Germany Army/Navy/Air force/ Elite troops

Post photos and gifs

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Other urls found in this thread:

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did they have gifs back then?

Attached: 1519276170180.jpg (736x875, 130K)

This is a reenactment photo.

Some reenactment stuff can be very well done, that one has a few issues but at least they're largely accurate

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Fuck nazis

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Germans have big noses

thanks for killing millions of Ukrainians man, really based, appreciate it. glory to communism

>British soldiers die only for granddaughters to be GANGBANGED by PAKIS 90 years later

Attached: %22ww2-second-world-war-two-dead-french-soldiers-images-photos-pictures-nazi-germany%22.jpg (500x395, 53K)

What do you guys do for fun in the Ukraine?

Attached: Marching.gif (360x250, 984K)

At least my ancestors weren't used in the meat grinder to gain few meters of land.

Attached: Soviet-soldier-dead eastern-front.jpg (600x400, 122K)

Stride with a purpose

Attached: Marchingfashwave.gif (610x813, 3.85M)

You are welcome. Ukrainians are all subhuman.

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-004-3633-32A,_Russland,_Cholm,_gefallene_Rotarmisten.jpg (800x505, 72K)

>Soviet soldiers die only for their granddaughters to be GANGBANGED by CHURKAS AND HACHI 90 years later
Idk bought a ps4, looking for work, fuck my depressed gf. not much


that's my boy

WW1 my dude. But we both got fucked on that one.

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t. hohol

At least my ancestors didnt fight for THIS

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Thats cool I guess.

Andrey pushkar died a couple days ago, you know him? Lots of legendary armwrestlers from Ukraine.


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Reveal your flag

Attached: NaziBois.jpg (800x556, 132K)

>t. hohol
nice comeback, i am totally btfo now
>At least my ancestors didnt fight for THIS
Vid related :

I have no idea what is happening

Attached: NaziMarch2.gif (480x270, 1.66M)

>Thats cool I guess.
not really bro :(

Yes, I heard about Andriy, horrible tragedy. This whole fucking country is just one horrible tragedy though.
>vid related

This one's a classic

Attached: NaziMarch1.gif (603x373, 3.9M)

muslims in moscow break a fence and attack the police.
You see that huge cluster of "people"? That's arabs. dude. In moscow

Ya ok

reeeeeeee a bunch of faggies walk around every year VS Literally millions of arab muslims raping russian girls and getting away with it, because corruption and shit
Choice is easy

Chin up Ukraine bro, it's going to be a long hard road but we'll take it all back. Things will get better. I promise!

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lmaooo, he's probably a jew in Israel rn fapping to IDF porn

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Oh no, a canadian.

>lost crimea
>losing donbass and luhansk
>wont get accepted to EU
>wont get accepted to NATO
>third of country uses russian
>i-it's ok guys at least we dont have muslims

Attached: 041316c1.jpg (385x413, 26K)

>lmaooo, he's probably a jew in Israel rn fapping to IDF porn
God, I wish

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I doublt it. Just yesterday I found a story - 5 girls beat up one school girl and record all of it.
You wanna know the punishment? 51 hryvnas
That's basically $2. TWO FUCKING DOLLARS for severely beating an underage girl. FUCK THIS COUNTRY

J*w lover larping as fascist and sucking German cock. Daily reminder that 6.5% Muslim population will always be better than being a 100% Ukranian.

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Reveal your flag and I'll post some hot sexy jew girls

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And? The things I said concern people's lives, the things you say don't concern me at all, it's all political stuff.
>wont get accepted to EU
>wont get accepted to NATO
nobody really believed in it in the first place.
>third of country uses russian
not a problem desu

Scariest enemy ever, fuck that shit, I woulda draft dodged like a bitch

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Not sure what point you're trying to make. Germans confessed in killing Ukrainians, the commies never did.
And no - I don't like Jews

Didn't a lot of the people in Crimea want to get accepted to russia since it was a slightly better alternate to the (((EU?)))

Attached: FashwaveTanker.gif (638x960, 344K)

I would have defected or just gone over when they were still Weimar

Well that's the last I got

Attached: FashwaveWasItWorthIt.png (720x1222, 1.7M)

Come to the US bro. Get some free gibs

>And? The things I said concern people's lives, the things you say don't concern me at all, it's all political stuff.
Well it concerns the citizens living within those regions, and the regions are some of the most important regions economically especially for agriculture.

I always knew Americans were pussies. Always waging war from the comfort of their couches. Fat fucks.

They confessed to killing Germans, yet now Ukranians LARP as Reichmen despite being subhuman. Also, fuck (((communists))). Your country profited the most from their rule, Ukraine had one of the most developed aeronautical and heavy industry plants in all of the USSR. You may dislike the Jews, but you sure are getting bummed by them in your government.

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I think you'd be better off taking matters into your own hands. We're usually not a tolerant people with that shit.

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They wear medals and ribbons in combat?

Some Ukranians like Bandera were able to work with the Germans, it was a shame the pride of a lot of Waffen SS generals got in the way and they killed a lot of Ukranians. They could have made entire battalions or even brigades

No idea. It's all politics man, neither side gives a fuck what people want. We are all just a bunch of peasants fighting each other, while you-know-who gets rich. It applies to Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, meme republics (dnr\lnr) etc
No chance. I don't have the skills necessary to live a normal life in United states. At least here I can make decent money (by our standarts) because I speak English

Whatever meme flag

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Is it worth it living in Ukraine?

Again, you're talking politics. Something none of us have influence over.
Both Russia and Ukraine are shit countries where people survive, rather than live. The difference is that you have millions of muslims and we don't. That's it

If you've got the $$$, sure. The girls here are dumb and very attractive. Cities are westrenized as fuck - nightclubs, theaters, barbershops, cool liberal restaurants etc
It's okay if you have money

take matters in your own hands = go to jail
You wanna know something funny - Bandera is barely studied at schools. All the majority knows is that he created Ukrainian nationalism lol

Are they trad at least? Also a lot of heroes have come from uninteresting/low level backgrounds. And finally where's all the fighting taking place?

>Are they trad at least?
No idea. Lots of whores, lots of normal girls.
People are tired of war. All meme russian republic commanders have been assassinated by either us, or their own men. It all just died down for now

Like I said before keep you chin up! It's alright to see and acknowledge all the horrible things going on around us, but we must also see the good things. It's your duty to stay positive and make yourself ready for the days to come.

Set yourself personal goals, and work toward then until they are complete. We all falter and fail at times, but the mark of a real man is the ability to pick yourself up again and attack the task at hand.

Believe me when I say "We will take it all back". I mean it with all my heart and soul!

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>Fuck nazis

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Michael Witmann.

for bonus points, read about this guy.

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Those are Soviet dead from January 1942. How ironic.

pic related - right *nglo?
you are a disgrace to the germanic tribes of Europe. Killing your own kin because of some long nosed gypsys in fancy clothes.

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its a dead gommie faggot

he escaped post-ww2 germany.

how???? he is chad.

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