Give me one good reason why we shouldn't have a monarchy

Give me one good reason why we shouldn't have a monarchy

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No noble blood.

You don't want to be ordered around by strangers in your everyday life, and would resent anyone who thought they had any right to do so.

All governments order people around

Welcome to anarchism.

anarchism is gay

how will anarchism ever recover?

>how will anarchism ever recover?
stop being gay

I support monarchy, so we can have a reason to pull a french revolution on royals and their asses.

When people think monarchy, they usually think of psychotic and incompetent retards bossing people around, the usual strawman of monarchism

because fuck those people

>Give me one good reason why we shouldn't have a monarchy
I literally can't.

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Because I'm not white.

Monarchy is the ultimate redpill

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Someone will always be ordering you around regardless of whether there is a government or not

>mfw I can name my patrilineal noble ancestors back to 1066
feels good man

>Literally hundreds of books written by the greatest minds of their time criticizing monarchy.
>I can't think of one reason it's bad so it must be good.

Is being pro monarchy the biggest autism indicator in the modern age?

There is no good reason. Monarchies have led to global conquest and colonization, rapidly increasing the world's progress. The wordst things Western society did was eliminate Monarchies and becoming secular.

(((greatest minds)))

The Anglican fucking church

>Literally thousands of years of successful society under monarchical systems
>Democracy crumbling into a living hell after a couple hundred

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Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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Sucks to be you.

their marriage was a product of egalitarian faggotry
In the royal fan fiction I write he marries Princess Maria Carolina

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Your young prince is a leftist and wants to change your demographics, he becomes king. There you go, have fun with that one.

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>in the royal fanfiction I write

lol plz be true




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are monarchies honestly less free than what we have now? sometimes i think the british crown should retake control, i dont see how it would make britian any less free. do people really think a monarchy would take away things like speech or drugs? i doubt it. in the modern world we have no real free speech to criticize diversity or how our countries are transforming

>Give me one good reason why we shouldn't have a monarchy

White men are total cucks, and monarchs only manage to squabble with other whites, rather than wipe out inferior peoples like the Mongols did.

If monarchy actually worked we wouldn't be in this situation right now. Any system that cannot sustain itself is not a good system.

that sow is getting bred


All these Americans ITT supporting monarchy should be pilloried.

Because fuck niggers trying to take our rights away.

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"founding fathers" were retarded diest faggots

What rights do we have now that we didnt before?

>the best system is where people are born into leadership and they don't even fake it with pretend democracy or the likes
Peasant mentality. Only an NPC could want such a system.

We have LESS rights than we did before because of niggers and spics while they get free housing under section 8 and receive the majority of the welfare with spics. The cucked monarchy of the Uk still has the queen with power but she's such a cuck she won;t save her people, Monarchies need to crash and burn.

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>I hate the founders because they were better than I am

get fucked nigger. and out of my country.

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How does having a double-digit IQ feel?

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Because most "Monarchs" nowadays are mixed with non-nobles so the point of a monarchy has been lost.

Not required or useful at the moment for America

If you are not an absolute monarchist youre a commie faggot.

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what you need is a council with members such as generals, scientists, people from the academy.
they go through different tests, one being a lie detector every 4 months.
they all have to be racists.
all the so called monarchs I see today take trips to africa to adopt niggers.

Manoral economies are comfy as fuck

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>what is technocracy?
You're forgetting that it's still a system involving people which means it can be just as trash as any other. Have you never heard about researchers, big companies, scientific article writers paying off/being paid off to supress or spread false information?

>they go through different tests, one being a lie detector every 4 months.
>they all have to be racists.
Also they have a prayer to honor the soul of Adolf Hitler. At least try to make it somewhat realistic, Ioane.

based and Francispilled

All governments are by definition the most powerful military force in any given region. Hierarchies are the only effective military structure.

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>rent land
>make money farming it
>get married and have kids
>Buy land
>have grandkids
>sons and grandsons buy adjacent land daughters are married off
>have great grandchildren
Congratulations, you are now a clan cheiftan, a noble lord of your own little feifdom, king of the castle and lord of the manor. This is the most fulfilling lifestyle and resillient economic system known to man.
good to see you my dude

Might is right

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what about all those times where it gets nothing done

U wot m8

U 'av to be of noble beerth to compete!

Feudalism will be coming back in style

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because monarchs are power hungry and don't care about you and me


Well then nothing gets done but authority is an indisputable law of nature. The weak fear the strong the quick overtake the slow. The clever trick the dull. If you want something done you put one man in charge. When you want to distribute the spoils of your success you for a committie.

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Polygamy for the Nobility.

We do.
They're called the Kardashians.

And the soulless demons called democracies and corporations do?

this guy almost gets it

You go for monarchies for drastic change, you go for wider distribution of power for stability. Societies tend to lean towards monarchies in crisis / emergency. That's why 'Murica doesn't need one.

Weren't you working on an IRL project?

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Why indeed, for every caligula there is a marcus aurelius but elected dirigents are all bush and congobama level

Ya but fr was garbage and had no purpose, it's not like the french monarch at the time were rampant despots

>hurrr based monarch
Modern monarch are literally glorified mascot with no real power.

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The United States was founded with the express purpose of being a constitutional republic with the ideals of individualism and the prevention of mob rule. This, of course has changed at its very core only a little until recently, but one thing remains an absolute: Americans bow to no one.

Oh 'Murica needs one. The whole world needs one. Let the state be a hierarchy with unlimited power but limited scope and let the Lords rule their manors as communes or whatever way they see fit.

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>The whole world needs one.
NWO fuck off.

who becomes king?

no one is the boss of you except you

One Christian King would be a vast improvement upon the Pirate cartel that currently dominates the globe.You are awefully proud for someone who is corporate chattel.

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The reason monarchs were destroyed was because of Jews. When they did something bad, kings and queens would make hem BTFO and even kill them. Kings didn’t have to follow due process. Anyone who betrays the king would be killed. They couldn’t be stopped by “checks and balances” which just leads to corruption. Jews thrive in democracies because they can subvert them. They can subvert with money. During monarchies, even the richest Jews could not get away with unscrupulous behavior because the King could ultimately take all their land/money and kill them for betrayal.


The leader of the conquering army.

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1. We already do.

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>can’t refute any point
>hurrr durr corporate shill xd!!
This why no one take modern monarchist seriously.

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>Not having a person with royal blood, with leadership genes.
>Not having a person be prepared for that position since birth.

You are the cuck

You mad bro? Your ideology currently dominates. Its not my fault your a shitty pirate. You cant all be captains. Someone has to swab the decks you scurvy scallawag.

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Why would i be mad? No one cares about monarchy anymore and they’re literally kike puppet nowadays, LMAO.


Your right those people aren't real monarchs but true absolute monarchy is the most effective and responsible form government and it is just a matter of time before we either have a Christian King or the world eats itself.

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