I'm Christian and how the fuck do I argue with this?

I'm Christian and how the fuck do I argue with this?

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I give you a math problem. Then I list 3000 answers. 2999 are wrong. 1 is right.

Good Christians do not argue. They do not question. They hold to faith.

"Yes, you are correct."

>they do not question
>they hold to faith

that's not what faith means idiot

How does he know if the others were all wrong?


1) A fool has said in his heart 'There is no God'
2) The ability to debunk Radiometric dating plays a major role in dismantling the claims of ancient religions that preceeded Jesus Christ.

Well technically it's possible that at most four of them are real if the Christian god is real. Nine if the Muslim god is real.

Maybe they're all real

that's not the point. the point is, anyone who believes in any particular god, always believes they chose right.

you can't argue with it. He's posturing in the question. Silly made up nonsense? The gods of the seasons, and the rain and the sun? Those things are silly and made up. Why bother arguing with that person? They are unlikely to change their opinion, and they're only trying to shake yours, if you believe.
Stay away from the wolves, man.

After all, the commandment says you shouldn't worship other gods. This imolies there are many that exist.

there haven't been 3000 gods there has been only 1

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Who gives a shit what this ugly Brit thinks?

What does faith mean to you? Critical scepticism?

The Bible is the only holy text that recognizes and denounced other Gods, you read the New Testament and it explicitly details some by name. I believe The Roman goddess Diana is mentioned in Axe. It’s self aware and gives you understanding to filter the pagan lies and find the source of truth from its words

>Did Jesus Exist? Dr. Robert M Price, Dr. Richard Carrier, David Fitzgerald

>Why the Gospels Are Myth

>Why Invent the Jesus?

>Jesus Mythicism

>Examining the Existence of a Historical Jesus

>Biggest Lie -- The 4th Gospel

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T. Synagogue of Satan

it's relevant when none of them are supported by any evidence.

>Malicious witnesses rise up; they ask me of things that I do not know.
Psalm 35:11
Many atheists do not argue with the intent of learning. They try to roll out cheap 'gotchas' to get their kicks, and rarely even stick around for a response.

Educate yourself you lazy fuck.

>I give you a math problem
>but no QED

What is Faith for 2000, Alex?

>On 14 October 1941, in an entry concerning the fate of Christianity, Hitler says: "Science cannot lie, for it's always striving, according to the momentary state of knowledge, to deduce what is true. When it makes a mistake, it does so in good faith. It's Christianity that's the liar. It's in perpetual conflict with itself."[70] Religion will crumble before scientific advances, says Hitler: "The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble. All that's left is to prove that in nature there is no frontier between the organic and the inorganic. When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity."[71]


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Those other gods, as shown in the bible, are lesser deities. Basically like angels, that is a synonym I guess.

Some were made up as well, and I wish people from both sides would educate themselves instead of rushing and accusing each other of being ignorant and foolish.

Why argue? Who cares what some has been comic thinks?

And the 1 you think is right is based entirely on faith and random chance, rather than any actual calculation.

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Was this before or after he got mad at the pope for being a cuck?

Christcucks BTFO by Euclid

There’s just no point in debating. A wise man will love you if you rebuke them. Mockers don’t. Make like Christ and shake the dust off of your feet and keep it pushing to the next person who is willing to hear.

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you stop believing in god and start believing in the universe

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Have you checked the work though?

>that pic

Though we quibble about the details, every single civilization in history has agreed on the fundamental reality of the spiritual divine.


The radical secularism of the left is a freakish outlier. It asserts without proof that the spiritual is not real, nor is the divine. Yet, when it is allowed to make public policy on that basis, the results are routinely tragic. This provides a very straight forward utilitarian test: societies which believe in God thrive, while societies which don't believe flounder. This doe3s not prove that God exists, which is still a question fo faith, but it does prove that man needs to believe God exists.

Based Greek mathematician.

>Gödel's ontological proof

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Doesn't actually address any evidence given that any given god is real, just says there's a large field. It's a non-argument.


Experience and dominance

Polytheism is internally inconsistent. You can't have more than one god. So that narrows it down to monotheistic faiths of which there is only a handful.

Kek. Well done.

There's no guarantee 1 is right though, there might be a supreme being but who's to say they revealed themselves yet?

>he doesn't realize they're ALL real and just emanations of a single divine force that unites everything the way our cells in our body comprises us, the universe comprises God

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God is your name for the prime mover. You're presuming an unknowable being. You're making your own version and claiming it is real.

You fall for it every time.

If you hand 3000 people a diamond and ask a random person who has the diamond does that mean none of them have it?

Atheist nonsense.

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"There have been nearly 3000 comedy stars so far but none of them were actually funny. They all made up silly nonsense. Fuck Ricky Gervais, fuck Piers Morgan, and fuck British expatriates. Stay in your prison colony instead of shitting up ours." -me

you could say that religion is a cultural contextualization of the divine, and Christianity is the cultural contextualization of the divine that has led to the highest achievement of art, science, and cultural domination in history, and is therefore superior

He doesn't want to discuss this, he wants to shut you down and lock you out of any conversation.

This isn't someone you "talk to" about faith or religion. He's already made up his mind, let him.
You keep your faith and knowledge, talk to someone that wants to discuss it further.

Your dumb christian bible isn't math sweetie.

>You can't have more than one god.
Source: your ass


Checked. Read Ed Feser.

>There are almost 400k fruits on earth so far but only your favorites are best to shove up your ass. The others are are shit for being a faggot. But not yours. Yours is best.

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On one hand, you have 2999 deities created by people to explain the world and their place in it. On the other hand, you have God.

Jesus' existence is unquestioned by the vast majority of historians. It is also widely believed that the people of that time believed Jesus was capable of performing miracles.

It is clear that Christianity is based on what actually happened instead of what people think might have happened.

Post yfw the QED is dynamic.


religion was first and foremost a means of imposing moral standards on the people, and convincing them to adhere to those standards
before religious tolerance, before christians ruined everything by watering down their faith to attract newcomers, God was synonymous with these morals, and that was your justification for yours being right

but who cares today, it's a bunch of retards taking the metaphysics too seriously and cherry-picking the morals they like
whatever ass backwards interpretation of god you have probably bears zero resemblance to what people were praying to 500 years ago

I appreciate Ricky's commitment to free speech, he actually gives zero fucks if you want to believe in what ever god. The fucking cringe is that Atheist symbol on the bottom right. *Tips fedora*

Ask any christcuck why they believe. You will invariably get non-sequiturs and answers like "because the Bible says so" and "faith".

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When it comes to judging which religion is true, you'd would have to look for one which is fundamentally different from all the others. If all others are basically the same, then that would heavily imply that they all stem from a common origin, likely a human standard. After all, if a God wanted to be worshipped in a certain way, it would be unlikely that he, she, it, or they would make their worship so vague as to stem off in all these different directions. As such, this proves that Christianity is the only true religion.

What makes Christianity only true religion is that its foundational method for salvation is the outlier. Every one of those other religions involves the practitioner working to earn their salvation. Whether it be through heroic acts, (often the case of many ancient religions) meditation and prayer, (like many eastern religions) or through following specific rules throughout your life (the Pillars of Islam and various sacrificial rituals.) For Christians, on the other hand, salvation comes through belief in Jesus and in His sacrifice and resurrection. Sure Christianity has rules, but these are merely lessons on how to live a godly life, not a strict set of rules necessary for salvation.

Tl;dr: All the other gods from these religions require that you earn your salvation, but Christ paid the toll for your salvation and offers it to you freely.

if your christian like you claim then you should know the story of when Moses went up the mountain to get the ten commandments? During that time the people he left down at the bottom started worshiping gods that created. This is just a modern version of that.

>stay away from people you disagree with in case they prove you wrong

>Gödel's ontological proof
>proving any religion's concept of God

This. And if not then are you taking the words on good... faith?

that they created
-sorry i made a typo

This only really applies to tyrannical abrahamic religions. Most polytheistic religions in history had no problem with the idea of others gods also existing.


You're confusing revelation with presumption. I'm not assuming anything. I'm accepting the testimony of those who've had direct experience of the divine.

I believe because in the end, it is better to maintain a sense of consequences with what you'd call a lie than believe that nothing matters.

Also you've been btfo, fruit fucker.

the great flood. it's all over the world in myths. something happened we can be sure unless you are a retard that subscribes to civs by rivers made it so. so look at the myths. most are animistic and locally contained with how best those peoples could understand what happened and for why. the Word explains it better as well as explaining why those other 'gods" are false gods. even gilagamesh is a good proof for the Biblical tale being more accurate. the Bible's tale is more detailed and a better account. the ark in that would float perfectly but not so much for the copycat. the gilgamesh tale is a knockoff. we merely have an old copy of the knockoff that could/should tell ya the Biblical account is over the mark. then ponder why the flood was sent

You either get your morals and ideals from religion, or you get them from the Jews. It’s much better to get morality from a dead Jew, than from a living one.

How about the fact that there are 3000 gods all describing the same fundamental truth. That no traditional culture has ever been atheistic. And the fact the universe exists is miraculous enough to inspire religiosity. Just because modern culture ascribes the materialism doesn’t mean the material world is trivial. The universe is god, we are the universe.

Looks like he did. Education is the ultimate threat to desert religions.

they are all interpretations of the same thing. no one is more right or wrong than anyone else.

holy shit you made me choke on my popcorn

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by fucking off to please. thank you. have a blessed day

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thanks user, interesting stuff

That's a 3000 to 1 chance that your fantasy friend is telling you the truth

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my higher secular education led me to the truth of Christ. you fall for some their shit they hold to you merely adopt a different religion

Why do these sound exactly the same.

We have the one true God
I mean Jews don't like Jesus would you really side with them ?

I was raised by godless progressives, and I've found God in my own way and sort of consider myself Christian. I'd say, essentially all of those gods are just exaggerated versions of humans. Zeus and Thor are never claimed to be creators, or the ultimate truth. They're just the biggest baddest guy who is currently in charge of the pantheon which exists WITHIN the world.

When Christianity says that Christ is the Word, the real translation is Logos, which I think basically means that his example is the logic of how to live properly as a human being. More importantly this is a divinely inspired logic, it is literally what God designed us for, but left us free will to choose. God being basically the ultimate truth of the universe. So basically Christ is the example of how the universe wants humans to behave.

Other religions that have made similar metaphysical claims often reach very similar overall models. However, due to their greater age, or more nomadic/savage origins as in the case of Islam, often fall short of being as comprehensive and logical as Christianity. They contain more of ancient superstition and cultural baggage, and less of the ultimate Truth of the Universe. Therefore, Christianity is to date the single best religion with which to get in touch with GOD.

Might as well believe in Kantian deontological ethics and get rid of the mythology if you just believe for the sake of having a moral system

Why should I? Teabag a gympie plant.

Different people are capable of reaching a similar conclusion.

My answer would be "Faith is a choice. Don't believe if you don't want to, however don't tell me what or what not to believe in. K thanks bye."

Or you get them from rational thought

I hate this faggot, can we send him to America like with James Corden and John Oliver?

Less lies to have to defend on the internet?

fair enough, but I got two others questions, why is your faith "right" but the 1000 other are false, also, give me one actual proof of God's existence. Both questions have the same answer; nothing.

The 2999 gods were just demos.

This argument does not contend with the traditional Christian philosophical arguments for the existence of God nor its conceptualization. In other words, not an argument.

and Math was created by humans...

Why defend when I can mock? That's the beauty of the internet.

Yahweh not existing doesn't mean that nothing matters. Read about the Singularity.

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