How do we tackle obesity without stigmatizing people with fat?

How do we tackle obesity without stigmatizing people with fat?

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protect your citizens from mind control, ffs.

>how do we stop obesity without using the most effective way
kys memeflag, doing that is exactly how I lost 100 pounds

By stigmatizing fatties.

Why can’t we stigmatize fat? Isn’t that the left’s preferred form of getting you to comply with their narrative?

if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen


fat man hitting a t-post lol

Nationalized healthcare with monetary incentives for physical fitness.
Vegetable subsidies.

It's capitalism, the 1 percent know how to turn their money into assets. What's a recession proof asset? Food. That's why theirs 3 trillion fast food places all over. And they worst food is the easiest to mass produce.

>tackle obesity

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Build more stairs. Ban HFCs and implement massive sugar tax.

Deny them all forms of health insurance and make them pay everything out of pocket

any 300+ pound walmartian deserves to be put in a camp and starved until they reach a reasonable weight

Make exercise more addictive with CIA nigger drugs

a lot of your staple vegetables are already cheap as fuck. carrots, celery, potatoes. a lot cheaper than pizza rolls and hot pockets. canned vegetables are pretty cheap as well

you must be talking about the more exotic vegetables

The key to fighting obesity is tackling it when their kids. Even if it means sending half the countries kids to fat camps every summer.

Vegetables are expensive compared to cereal grains and potatoes. Subsidies would make it economical for fast food restaurants to serve salad at an affordable price.

Sumo wrestling?

acarbose & miglitol for all you fat fucks
that have doctors and want to get

No one’s not buying a salad at McDonald’s because they can’t afford it. They’re not buying a salad at McDonalds because they decided to go to fucking McDonalds

Stop high fructose corn syrup. Force compainies to use really sugar.

Fuck fatties feelings. You know how common it is to be called out for being skinny as a man? Its completely socially acceptable to mock and ridicule skinny men and no ome gives a fuck. It motivated me to go to the gym and change it, the negative social experiences were good for me. Fat people deserve the same treatment

Mods are such goddamned faggots, I swear to god.

Micro gyms in more office buildings and allowing paid breaks if employees use the gym, separate from lunch break.

Key card to get in gym would verify if you are actually using your workout break and not waddleing to crispy cream.

No. Stigmatize fat.

We don't.
The #1 reason people are so fat is because we are not hard enough on them.

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By literally TACKLING obesity. Let football players use them as training equipment until they are dead. Government mandated.

>without stigmatizing
Literally why. Bullying works.

I'm in favor of a fat tax

Encouraging people to fast for religious reasons.

>Ban HFCs and implement massive sugar tax.
Yeah those crack, smack and weed bans sure worked well for the nation's youth and ghettos.

tax the shit out of the poor so they can't afford to eat a lot

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>monetary incentives for physical fitness
From every non-fatties pockets? I don't think so.
Their incentive to not be fat should be mandatory fat camps / labor camps where you will be locked away until you reach a normal BMI.
If you need to be sent there 3 times, you are killed.

In these fat camps / labor camps they will be forced to recontribute to society what they would otherwise have leeched their whole lives from healthcare.

subsidize meat and vegies and a heavy tax on sugar and processed shit

fat people

I'm on board with this idea. It's practical, reasonable, and of proven efficacy.

Sugar is still sugar even if it's less shitty. You're just asking for the country to go from horrifically obese to just disgustingly obese at best.

how bout just cull all the obese people?
it worked back in ww2

Because everyone deserves a chance, Dingdong.

Shame them at every possible opportunity. It works. You don't see many fatties in Asia because everyone around them rips them for it.

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then again they'll just complain about it and not do much either

we start by gassing kikes so there aren't anymore memefags wasting our time with slide threads so we can have room for real threads. Like.. get rid of kikes fluoride infections. Then people will lose weight and be smarter when their body and brain functions recover, somewhat

>Trump fires head of USDA
>First job of new leader to invert the food pyramid
>No more shitty carbs and polyunsaturated fats. Shift to old-fashioned high saturated fat and protein.
>Testosterone levels increase in boys
>Trump finally becomes God-emperor

It's really that simple.

i want obesity to tackle me

Salads at fast food restaurants are always stupid expensive. If they could afford to put them on the dollar menu, people would buy them.

what a chad

Get rid of Corn Syrup

It’s not as big a deal to be a lanklet vs a fatty in the same way that it’s easier to warm yourself up than to cool off.

by gassing them
next question

I think that’s so that customers will keep buying their addicting/more flavorful food, which costs less, and for the people who are serious about getting a salad on the go, they pay more than they would elsewhere.
Customers get whipsawed on the front and back end here.

Monetary incentives is a pretty broad therm, it could as well mean fatties have to pay more for health-insurance in proportion to their weight and archiving good results in fitness-tests gives you a bonus of some form.
This bonus could be getting priority, paying less or getting more stuff covered.

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This, the Jews are poisoning the population with high fructose corn syrup. Before everything was stuffed full of corn syrup and sugars it wasn't a problem. It's (((merely a coincidence))) that suddenly tons of people are getting fat right?

i had to pay an extra dollar to substitute fries for a salad when i went out to eat earlier tonight. god damn kikes

Best way to lose weight espeically if you are fat is weights/calisthentics everyday and strict food.
Don't do me and lose weight doing lots of cardio/power lifting. You'll be skinny fat

Stigmatize people with fat. It's that simple.

Make it 10% for every BMI-point over 25 and add 20% for every BMI-point over 25 of their children.
(this should also cut benefits accordingly)

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They'll just use the stuff for disabled people instead of going up stairs

i get a salad with chicken breast and a drank at my local burger king semi-regularly, costs the same as their value meals, except for that junior burger meal that is cheaper than the rest

Outlaw sugar.


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Not sure about prices in the US but apples, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers and iceberg salad are dirt cheap here.

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Ban Fructose and corn syrup.

trips of true masculinity

Unironically this.


The coercion which comes from shame and stigma is one of the most powerful forces of motivation that exists on this planet, and it must be used.

They aren't stigmatized nearly enough. That's a big part of the problem.

>Implying anyone whos on this fucking loser board isn't a tub of lard

Would be fine if he wasn't black imo.