Pizza Related Handkerchief Map

Anons -- something that has stuck with me since the entire Pedosta emails came out, and people started asking 'what is a pizza related handkerchief map?', WHO was the Realtor that originally found the handkerchief in question?

From the original email (link:

>Susan & Herb
>I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island.
Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it. (...)
>Safe travels to all

Who is Kate? She is "Kathryn Tate", a realtor who is not easily found just by searching, if shes a realtor at all anymore.

Her website reveals a blank splash page, and there are numerous saves at webarchive.

Interesting note : there are a number of strange saves all with as the suffix

Any other autists want to help dig into this a bit? Im gonna start looking at the source code of the page to see if i can find out whats going on and why/when it went dark.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-11-19 00-32-42.png (1081x604, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nothing of interest as far as i can tell in the source code :: pic related

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Another user pointed out that the realtor who found the handkerchief didnt realize it was pizza or map related, but Susan did
So clearly it aint normal “pizza” were talking about here

why can’t we just find a way to expose this? someone needs to put podesta on the spot with some questions in the street or something

Map is code for symbol?


They clearly were fucking kids, but apparently so many people in power are doing that too that there's no way to take them down.

checked --- and is the only common answer that people have pointed to when asking the 'map' question . IIRC it was on the list of common phrases that someone made on the web. NOT the FBI list, mind you

at most we on the ground can add heat to the pot and pray that theres justice in motion

I would assume map meant literal map, possibly of locations but cryptically hidden ofc

ah you’re right, the symbols were FBI confirmed correct? triangle/swirl, heart inside a heart?

well, then how did Susan know it had a map on it?

>Hi John,

>The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it.

>I think it has a map that seems pizza-related
she THINKS it has a map that seems pizza related. did she call and talk to Kathryn first?

correct. the FBI report was almost entirely related to symbolism and visual cues that something is pedophilia related

>pray that theres justice in motion
there certainly isn't, that's not how the world works.
If you think about it, fucking an underage kid while being videotaped is a very effective initiation ritual into a secret society. Nobody is going to spill the beans, ever. If they shared the recordings with each other it would form a mutually binding pact rather than a dependent relationship.
Or maybe there's a seniority based hierarchy, in which each newcomers' sex tape is given to every current member.

The Japanese Island they recommend for their pedo buddy to go to is the most important detail out of the whole thing.

This is super old. map stands for minor attracted persons btw.

The fact that she knew it was pizza related when kate didnt implies she is clearly in the know

perhaps read my actual post, then find the realtor, faggot. otherwise, fuck off. i know this is "old" i was here when it first came out.

ive never seen this question asked and ive never heard the name Kathryn Tate mentioned... have you?


this is true. maybe search for hastert in japan. see if anything pops up.
i'll chk it out

i believe in God, so justice in this life or the next. im not gonna throw my hands up if my brain is still working though.

Well i know these things somehow and it symbol as in "a hankerchief with a boy lover symbol" try to make sense of it. Map being "symbol" its not fucking semen.

been here from the beginning too.
no, tate was for some reason ignored.
i remember sort of half-expecting some other user to look into it. but with the flurry of new clues every week we had lots to keep us busy. the whole podesta/mccann break...the dude in hawaii with mr. potato head...on and on.

anyway, i agree...let's do some looking into mrs. tate. the vineyard is full of freaks.

I don't know what it is, but it sounds disgusting.

not only tate, let's see who she's closely associated with. these people seem to stick together in all facets of life. this pedo shit really is the cement that binds them together. it's like a sacred recreation for the wicked.

not wanting to fire up my linkedin account and reveal myself -- anyone else want to take a look: Kathryn Tate Interiors (Owner) pic related

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guys i have a weird story about prank calling comet pizza that kind of shook me to my core, i have no proof but i’ll try to be as specific as possible
>5 weeks ago or so
>bored, smoking a blunt
>remember pizza gate
>decide to call up comet pizza
>gay voice answers phone
>mfw holy fuck it’s james alfantis
>sounds identical
>”Hi this is comet ping pong”
>i’m shaking
>”Oh hi i was wondering if i could speak to James Alfantis about a party”
>he says “i don’t know who james alfantis is”
>he hands the phone to a woman
>i say “hey what the hell that was james give him back the phone”
>she goes “i have no idea what you’re talking about, we don’t know james here”
>i’m actually fucking scared
>tells me i was talking to her the whole time
>tell her “James WILL be brought to justice for his crimes”
>she hangs up

>mfw i talked to alefantis

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>Susan Sandler is a Trustee of the Sandler Foundation, which invests in strategic organizations and exceptional leaders who seek to improve the rights, opportunities and well being of others, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. Sandler leads funding related to education policy and other areas.

>Prior to serving full time as a funder in 2008, Sandler’s career focused on advancing educational equity as an organizational leader, policy advocate, professional development provider, school therapist, teacher and activist. Sandler previously served as President of Justice Matters, an education reform and leadership development organization based in Oakland, CA.

>Sandler holds an M.S.W. from San Francisco State University and a B.A. from Stanford University.

Attached: Susan_Sandler_312.png (312x312, 130K)

DNA is a map that can lead back to you. There was a weird painting either Ping Pong, or Podesta had with a kid laying on a cloth.

dude her eyes just gave me the chills, she’s forsure fucked a kid

So what threads are you trying to slide exactly?

You couldve been fucking high and made the whole thing up but i somewhat believe you
Also daily reminder that trans and homos are more likely have been abused as children, and the abused are more likely to abuse

>well, then how did Susan know it had a map on it?
there could have been some interaction between the realtor and Susan after the email from the realtor. perhaps she sent her a picture of it? if they had caterers then the realtor would either expect Susan to say sent it on or throw it away, but Susan must have had further information, verbal description or by seeing it somehow, that it wasn't just a regular handkerchief.

fucks sake. idgaf what anyone says.. there are some spooked people involved in this but they hide behind the untouchable facade.

noone ever talks about her in all of this either. not a single person ever asked her a question about that email and in my mind it was the most damning with little to no outs without some serious explanations.

i think the painting youre talking about is one of the scratch paintings with incorporeal figurines standing around in various acts of degeneracy and children. one had a baby being raped by an adult figure while laying on a rag on the floor. id look for the pic but i dont know how to even begin searching for that one

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The Handkerchief is simply a map of Italy with Pizza over laid on it. Sandler, while very rich, is a retard who did not recognize Italy.

Pizzagate caught the thread of something that was going on, but pulled on it with retarded mongo force and the whole thing unraveled. It was always about terminally ill children volunteering to donate their organs to the rich, but the undernet thought it was about kiddie diddlers and the vague occult.

the one where you get the fuck out and go somewhere else if you dont want to contribute. thanks for the bump though, faggot

good bread

holy fugg is that pic real?

that is a cursed picture. i'm clearing my cache.

would be nice to know if either of them called each other in the 7 hours between kathryn emailing susan and susan emailing pedosta.

the only available evidence we have is the emails. the likelihood that she did contact kathryn is very high, given the contextual information that wasn't shared but WAS shared with pedosta. if i were a detective, id be asking if they spoke at all in those 7 hours, then looking up phone records and asking about alibis. if they didnt contact each other, how the fuck did susan know it was 'pizza related with a map'?

it really happened. i no joke dude, prank call them 3 times a week. James answered maybe twice. Usually he’s not in, so i say, “just tell him the FBI called”.
Always a good lul.
I have a plan soon:
>i’m going to act like a distressed faggot,
>beg for them to give him the phone >tell him “JAMES Jow Forums just hacked my phone, they figured it all out!! we’re going to go to prison!!! they found the texts, the pictures, the contacts, they’re blowing up my phone”
>see if he freaks out
>video tape him crying and spazzing, admitting to his crimes
>pizza gate solved, Jimmy, Skippy and Hillary get locked up.

hah. thats the dumbest thing ive read all day. congrats user

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Ahh you're trying to stir up the retards

>Justice Matters
noice try.

the only stirred up retard here is you, faggot

lmfao, he has a don’t tread on me flag, what a fucking pussy hahaha. Go listen to Rohan you fucking pussy.

>pizza related map

Attached: Italian_Food_Map.jpg (1681x1978, 401K)
Quick rundown:
>Europol ask for help on October 15 about pictures related to child
>Finnish user makes first thread because the finish media is talking about it
>none of the pictures are connected to each other, each picture is a separate case, ex: one case is in Asia and one that Anons found is from Eastern Europe
>anons focus on pic related because the background has many clues
>one Russian user reverse image searched the picture and we've got the whole album and the year when the picture were taken
>Europol didn't have the pictures because they would have uploaded all of the 12 pictures and with the original res (anons tried to get better res pics but Europol on Twitter responded that they only have the one they gave)
>one image had a calendar in it but one user confirmed it was czech
>in the background you can see a phone booth and anons asked Czech anons if there was a site which keeps track of them.
>Czech anons found the site and we began searching through all the phone booth locations in google maps
>the process was too slow and we went to Jow Forums and asked them to make a site which gives each phone booth a number and with street view, satellite
>(((mods))) banned us because of "doxxing" so we moved to discord
>after we searched through almost all of the phone booths we finally found the exact same location
>we contacted Europol about this but they didnt give us any info and when anons called they said "contact the local Czech police"
>after a day they finally responded and thanked us and anons for the work on twitter(they deleted the tweet but it's archived in the discord server)
What do you guys think? Should we have threads about this kind of stuff more regularly? Weaponized autism is a powerful tool that can solve these investigations easily,.,

english please

map to lead you back makes a bit of sense
kinda like the souvineers rapists/serial killers keep to relive their ebol exploits.

>The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus?

given the language of the email, a literal map of italy seems to be the only solution. problem solved. great work.

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>Should we have threads about this kind of stuff more regularly?
yes. they are always interesting even if i cannot contribute. i remember the one about training camps in Syria too. volunteer autistic resource force is a good idea.

You may as well have tried to say I'm a Russian bot.
So what's actually going on? This is clearly an agitprop thread.

why doesnt anyone talk about the fucking sacrifice a chicken to Moloch email?

Attached: moloch worship.png (500x283, 78K)

if 'map' is code for bad things, given this context in this email it makes the most sense. think Dexters blood slides.

yea its a demonstration that the hive is capable of impressive work, despite what faggots like the author of this post say and do


or make a proton mail account, email these fuggers, pretend to be one of their identified associates, tell them you had to start a new annonymous email account, and that all important/private correspondence should be sent there.
just read a few of john's emails...or any of these people...get a sense for the cadence of their thought, and compose a terse note...maybe with a tone of despairation. my suspicion is that these freaks are getting nerbus.
one of them may indeed bite.


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you try too hard, glownigger. it's making you glow. your clients are going down.

i wouldn't want to try and argue that one in court. at least with this email there are three separate parties that would need to explain some context and how/why behind their words.

chicken to moloch could be explained away as a colloquialism and a jury would have to go by 'reasonable doubt'.

this is gud bread. feel like we're going to get something accomplised.

While dumb, it is true.

During the Public ANC3F meetings regarding CPP's license to sell alcohol and operate after 2 A.M., one of the most vocal of the ANC board who stood up for James, is also a member of a Donor Rights Advocacy group, whose main purpose is to facilitate young patients to become donors.

It's pretty fucking sick and twisted, but CPP was a cool speak easy for leets who had sick kids and "Donor Advocates" to meet up and discuss a change of goods/services. Take a look at the other members of the ANC3F group from that time. Every single one of them were major cash donors to hospitals in the area.

wew. they must take their donor rights really seriously. so how does italy come into play and why are you throwing out word salad posts?

organ harvesting/trafficking could also be part of it...they usually do maximize any given scheme. but it's at best ancillary to what they were doing.

what's the name of the guy who interviewed the user who hacked comet ping pong's servers right before the (((shooting)))? where the only thing damaged was the hard drive.

it was ty or something like that...maybe cy
he wears a boston red sox hat in his interviews.
that interview was astonishing. i'll see if i can find it for any who missed it.

wow we’ve got a literal glownig right here

fuck off diddler

here it is...his name is titus frost. listen to this if you have any doubts as to what comet ping pong was up to.

calling someone a glownigger only works if it makes sense. your one post on that id in this thread saying that makes no sense. so you're either an AI-bot or a moron. either way, fuck off

sorry, forgot link to the meeting recordings:

Italy/pizza is a red herring.

Afaik the "Hack" was a screenshot of a simple html markup index. Shit that any CS student should know before their first year in college. Hell, I could write an index.html page in about 5 minutes.

I doubt it. Still, this whole thing was always very interesting, and chilling, to me.
How stilted the language is in the emails, how some emails seem to truly make no sense. Like this one. Why the fuck would someone as important as Podesta be sent an email about some handkerchief from a tiny restaurant? It feels like coded messages.

Was it ever confirmed that the Worldwide Enterprises youtube channnel, or whatever it was called, with the video where the guy sings 'EACH DAY I GROW SOME MORE' was Podesta?

if any of you cowards had testicles you’d do what john adams would do and go up to podesta in real life and grab him by his chicken neck and ask him what he did with your son, he’ll crack like a fuckig egg. you larpers are no different than Q-aimnon

Fed confirmed

thanks again for the bumps, fags

yea i remember the controversy surrounding that meeting. i wanted to see how far the moron was going to take the italy/pizza/map concept. not far it seems.

here is a wikileaks cable leak securing clearance for hastert and his congressional attache. the people accompanying him could be interesting.
Rep. J. Dennis Hastert
Rep. John Shadegg
Mr. David Cavicke
Mr. William Koetzle
Maj. David Kincaid

you’re a larp like q-aimnon just shut up

wrong glownigger.
he hacked into the server and scanned the contents. vilest imaginable child porn, son.
you fuggers are evil and you're going down.
you're not deflecting this by any means. if you want to drag organ harvesting into it, fine...we'll graft that issue in. but it's subordinate to the principal issue -- child rape, torture, murder and trafficking.
you make me sick, fagget.

listen to this interview

shut up

I assume that susan had seen it when meeting with the two of them earlier


LMAO, stuff man, you don't know shit about computer forensics or how the fucking law works.

>Ask for the password, and if he doesn't give you the password to his server then he has something to hide

Comic gold from your Hacker.

>when meeting with the two of them earlier
>I also meant to inquire yesterday about the pillows you purchased. I can send them as well, if you let me know where they are in the house.
she gave her a reason to reply regarding the pillows. guaranteed susan sent an email to tell her about the pillows (i think these are literally pillows) and inquire further about what she found.

this email should exist somewhere and will probably have more contextual information about what a 'map' is and how susan knew it was pizza related.

if the realtor never mentions the words 'pizza' or 'map' in that reply email, you can damn well bet susan knew what it was and that it was damning. would also probably mean that the realtor is under witness protection or disappeared by now

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>i believe in God, so justice in this life or the next
and they have you right where they want you. Patient and inactive. Waiting for a justice that won't be coming.
The people that gave you that religion are the people in power benefiting from your ignorance.
ffs, the grandfather of it are the biggest perverts of all. HELLO!
it's not some debil persuading them, they just know that what they have fed you is bullshit.
but you're probably so entrenched in your delusion you'll blame this on debilman

>go kill someone! take the law into your own hands
ill let your assets do that, glownigger.

tell me, are jewish mothers the reason all kikes are sexual deviants?

>i think you’re right

sorry i called u that

typical...shilling kike tries to establish authority.
>i'm turbo computer tech pro. pizzagate is fake cuz no basement

you suck at your job, fagget.

Just pointing out flaws in the narrative.

Interview means jack shit without proof. He provides 0 technical details about his "Hack". Literal hearsay.

holy fugg.. check out this article about dennis hastert.

some exerpts:
>Montana woman who stepped forward with a specific allegation of sexual misconduct involving her brother suggested on social media that Hastert may have other victims from his days as a small-town high school teacher and coach.
>“I can say with absolute certainty that there is sooo much more to this story. Finally the truth…,” she wrote in the Facebook comment just hours after Hastert was indicted on charges he illegally structured cash withdrawals to avoid federal reporting requirements and lied to the FBI.
>Burdge told ABC News Friday that her late brother Stephen Reinboldt, who died in 1995 of AIDS, claimed to have had sex with Hastert while he was a student at Yorkville High School in Illinois. Hastert was a longtime football and wrestling coach, teacher and Explorer Scout leader known as a father-figure by some former team members.
>“I asked him, when was your first same-sex experience. He looked at me and said, ‘It was with Dennis Hastert,’” Burdge said. “I was stunned.”
>However, she shared a yearbook with ABC that includes an inscription signed “Mr. Hastert,” which refers to a trip Hastert took to the Bahamas with an Explorers’ troop that included Reinboldt.
>“Steve-To a great, right hand man who gets that neglected feeling once in a while…I hope you make another go this year at wrestling manager - even though you’re a V.I.P. now. It would seem kind of funny not having you around, keeping things under control,” Hastert apparently wrote. “We had a great time in the Bahamas even though that one plane-ride did kind of get to you. You were really a good diver.”

>even though you're a VIP now.

>sleeping intensifies

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you obviously didn't listen to the whole interview...or even the first ten minutes. he does in fact detail how he hacked.

look, we know...we know.
we're blowing up a blackmail op that was thirty/forty years in the making. it gave your bosses absolute control over the law making process and foreign policy apparatus in this country. billions of dollars and tens of thousands of dedicated manhours. and Jow Forums is demolishing it by the day.

Why would she send it, though?
Wouldn't it go in the trash?

On 30 minutes of it now and there is nothing here that details the hack. Please, enlighten me.


I Have Never heard a name of a demon used in a colloquial way. i Could be wrong

Holy shit this just shows how much work there is left for us and how many unanswered questions there are

>witness protection
Given how completely unwilling anyone was to assist bigfish in breaking the comet pizza story i doubt theres any witness protection going on

He mentions it right after a rabbits foot
The kike is almost definitely a pedo but i think the sacrifices are very clearly a figure of speech

I've asked numerous people who are skeptical to explain what this message could mean. No one even attempts to explain it. Normies totally right it off.

Why would someone who is about to go down for crimes against underaged boys need to be sent to an unnamed Japanese island?

Loose lips sink ships.

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you're fucking pathetic and you know it.
if i were to go back through and extract exact quotes, you'd only kvetch about it's inadequacy; and obvioulsy how any 'real' hacker would've also said x,y,z.
quit being such a prolapsed fagget. it's annoying and petulent.
you know the guy has cred. his story is impossible to contrive. it's backed up with the story of a tresspassers arrest.

but i'm glad you're doing this. the desparation and pettiness of your shilling brings all the more attention to the interview. which is a must listen to for anyone who's been following the story with any degree of interest.

here it is again.

i think i'm going to start posting it in every thread. save it before kikery deletes it.