Can't spell hatred without "red hat ;)

Can't spell hatred without "red hat ;)

Attached: 1520931366981.jpg (809x959, 68K)

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Can't spell kill yourself without (You)

Attached: You are here.jpg (1006x1024, 164K)

can't spell lies without leftoid

Can't spell communism without jew

>And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Israel is the dragon and Trump is the beast. His presidency will end after 42 months.

Back in reality, liberal faggots in silicon valley are literally getting chipped in their right hands as we speak. You idiots are so fucked.

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Fpbp. Also fucking cringe every time lefties try and use biblical principles for any reason.

Yeah, but they aren't getting them on their foreheads. I guess the right has the foreheads covered and the left has the hands covered. You're all going to hell.

>And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
>And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
MAGA hat and twitter on your phones.

Seeing howas the beast in the yid fairy tale that youre referring to was Nero Im guessing that makes you a faggot

You can’t spell spastic without cat piss.

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+9000 internets.

Strange that I was just reading that section of Revelations today, and come to Jow Forums to see it again.

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mark of the beast is a cut dick

t. someone fervently trying to regrow his foreskin before judgement day

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Buy shea butter, then repent

The prophecies that are before this mention haven't even happened.

Nothing can be bought or sold without wearing a MAGA hat? It's quite the opposite. People are being deplatformed and artificially removed from markets for supporting Trump. If the mark of the beast is anything, it is the thoughts and actions of the democrat party.

circumcision was a practice done in Moses' time. This was when God was still in favor of the Jews and chose them before anyone else on earth.

Love Trumps red hat?

oh are they now quoting the bible?