art and Media

I always find it interesting that the new right seems to be producing so much of its own entertainment and I've taken it upon myself to try and archive the best of it for future generations. Please share with me your favorite right-wing art, music, etc.
>murdoch murdoch
>Byron de la vandal
>Mr. Bond
>ironpill cartoons

Attached: everything_not_saved_will_be_lost.png (1366x768, 2.39M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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bump. please go on...

No u

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Objectively, 99% of "modern rightwing art and media" are shitposts and memes. So, that's what I'll post.

I've been trying to gather a collection of those as well. My current situation prevents me from taking an active role in the movement, so I've been making it my goal to archive as much notable pieces of media and collect as many artifacts as possible.

Maybe you should be showing current and ensuing generations art and music from our past that built genuine culture instead of this derivative modernist shit.

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You are correct in that such things are necessary to the rebuilding of the West. However, I'd like to think that generations from now, after the battle is won and we have taken our rightful place among the stars, future generations will be able to look back at the things we made and get a glimpse into the minds of the broken, dejected men and women who against all odds managed to break free from the kike brainwashing and restore the West to its true path. Obviously the art we create is broken and degenerate, as are we - however, there is an underlying drive towards something greater, something lost, and I think that preserving this will allow our grandchildren to better understand just how far we have fallen and how close to the brink we truly were.

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Its interesting that in the past, creativity and artistic behavior was guarantee to be left wing. Now there is a lot more right wing creative media. Add Sam hyde, some of Pewdiepie and the other youtube celebrities

>everything not saved will be lost
This isn't rightwing art, this is the numale equivalent of eat, pray, and love

>unironically liking rap
>unironically listening to rap about ethnonationalism and hating niggers

numales are dogshit, whether they see themselves as white nationalists or not

>the rebuilding of the West. However, I'd like to think that generations from now, after the battle is won and we have taken our rightful place among the stars, future generations will be able to look back at the things we made and get a glimpse into the minds of the broken, dejected men and women who against all odds managed to break free from the kike brainwashing and restore the West to its true path. Obviously the art we create is broken and degenerate, as are we - however, there is an underlying drive towards something greater, something lost, and I think that preserving this will allow our grandchildren to better understand just how far we have fallen and how close to the brink we truly were.
You're a SPLC caricature

It's certainly a platitude, but I find it quite relevent in this age of censorship where any right-wing public figure can quickly and without warning find all of his work erased.
I can't say I'm a fan myself, but it provides inspiration to some and thus it is worth preserving.
I find it hard to understand why you'd compare preserving bits of internet political culture to an organization who actively seeks to remove all traces of them.

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>I find it hard to understand
I bet you do

>All original content on Jow Forums is degenerate
>All people who enjoy it are degenerate
>Anyone who disagrees is a shill
Fuck off back to plebbit, faggot

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lmao, look at this for instance>le press X to revive

It tells you everything you need to know about the "alt-right" if you have a triple digit IQ. You're children in age, and definitively in spirit. You're a branch off the same tree as your liberal counterparts. You're cringey and fucking embarrassing and you types will sink the dissident right just like the kekistani retards.

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lots of punk rock, death & black metal, folk, and "new wave" type stuff was steeped in NS, Wotanism, Fascism etc way before the alt-right was around

the new art people are making is alright but is definitely infected with the same plebeian tendencies that plagues all internet culture.

>you're children
>you're cringey and fucking embarrassing


Cry maor and fuck off back to where you belong faggot

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>le press X to revive
>muh npcs
>whos got the new vidya
>muh gamergate

If not in age, in spirit and demeanor. You're gay and cringe, deal with it. Chinks and jews are the only ones that are actually concerned with "saving" rightwing art because white men are low IQ videogame man children now.

Attached: Annual midnight swearing-in of SS troops at Feldherrnhalle, Munich, 1938..jpg (1200x819, 152K)

>low iq
>man children
wew lad, trying too hard lmao

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tell yourself whatever you need to