Jow Forums reading list?

Which books are must read for Jow Forums connoisseurs?

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This book will teach you to laugh at anyone who calls everything fascism.

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Destination: Void
Frank Herbert

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>it's real

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Ravenous with rama

just read everything e michael jones has written and you'll know more than any of the consumerist-cock-fed brainlets on this board

Chuck tingle isn't just real, he's a superhero

The structure of society comes crumbling down due to a large asteroid breaking apart and crashing all around the earth.

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Anyone else notice that post is from 2012

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Machievelli's Prince

Fooled by randomness by Nassim Taleb

George Macdonald Fraser's Flashman books

Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell

howdy do, fellow intellectuals

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"The Culture Of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald
Chapters 1-8 (8 has been shoah'd)
His first two books are recommended as well, since they are really part of a trilogy on the history of the jewish race, TCOC focuses more on jewish involvement in white host nations and their systematic destruction of said nation's majority to further the goals of the tribe. Here is a breakdown of the chapters in TCOC:
Chapter 1.
Jews And The Radical Critique Of Gentile Culture: Introduction & Theory
Chapter 2.
The Boasian School Of Anthropology And The Decline Of Darwinism In The Social Sciences
Chapter 3. Jews And The Left
Chapter 4. Jewish Involvement In The Psychoanalytic Movement
Chapter 5. The Frankfurt School Of Social Research And The Pathologization Of Gentile Group Allegiances
Chapter 6. The Jewish Criticism Of Gentile Culture: A Reprise
Chapter 7. Jewish Involvement In Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy
Chapter 8. [SHOAH'D FROM (((YOUTUBE)))]
Conclusion: Whither Judaism And The West?
PDF for download:

"White Power" by George Lincoln Rockwell
"This Time The World" by George Lincoln Rockwell
These books are must reads. If you want a taste before, listen to one of the speeches he was (barely) able to give at the few universities that let him, his life story (much told in his first book TTTW) is incredible and the things he did for the anti-communist movement and the opposition he faced with great bravery are unrivaled still to this day. Here are his speeches:

Jack Vance's Emphyrio

The story of a carpenter who sacrifices everything to save his people from space jews. Deservedly part of the Sci Fi Masterworks collection.

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hello friendo

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Also read Alexander Solzhenitsyn's 200 years.

White Power by Rockwell. Very good intro to NatSoc

*200 years together


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any books on aesthetics?

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The space trilogy by cs lewis is excellent.

>3 books with an engaging plot but essentially just a setup for a discussion of the nature of evil.
>depicts evil in varied, nuanced, and insidious forms.
>Honestly more of a fantasy than scifi, but there are scifi tropes used heavily.

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Should be obvious, but I know some of you still haven't read it yet: "Mein Kampf" This is the best translation in audio book form by far.

I hunted around the San Diego book shops and finally found a copy of Mein Kampf, hidden away in the rear. I bought it, took it home and sat down to read. And that was the end of Lincoln Rockwell as the 'nice guy', the dumb 'Goy' and the beginning of an entirely different person. Mein Kampf was like finding part of me. Chaos and disorder and mental 'grayness' are immensely frustrating to me and I had suffered for years trying to fathom the bottomless philosophical, social and political mess in the world and the even messier explanations offered by religions and sociology. Over and over I had said to myself, "There must be some sense, some logical causal relationship between social and political facts as to how they got that way!" But no person, no book, nor my own mind had been able to discover head or tail to these things. I simply suffered from the vague, unhappy feeling that things were 'wrong', without knowing exactly how and that there must be a way of diagnosing the 'disease' and its causes, and making intelligent, organized efforts to
correct that 'something wrong'.

How could the world not only ignore such a book, but damn it and curse it and hate it, and pretend that it was a plan for 'conquering' the world, when it was the most obvious and rational plan for saving the world which has ever been written? Had nobody read it, I wondered, that people went around saying it was the work of a mad "rug-chewer"? How could sensible people get away with such monstrous intellectual fraud? Why was it so hated and cursed? I could see why the Jews would hate and curse it, but why my own people?

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>Atlas shrugged
Honestly one of the gayest books I've ever read. It's a woman's fantasy fuck story.

I reread and studied it some more. Slowly, bit by bit, I began to understand. I realized that National Socialism, the iconoclastic world-view of Adolf Hitler, was the doctrine of scientific, racial idealism, actually, a new 'religion' for our times. I saw that I was living in the age of a new world-view. Two thousand years ago there had been a similar rise of a new approach or world-view, called a 'religion'; a world-view which shook and changed the world forever.

I realized that this new and wonderful doctrine of scientific truth applied ruthlessly to man himself, as well as to Nature and inanimate matter, and that it was the only thing which could save man from his own degradation in luxury, self-seeking short-sightedness and racial degeneration. The doctrine of Adolf Hitler was the new 'Christianity' of our times, and Adolf Hitler himself was the new 'savior', sent by inscrutable Providence
recurrently to rescue a collapsing humanity

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Hitler's and Germany's 'crucifixion' was all according to the inevitable workings of this unknowable Scenarist. Even the eleven hanged disciples in Nurnburg were not without significance! The most hated and dreaded idea two thousand years ago was Christianity, and the most hated and cursed man on earth was Jesus Christ. His followers were bitterly persecuted and murdered by the 'good', 'sensible' people who could see that anybody in his right mind recognized Rome and the Empire as the solid, substantial reality. I realized that today's Marxist-
Democratic world is another sprawling 'Roman Empire', and today's Nazis the early 'Christians'. What is going on is far more than a battle for political supremacy in the present social and political situation. it is the utter smashing and destruction of a society which has become so rotten that it will tolerate and even love its own Marxist destroyers, just as it hates, despises and fears the slowly-growing Nazi society which will replace it. Such mighty, awesome thoughts come to a man but once in a lifetime, if ever, and when they do, that man
changes for all time.

At once, a great weight lifted off my soul. I knew that I had found my way to the sun at last and the days of mental darkness, searching and endless frustration were over. But at the same time, an immensely heavy burden replaced it, but in a different, even satisfying way. I knew that I had to, I must do what I could, to spread the new and wonderful idea and secure its victory in the collapsing world -- no matter what it cost me, or even if I were to become a 'failure' to be 'fed to the lions' in the 'Colosseum'.

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Things have been going downhill for a long time, user. Every day is the worst day in history.

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i don't need a book for that shit...

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>ppl dont know about the secret book

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The normal shit Jow Forums posts sucks because it is a political and politics does not take place in a vacuum. So sticking nirnal recommendations will not get you very far

> The Manipulated Man
> How to Lie with Statistics
> In Sheep's Clothing

This. The Rhodes Council is fucked up and must be dismantled.

Great book must read

The Gray Prince is also good, about urban SJWs opening the gates to the "oppressed".

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>the file name

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Just watch the movie

Gold in the Furnace by Savitri Devi.

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I'd be interested in reading an objective (if possible) book about the 1970's Iranian Revolution and/or a book about the social changes in Iran in the decades leading up to it. Looks like they were on their way to becoming a rather modern middle eastern state ala Turkey under Atatürk. Any Recommendations?

Are you trolling or really this bad at English?

David Irving has done more research and went to the greatest lengths to be the most prolific historian of WW2. He was accepted as this in the academic community until he refused to write anything on the "holocaust" because of lack of any evidence. And this is the man who interviewed every person possible that was still alive from Hitler's inner circle. He was jailed, shunned, attacked, slandered, etc. His books are the best you will get in regard to WW2. Listen to his speeches for a preview of what he went through for simply telling the truth, and his life story is amazing, going from being accepted as one of the greatest scholars and historians to "literally hitler" for simply reporting history as the FACTS show.

Faking the history of Adolf Hitler
The manipulation of history
The lies of the Nuremberg trials
The Holocaust lie

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>Pol never mentions this grail

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Great lîst!

All of his books have hilarious titles.

Ahh are you mad? She wrote honestly any female will always try and swing from one branch up to a higher branch but she won't let go of one branch until she has a firm hold on the next one. Ayn Rands crime is honestly depicting female nature.