Imagine trump's letter to the next president
Imagine trump's letter to the next president
>one-line writing prompt
>Dear, Hilary
>Turn Around...
Dear Kanye,
Very cool, thanks.
>Donald Trump
>To My Dearest Son,
>Junior, A lot has been said about me inheriting my wealth, but you know as well as I that what I was given was a pittance compared to what I turned it into. By the time I was 40 years old I had already far surpassed my own fathers wealth, and 30 years later I became President of the World. You however, son, have done nothing but ride my coat-tails. Even your greatest achievement, becoming elected as my successor, was only due to my own efforts. You lack work ethic. You need to march your sorry ass up there, all 15 miles I don't care if it's snowing, demand to speak to the DM and greet him with a firm and confident handshake.
Dear Ivanka,
You must carry on The Trumpenreich
You forgot he has to look the DM in the eye
good use of a semi-colon.
>Dear Tulsi,
>Congratulations on winning the President contest. The flush on the toilet outside the Oval sticks a bit, you have to reach in and hold the ball thing down so it fills up properly.
>Good luck
Ivanka is a fucking lefty.
>Dear Beto
>oh wait, you lost
>*balls up note and throws it into trash*
Shoo shoo redditor
>Dark Master
>Dance Master
>Designated Marksman
>Democrat Machine
>D___ M___
>lo siento por hablais malo que Mexicanos
>felicidades por conquistando los Estados Unidos
>diversidad es nuestra fuerza
>Fuck whyte peple
>Dear Donald,
>keep on winning.
>Love, Trump
It's funny, because it's Hitler.
> Your success is our success.
Classy as fuck. Imagine Obongo, and the libs rooting for trump and its policies (mass deportations, ban of the h1b visas, and the wall, muslim ban, buying and hiring America, etc) because, wether they want it or not the success of these policies means the success of America.
But fuck no, libtards and SJWs demonized the MAGA slogan with their retarded identity politics.
Querida Presidenta Ocasio-Cortez
Lo siento por hablar mal de los mexicanos, como el padre de Molly Tibbetts nos dijo, los violadores mejicanos son americanos con mejor comida.
Espero que tu agenda de regalar dinero a diestra y siniestra combinada con tu agenda de abrir las fronteras a los musulmanes y otras abominaciones tercermundistas resulte. Y espero que fuera de ser la primera presidenta con vagina de los Estados Unidos seas tambiƩn la primera presidenta en ser ejecutada como Nicolai Ceaucescu.
Allahu Snakbar
Daddy Drumpfh
Dear President Gowdy,
I cleaned up the deep state, and all of the perps are either in Guantanamo or have been executed. Please don't be a stupid faggot and f*ck this up.
Donald Trump
PS - I won't be available for the next few days because I have to sit for a portrait of the Mt Rushmore sculpture.
there will be no next president, Trump is literally the last American president. It has been prophesied.
dagits confarm
I found a letter at my mothers house from when I was a kid that George Dubya wrote me.
Ivanka is a liberal and not even blonde.
Does this mean Clinton was rooting hard in the Whitehouse for George?
2 terms confirmed, checked
Wait what the hell is this? Is there a KS anime?
Donald would never say something like that user
Fucking faggot
Jokes on you I got an immunity Trump
cunt off you cunting cunt
Fuck you
Fuck off
Got em again