Be a farmer

>Be a farmer
>Republicans love you because you represent a real American
>Be the biggest employer of illegals in the nation
>Let illegals steal jobs from whites and tank wages
>I must have my cheap farm labor goy
>Also get massively subsidize by the tax payer
Are farmers the ultimate unnoticed kikes?

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They have legal migrant workers. Are you that fucking stupid that you don't know this? They even have funny seat belt laws, "all must have seat belts unless transporting migrant workers". I thought everyone knew this but I guess some people come from very low IQ states.

Fuck people who hire illegals.
There's a whole generation of people who thought it was a good idea to teach the Mexicans framing, pipe fitting, masonry so on, and so forth all because they were cheap labor, and THEY WERE TOO FUCKING LAZY, AND CHEAP TO DO IT THEMSELVES

Guess what happened? Once those spics became journeymen they didn't go out, and start making crews with white people. Oh no no they hired their cousin Paco, and all his border jumping buddies.
Guess what that did? Since these stupid fucking spics didn't actually know what their work was worth, and they were competing with white crews they undercut the natural workers around them
Now the construction industry is fucked, and its not just due to border jumpers

Mexicans need to be sent back. People who hire them need to be hung by the neck.


Veterans too, constantly looking for gibs, subsidies, and discounts at the retail store. Niggers in disguise

I'm absolutely positive you are a leftist piece of shit.

Depends on the type of farmer.
A Hoosier (Indiana) corn farmer likely doesn't hire illegals as most of there work is machine based.
But a buckeye (Ohio) Tomato farmer would likely rely heavily on illegals to pick his crops, and he would likely garble there cocks in his freetime, the dirty faggot.

I worked on a farm mostly stacking hay in the summers when I was young. .05 per bale. I was in prime shape when football started and would ring niggers bells. Those faggots were in the weight room cucking each other on the bench press thinking they would be someone.
>they never saw me coming

It's not even as though they couldn't have lived comfortably doing it the old way. They had to get comfortable as soon as fucking possible, cutting every corner they could think of.


>Fire all migrant workers and decide to hire Americans
>Entitled Americans won't work my fields for minimum wage
>Have to offer a higher wage to attract workers
>Now need to raise the price of my produce in order to maintain profits and offset the cost of labor
>The price of produce spikes and becomes unaffordable for most Americans

Migrants play an important role in our economy whether you like it or not.

No self respecting white person wants to do literal slave work niggers did 300 years ago

We can let the migrants do their thing as long as they aren't creating anchor babies and changing the demographics. In a sane world we'd drastically restrict if not stop immigration and make a treaty with Mexico where we can vet migrant workers to come and work and then go home, but they won't be allowed to bare any children here who become citizens.

youre a fuckhead.
"farmers" are not the largest employers of illegals, Agricorps are.
a Farmer works his own land, and hires extra hands as needed seasonally.
agricorps create vast plantations which require many many many seasonal hands, but the owners dont work the land, they hire managers to hire foremen to hire workers. see the difference?
itinerant farm labour used to be a thing in the US, people would follow the harvests up and down the states moving from one farm to the next. unfortunately the introduction of the federal reserve, the internal revenue service and many other bureaucratic mechanisms of control has made itinerant farm labour IMPOSSIBLE for an american.
even mexicans who come to the US legally cant do itinerant labour, because you HAVE to have a fixed address, you HAVE to have a bank account, you HAVE to have a drivers license, you HAVE to have someplace to be taxed from, and as such, you are chained to a single location, and moving to a new location is a huge hassle.
most mexicans who work the fields eventually want to go home and buy a farm of their own, thats why they do it.
also, poultry and meat packing plants, the hotel restaurant and hospitality industry and building contractors each hire FAR more illegals than agriculture ever would.
youre simply stupid.

My F-350 is 3 years old. I need a new one.

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> implying farm labour pays minimum wage
if youre gonna try to portray yourself as an expert, you should at least try to APPEAR like you know what youre talking about
1: agriculture is EXEMPT from minimum wage laws (also child labour laws, most health and safety codes, etc)
2: most agricultural labour (picking etc) is paid on a piece-work basis, you pack 10 of boxes of tomatoes you get X$/box. most experienced farm laborers can pack DOZENS of boxes per hour so they can actually get pretty good money, and its all Tax Free, because agricultural labour is paid in cash, daily at the count house and is EXEMPT from state and federal whitholding taxes.
3: americans dont do farm labour because they are too lazy, the laws and customs of the US make itinerant labour almost impossible for any american unless he is footloose and fancy free with no debts, no family obligations and no assets which require govt registration or licensing (ie, a car) if you dont have a fixed address you simply can not have a bank account, a drivers license, a registered automobile, etc. plus most agricultural labour is located far from places which have large numbers of unemployed people (they are in the cities you cunt)
5: we already pay the costs of illegals dropping anchor babies in every way except for foodstuffs. everybody has to fork over to support the anchor babies, and their parents who drive down wages, and exploit various public services which they dont ever pay for themselves. again, leftists simply deplore a "regressive" tax, unless youre the ones imposing it, then it's "for our own good"

youre ignorant beyond belief but you desperately want to convince the world that youre simply so smart that we cant dispute your lies.

Did you skip all your US History classes?

The Government actually heavily subsidizes farmers in order to keep them from over producing.
We've only ever been worried about the farmers growing too much (driving the price low) than too little.

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>Be a city person
>Demand cheaper milk prices
>Demand that potatos look pretty
>Demand that carrots are straight
>Demand that farmers only sell to who you say they can
>Demand that farm workers get paid more than steel workers
Seriously you question why farmers get people in from China to do a better job than you would do?
You city people just want it all don't you?
You know that more than half of all vegetables grown anywhere in the world are thrown out because they are odd shapes right?
Absolutely nothing wrong with them but city people need a picture perfect potato and carrot.

t. A farmer.

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>>Republicans love you because you represent a real American
The democrat party is the party of workers you fucking retard.

Nobody wants to pick food. Agriculture makes up around 3% of of immigrant workers. This is basically a non issue

Literally this, You cunts seriously do not want the jobs that they do and any that work are on work visas not illegal immigrants.

>farm faggot needs slaves to do his work

>are thrown out because they are odd shapes right?
Queer and fictional

You left out the part where expensive produce farms close and reopen to accommodate the staple crops people demand no matter the price, increasing supply and competition and thusly stabilizing prices. Nobody with a brain cares if avocados and pistachios disappear, and places like California would be better off if they did.

>he wants to hand pick vegetables
White people do all of the real jobs.
Driving tractors, trucks, actual farm work.
You can go and handpick all you want it pays $25 an hour but no white people will do it.

No. We do want the jobs, but not at the low wages that were caused by immigrants.

You fail to grasp that the "we don't want" is the farmers. They do not want to pay what it would cost to get American workers in a free market without illegals.

I’ve been saying this for years OP. You wouldn’t believe the extreme butthurt every person railed against me for saying this shit. fuck these greedy bastards

you forgot the ending

>increased price of food hits shelves
>VCs realize that automated foodstuff growing tech is now more valuable
>r&d into crop automation skyrockets
>automated solutions drive vegetables back to original price if not lower

Do you have an old Massey Ferguson sitting in the barn?

Odd i was thinking about this very thing today.
I think it was because i was thinking about the california fires and their root causes.

many have illegals. They set up trailers behind the barns, run some electricity out there.

I live in a farming community, I've been to the farms. don't lie.

Any farm that's caught with illegals should have subsidies cut off for a decade

I've worked alongside illegal immigrants:
mowing lawns
stock counting
cleaning offices

Once in my life, someone wrote a community college paper where they talked about waiting tables like it wasn't a glorious career, the professor marked it, offended, saying some people enjoy the field

gee maybe if you got rid of the minimum wage they could actually hire Americans without worrying.

this is yet another fake problem democrats created to give them an excuse to stand around pretending to give a shit when really all you care about is pissing people off.


>Be a Farmer
>Harvest my own seeds so I can sustain my crops
>Have federal agents bust down my door and shoot my dog [spoiler](of a wife)[/spoiler]
>Mr Monsanto™ set into my house with a handkerchief covering his mouth
>Disrespects me, calls me a filthy peasant
>Gives me an ultimatum, either destroy all my seeds and purchase his companies Onions Infused Vegetable Seed Deluxe™, or have everything my ancestors created throughout their lives taken away from me and get sent to jail for the rest of my life
>Forced to take offer since the government is backing him up
>Costs more to purchase the seeds than an entire harvest is sold for
>Forced to fire people and hire illegals that work for literal pennies a day
>Go to bed every night absolutely plastered off of Budweiser because your life is being controlled by the Monsanto Jew™

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absolutely yes.

they get money back from the government for every spic they hire... dont ask me how because I dont understand it.

its a business that you literally cant take a loss at when you get very big at all. everything is a right off and even if you fail due to retardation you will get your money back.

you're wrong. labor is very little of the price involved in getting food to the market. it's all tied up in logistics.

>demand that farm workers get paid more than steel workers
bahahaha ok. no you are just a cheap nigger.

The boomer who drives his farm;s 100k F-350(buys a new one every year). complains that these kids don't want to work no more. offers minimum wage, meanwhile kids can get $10+/hr mowing yards. He cannot understand labor supply and demand, only that he is shit with his finances so he cuts his losses by hiring illegals. Too dumb to lock in crop futures contracts

>The Bracero Program (from the Spanish term bracero, meaning "manual laborer" or "one who works using his arms") was a series of laws and diplomatic agreements, initiated on August 4, 1942, when the United States signed the Mexican Farm Labor Agreement with Mexico. The agreement guaranteed decent living conditions (sanitation, adequate shelter and food) and a minimum wage of 30 cents an hour; it also allowed the importation of contract laborers from Guam as a temporary measure during the early phases of World War II.
>The agreement was extended with the Migrant Labor Agreement of 1951, enacted as an amendment to the Agricultural Act of 1949 (Public Law 78) by Congress, which set the official parameters for the bracero program until its termination in 1964.

And now you know how the whole Mexican farm worker invasion got started. Another win for the 'greatest generation.'

Do you understand now why all the kulaks had to be shot?

My dad's father made a living farming, and then my dad started his own as essentially a side business. My parents employed a shitload of various illegals over the year, but that's what happens when you can't get white American teenagers to pick strawberry's for even 10 bucks an hour in 2000

>farmers and veterans are the REAL problem, right, my fellow conservatives?

Do you understand now why all the capitalists had to be shot?

>its a business that you literally cant take a loss at when you get very big at all. everything is a right off and even if you fail due to retardation you will get your money back.
holy shit Jow Forums
are you guys really this stupid? is Jow Forums actually made up of inner city spics and niggers? you know absolutely NOTHING about what you're talking about lol

We drafted all the white men to fight WW2, and all the white women were taken to work in factories, and so we needed farm labour, and we imported Mexicans to work the fields. The beaners came but never left. Before this 'Braceros' program disaster we picked our own lettuce just fine.


they get multiple brand new monster trucks every year and talk about how hard it is.

fuck them and their spics. I have landscaped with illegals and it was way harder work that picking strawberries and I did it for a couple years.

the way these farmers live is insane. they are making more money that doctors and steel mill engineers combined, then they have the audacity to want to pay less than minimum wage.

I am surrounded by farmers.

you know nothing about what you are talking about. you didnt even prove anything wrong.

you retarded my guy.

Isn't Richard Spencer one of those 'farmers' collecting govmnt money ?

Yes they fucking are. We wouldn't have an illegal bean problem half as bad as it is without half of them coming up here to pick crops and whatnot.

>the way these farmers live is insane. they are making more money that doctors and steel mill engineers combined
you sound like a real fucking idiot, you nigger
if you had any idea how much money the average farmer is in debt for you'd shit your pants
you realize a single combine is going to run anywhere from 350 to 500k? you understand a single bad crop can make it so you need to do well the next three or four years to just break even? what in god's name makes you think farmers are living a life of luxury, you dumbass? because they traded in a ford for another ford? absolute moron

Though they should be barred from employing illegals, enjoy the global market without having your own food supply.
Your army cannot fight starvation.

You gonna invade Canada and steal their food?

>I am surrounded by farmers.
>you know nothing about what you are talking about
I'm a fourth generation farmer whose father owns 1000s of acres of farmland. I've worked on the farm almost every season for over 20 years
I have never seen an illegal immigrant that worked for us
you're a dumb fucking spic on Jow Forums who needs to shut his mouth

This is a very good example of why "do as I say, not as I do," does not fucking work in the long term.
>Big corporate starts hiring illegals for shit wages because they can get away with it
>This goes on long enough without it being addressed because of lobbyists preventing it from being addressed that others notice
>Farmers notice this
>if he does the right thing, he loses money and feels foolish about it because of what the big corporate faggots have done
>doesn't want to feel foolish, so makes the excuse that "the fat cats are doing it too"
>that mentality spreads like a poison
>greed blooms like a flower that never wilts or dies
>all of it could have been prevented if the guys at the top had integrity

>sanctuary states make them legal
>biggest farming ops are unironically in California
Wew lad

I'm sure they advertised really hard considering most teenagers were making $6-$7/hr in 2006 when I was working in high school.

The farming version of Software companies. You see we placed a job ad, couldnt get anyone. whelp better tell the gov we need more h1b poo's

shut up and go take your gov money and sit on you ass all day in an air conditioned tractor
you boomer fag

>you sound like a real fucking idiot, you nigger

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Same in Australia

>muh drought
>muh struggling salt of the earth

>fuck you goy, I need these six trucks, multiple RVs, boat, private boarding schools for muh kids and urban investment properties

>now give me gibs and stop sending immigration to my farm to check if all the chinks I'm working have papers

They're also using forced labor from the unemployed now too, kek.

farmers are all kikes
the true Americans are the coal miners and steel workers, especially those who work with the military like good goy

It’s almost like you forgot that whites worked these jobs for over 100 years, fewer work them now because Paco and his family of 8 working the same field brings in a household income while Travis gets paid like an actual Mexican


Yeah but would white kids even do it? I mean I can't think of a single zoomer I know or have seen who would actually pick crops. That "do the jobs we won't do" shit is actually sort of true. Same reason we had blacks imported back in the day.

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>>The price of produce spikes and becomes unaffordable for most Americans

A price Spike? Labour is some percentage of cost less than 50 % how are you going to get a price spike kike ?

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its because kids will be kids and hate working
parents used to force their kids outside
now they just let them sit inside looking at a screen all day and the parents dont even care that they are setting their child up for failure

>companies(farmers) use and carry debt to buy capital
wow what an amazing statement. surely other industries don't do this.

Because he doesn’t even understand wtf overhead is

>you boomer fag
not a boomer, it's just that you start helping early when your family actually has roots and work to do and you aren't the bastard offspring of some drunken mexican that fell into a whore's cavernous vagina
>shut up and go take your gov money
lmao yes I'll enjoy those BIG CHECKS the government is sending me
can't wait to buy a new F-350 with mud tires on this huge Trump check!
the reality is the government is fucking us with these new tariffs, not sending me a check. plus it's a shit year in general, the rain won't let up long enough to harvest. I know guys with cotton rotting in the field because they can't get out there but don't worry about them, the illegal immigrants and government checks (lol) will make them richer than doctors
you're so far removed from the reality of it. enjoy your 'job' at starbucks or whatever no effort no brain shit you do and wonder why they don't pay you more

>no small business or megacorp finances
You’re special

Stop lying Old MacDonald, if farming was that risky of a business model nobody would bother doing it. You run all your equipment and vehicles until they snap in half from neglect and age, you aren't buying a new combine because they are too expensive you're not buying one since you're too huge of a boomer tightwad to get one. Only a mong would think farm equipment only sells for 100% MSRP cash on the barrel anyway

damn boy, you salty. dont worry, daddy government gonna get you an even bigger truck this year. dont break your back in that tractor, you hear?

have you ever even been on a farm? (no)

The asparagus farmer here use cheap labors from east europe. They are not illegal, but they work for extremly low wages
Sometimes cheap labor is the only way to prevent high product prices.

a job at starbucks is probably harder than being a modern farmer
at starbucks you at least have to stand in an air conditioned building

>checks flag

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>Be the biggest employer of illegals in the nation
This is a lie.
The majority of illegal immigrants do not work in agriculture.

well duh
the majority dont work

>if farming was that risky of a business model nobody would bother doing it
LOL I'll be sure and tell all the farmers I meet that
they should listen to Jow Forums and go find work at mcdonald's when they are over 60 years old and 100s of thousands of dollars in debt to monsanto and john deere and the local bank, great idea
>you aren't buying a new combine because they are too expensive
just did last year
> you're too huge of a boomer tightwad to get one
not a boomer and it was either buy one or rent one again and the last one we rented was a lemon
>Only a mong would think farm equipment only sells for 100% MSRP cash on the barrel anyway
tell me, oh wise one, how much should we have paid
if only you, a person with no experience, had been there to advise me on this

>I wasn't gonna be a jew until the agricorps showed me how to jew, honest!

Whatever you say there, Farmer Brown

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stacked plenty of hay bales. It's great since I'm allergic. My hands break out and my throat swells causing wheezing. have to wear gloves and a mask.
I've used an excavator to demo a 150 year old red barn. fuckers are sturdy.

Farmers today aren't like your typical family-run farm. Corporate farms hire illegals, etc. Your small farm with uncle Jeb and aunt Mary suffer hard and end up having the land sold to the state or a corporate entity. Also, wind blows seeds and kikes get mad saying you gotta pay for these lab-made seeds.

We're gonna see an agriculture bubble pop in our life time
They hired illegals to maximize profits and soon found that they can no longer afford to hire citizens. When the Gov finally cracks down and they can't find slave labor, the cost of food goes up. Competitive business automates farm, undercuts boomer farmer
Food will get a little more expensive for a while but this boil has to be lanced sooner or later

cry more little subsidy nigger...

or you could get a job at a steel mill, but you are too big of a pussy for that so just keep crying about your "hard" life.

The only crop farms in GA that I know hire illegals are peanut and onions. Most everything else is done with machines. And the onions are mainly a corporate thing now, done in green houses. A lot of the farms here are owned and ran by Mennonites. During harvest you can go and pick the vegetables yourself and get cheap as fuck prices. Like a gallon bucket of sweet potatoes for $4. I really just want a mennonite qt wife. Trad as trad can get, and they have those super weird and cute accents. Those plain dresses they wear too man. Goddamn.

Nigger read my post again, then kys for misunderstanding it and having absolutely shit reading comprehension. I am obviously putting the farmers into a bad light too you dumbass.

that's how my dad did.

>he loaded 60 pounds of grain sack into boxcar train all the day daily, and he became all american football player as a linebacker.

shame that i didn't carry his genetic. all i got weak genetic from my mother.

alright then, do you think this moron here is correct
if what you're saying is true you know it's hard, shitty work and that farmers and farm hands aren't rich at all
I mean this one retard keeps spamming 'air conditioned tractor', I'd like to see him work on a farm even half a day in 90 degree weather

Sure are a lot of lying commies in this thread...

>Steal Jobs
>But latinos are lazy


>Steal Jobs
>Working for a local farmer (what kind of rural scum you are to consider working for a fucking farmer a "job") i probably make more money as a lawyer here than a white redneck that consider working on the fields as a "job"

"Of course foreigners steal your job, but maybe, if someone without contacts, money, or speaking the language steals your job, you're shit."

~ Louis C. K.

I'm totally against inmigration and i want that wall built, but still I found fucking funny that "steal muh job" meme, i mean, a fucking illegal will not steal a doctor job, a lawyer or a fucking architect, only shit tier "jobs" what kind of white trash, subhuman rural scum, sister fucker consider washing dirty plates as a fucking job? TOPKEK fucking ruralfags Aka losers of life

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>keep crying
not crying, just correcting your NEET bullshit
I cashed in my Donald J Trump Subsidy check Friday, I'm a billionaire now boys, drinks are on me
why did we take out so much crop insurance, what a waste of money. if only I had asked Jow Forums first and I had know about the subsidy fortune I could have been making

I meant a 5 gallon bucket but whatever, I was too busy thinking about trad qts

Can you Redpill us on subsidies then? I see crops left to rot in the field every year, from what I understand the gov. pays them not to harvest to keep prices up.

I'm a citizen who worked on farms every year between the ages of 13 and 19.

many of us work in steel mills, warehouses, landscaping, slaughter houses, construction etc...

you ride around in a tractor. shut your bitch ass up. you live in a very nice home and daddy gets you a nice truck to ride around in so you can listen to nigger music/new age country and fuck primo thots in it just like all the farmers around here do.

They have niggers, deport all illegalls and bring back slavery, problem solved

Doesn't know the concept of OAC buying with high value items

Next you'll tell us you had to pay for your barn and truck the full MSRP of both right then in cash too

and BIOYA talking about working in your 60s and several hundred grand in debt. You'll be sitting there in your airconditioned farmhouse on your roly poly cornfed ass while a team of beaners drives your tractors and harvests all your crop

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Fuck off with your shit tier trolling and reddit spacing faggot

>quoting louis c.k.

into the trash it goes.