Let's be REAL

Just for one second.

This evil, lying, demonic sack of shit:

>Killed a million Syrians.
>Hacked a Secretary of State's emails.
>Funded Assange.
>Funded Nigel Farage.
>Funded UKIP.
>Funded Brexit.
>Funded Trump.
>Funded Twitter trolls.
>Funded psycho skinheads, meninists and Islamophobes.
>Funded far left spoiler idiots like Jill Stein.
>Stole Crimea.
>Stole more of Ukraine.
>Shot down a fucking passenger jet.
>Brutalizes his own people week after week.

And no one is doing SHIT. Why?

After we get done skinning Trumpism and Brexit alive, can we please get a President with balls who will kick Putin's shit in?

We're not afraid of this bald fuck and his gang of drunken bullies. Not anymore.

We see what he is doing and it's driving every sane, thinking person in this country into a steaming mess of fists and angry spit.

Fuck Putin. Fuck playing fair. Fuck HIM.

Fuck his shitty RT propaganda. Fuck his fake referendums. Fuck his army of hackers and trolls and right wing useful idiots. Fuck his sneaky nuclear deterrents - we all know 80% of Russia's shitty broken down missiles wouldn't even leave their shitty fucking launchpads before exploding.

How hard would it be to just give this fucking cocksucker the same ultimatum we gave Saddam: you have 48 hours. LEAVE.

Then we fire every fucking thing we've got in the entire NATO arsenal and shoot down the tiny number of shitty broke dick Russian rockets that somehow make it into the atmosphere.

Attached: Putin the monster.jpg (642x357, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:


now THATS a lotta damage

Funny thing on plebbit the retards are blaming Russia for dividing us.
Yea..wasnt the fact that you want kids to be transgender or wanting a transexual to use the same bathroom as a kid,its not that the left plays race card and see's race in everything,its not PC Culture being shoved down our throat..ITS RUSSIA


shhh try sum asmr

Shut up kike vermin

Boring and low effort.

I like Putin, he doesn't even try to hide doing the same shit the US does.
That said it is russian agenda to divide the US won't be destroyed by external factors and the EU won't grow a pair and shit on america just like that, so it's russia's goal to divide the continents as well. I would do the same if I was him but don't be naive mutt: russia isn't your friend, you pissed on russia for decades, assuming the division is some muh lgbt-people and not a sophisticared olingo effort is naive af you dense muttboi.
The biggest achievement nobody talks about:
No TTIP which would have handed the EU on a silver platter and btfo Russia and China at the same time as it was meant as an economic containment zone. This was your chance of a century and you missed it..I wonder why.

The general populace was against this. The average person in the street so no you're wrong.

>American public ever aware of trade deals their government is conducting
>EU ever listening to their populace on trade matters with the U.S. now matter how loud EU citizens bitch and moan

This new tactics of just spamming an unsubstantiated list is really lazy

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Back to plebbit, fag.

This is gaslighting 101. Convince others of which that you are guilty.

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You are a newfag and barely into babies 1st geopolitics if you don’t think our side isn’t hitting back. Newsflash: you are so brainwashed you fail to see the damage the USA has caused Russia just in this century alone.

They had two thing,the Business could sue country and the IP propery rights, they refused to change it and never gained support. These two things had to be removed and it would've had support but no corporate greed. I assume TTIP was all about increasing GDP/Increasing the Stock Market rather than helping the average American.

because the average US populous is braindead and got shilled into thinking the deal would be bad for the US. The same populous that now supports a trade war with china and supporting the US in it's miserable attempts to press the policies they could have had with TTIP through the backdoor.
user the only populous which really was against this were the europeans and they knew why.
That's why it wasn't even allowed to print out the TTIP documents over here, you could go to brüssel and literally read them on a highly secured spot without taking photos.
Nah user, you are naive fucks who got tricked into supporting KGB agenda, lovely actually, but also very very sad.

Putinstein is the biggest kike since lenin

it was about keeping china and russia out and forming a thicc transatlantic economic containment zone.
Now you have to pay import tariffs which literally YOU the consumers have to pay for a quick tax buck for da Dahnald.



Yea.. For the last 40years they average person has followed blindly and for what? Their economic position has declined. The corporations/wealth/wall street who wanted TTIP are the reason why "populism" is on the rise..they dont have the interest of the american ppl at heart

do your homework without winkers user, lot of what OP said is pretty well-known and can be read about in lots of sources. Don't pretend to be naive.
e.g. it is well known and documented that russia supports both left and right wing parties over here to destabilize the established structures and europe in general.

but the Donald has? you are naive af, sorry user.

So, how the fuck he's still in power, then? It's inert russian people that are the problem.

>also kills faggot journalists with impunity
>has no enemies because they all mysteriously disappeared

He is an ubermensch with no faggot morality or laws binding his actions. His will is law. He lives in a world beyond your world where nothing is impossible.

Attached: putin-ceasar.jpg (343x401, 21K)

Ah Germcucks. Mouthy and condescending even while their country descends into a literal pile of shit. No sympathy faggot, embrace it. Also sage.

No. But Donald was "Hope".
>Ship Jobs to Asia
>Decline in America middle class
>Surge of Drug crises
Pro-TTIP people were also anti-saddam..gaddafi..assad.
no more

Even if Russia were "dividing us," the dumbfuck leftists don't even realize that they would be a major source Of Russian manipulation.

He is the Uberkike. Why wouldn't he be in power?
He has full control over the country. All of the parliament, entire military, all police, all judges, all oblast governors, almost all city mayors obey him. He controls all TV channels. No newspaper would dare to write anything against him.

Trolling with a few Facebook accounts does not amount to even 5% of OP's list being true.

it's not about TTIP, just saying it showed what kind of mindset you illiterates actually have.
You can only think in categories of either / or, win-lose, never win-win.
Also you want the EU to be submissive not a partner at eye level.
>ship jobs to asia
Trump himself manufactures his clothing line in china
>decline in america middle class
you stop that by cutting taxes for rich fucks and mega-corporations to let them have more share buybacks?
>drug crisis
what did he do against it but say it's muh bad on twitter?
I understand this was a vote against Hillary and democrats (which unfortunately were busy with tidying up the republican mess for way too long), but this free orange-sucking is just unworthy.
Didn't you learn to watch authorities close or is it in your DNA to be corporate / rich fucks' minions by design?
I can't believe rurals keep shilling for fracking and environmental deregulation, how retarded is that tell me.

he exxagerated a little, but the basics are spot on user, do your homework.

The worst thing he's done is fund Trump.
Everything else is fine

>Then we fire every fucking thing we've got in the entire NATO arsenal and shoot down the tiny number of shitty broke dick Russian rockets that somehow make it into the atmosphere.

It only takes about 300 nukes in major cities, to cause nuclear winter that would decimate the world's population. Honestly, Putin has done some crazy shit and he'll get his someday, but you're missing out that western nations have a weapon against Russia. That weapon is in the form of consolidated sanctions. While Putin tries to put on a show like his country is still relevant, let's consider that his economy shrunk to a fraction of its worth because he invaded Crimea. The new game is economic warfare and Russia is not a major player in that game. The more economic pressure put on his country, the more unrest, the higher chance that Putin gets a bayonet up his pooper from a "friendly" oligarch looking for the crown.

Attached: (((putin))).jpg (1150x2228, 359K)

He might be buying this site kek.

he already did

You just made him sound fucking cool

>So, how the fuck he's still in power, then?
>He is the Uberkike
The absolute state of the russian "opposition".
How that explains inertia of people like you, who only whine on the internet?

Umm you want to use words like illiterate yet not understand the point thats being made between the rise of China and the decline of the American middle class. It's fact that when the jobs went to Asia the middle class declined the same time as the opioid crises began, I just thought i'd clear that up for you.

We've followed the economic agenda of the Elites thinking they had the American people interest at heart but they didn't thus rise of the progressive Left and populism. Although progessive Left is funded by the Elites.

>Trump manafactures in China
Yea cant argue with you there
>You stop that by cutting taxes for Rich Fucks
I agree but the only party that would do that is Democrats and they would rather chase the Lower and Immigrant vote and Republicans are the Corporate Party. The forgotten little guy saw Trump as that person.

Theres a reason why i had Hope in quotes. The more the media went against Trump the loyal his supports became, Why? Trump like Brexit as a fuck you to the Elites.

>Killed a million Syrians.
Good, the ones dying are against the secular leader who's wife doesn't have to wear a head scarf. The ones he killed were knuckle dragging bigger tier mudslimes.
>Hacked a Secretary of State's emails.
Emails she should not of had.
>Funded Assange.
>Funded Nigel Farage.
>Funded UKIP.
>Funded Brexit.
>Funded Trump.
>Funded Twitter trolls.
>Funded psycho skinheads, meninists and Islamophobes.
>Funded far left spoiler idiots like Jill Stein.
Now you are going conspiracy nut
>Stole Crimea.
Taking back what's theirs
>Stole more of Ukraine.
See above
>Shot down a fucking passenger jet.
Oh wwll
>Brutalizes his own people week after week.
Feminists don't count as people

Everything he is doing is to the benefit of forward thinking, same people.

The shills are out hard lately. . .

Nobody anywhere is in charge of their government, Latvia.
Everyone is getting assfucked.
Look at the United States.
Look at Europe.
I'm sure there's happenings in Latvia as well, although nobody gives a shit about your country so I'll never hear about it.
Do you keep tabs on your own government?

Oh great. You summoned all the Kremlin gremlins.

Holy shit the fucking Russians just flew over my house.

Attached: ruuussiia1527284492442.jpg (1480x833, 769K)

yeah no, moshe my man. firstly you have no evidence to back even one of your claims.

good try tho.

Attached: 1541487860176.jpg (648x674, 207K)

This is not inertia, Uldis. This is paralysis. Putin has complete control over everything that happens in this country. What the fuck can we do?

your talking about amerika right???? so y is putins foto here

Putin is also LITERALLY a pedophile

Do me a solid, take your fake and gay neo liberal economics, with all the open borders bullshit that comes along with it, and shove it up your ass.

>hurr durr Wussuh isnt yur fwend
Look, acolyte, the guy helping me to stop the globo satanic order, might be good he miht be bad, he might just be a lower priority to domestic problems. This is the problem wih you neo-liberal fucks and your Metternichian worldview, you are not the end of history, not everyone thinks your boot is liberating, and not everyone is a materialist faggot like yourself.

good point, "american"

>Muslim lives only matter when my theoretical opponent is killing them
>Look at all this conjecture and (((non-arguments)))
>plebbit spacing

Attached: 1541715234738.jpg (949x678, 80K)

Putin is a literal kike and KGB member, he does have great marketing tho

Attached: lavs are subhuman - (((putim))).jpg (3328x2832, 741K)

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>Team America Workd Police
The ride never ends!

a sane russian poster. I thought Jow Forums was occupied by vatnik bydlo only

every last word of this post is a lie, dripping with pilpul filth.
i hope you die in a cancer fire

A german, of all people, calling somebody illiterate. You people vote for Merkel to ruin Germany and Europe as good NPCs every year. Keep dreaming those trade deals/open borders/bigger markets will be even slightly beneficial to the average German, retard.

he also raped my pet goose
what a fucker

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Christ get a load of this mouth breathin faggot who's scared of transsexuals

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"Russia is the reason america is divided"

How about no shitlib, many of your own people just have a right wing temperament. Not a fan of Putin but sick of him being used as a straight white male boogeyman by retards.

Putin is so BASED that he made all his KGB school classmates and Dacha neighbours into Billioniares, while our people live in shit.
so BASED that he replaces us with muslims, cos they vote 99% for Putin. Several times, some of them.
Meanwhile western internet warriors think he's the last hope or some shit, because he took a cool outdoor topless photo on a horse.
Give me back all the fucking money he's spending overseas. If you need BREXIT or LePen or w/e, fund it yourselves.

Attached: Very BASED.jpg (1900x1500, 709K)

Less scared more concerned because it clearly isn't a healthy way to be. Sadly. If only humans could just be anything they want to be without downsides. Reality is a bitch. But you gotta love and respect it.

Attached: jordan.png (751x686, 556K)

>>also kills faggot journalists with impunity
>>has no enemies because they all mysteriously disappeared
>He is an ubermensch with no faggot morality or laws binding his actions. His will is law. He lives in a world beyond your world where nothing is impossible.

Attached: putin 1536224006733.jpg (481x480, 39K)

Nice fake news.

>While Putin tries to put on a show like his country is still relevant, let's consider that his economy shrunk to a fraction of its worth because he invaded Crimea. The new game is economic warfare and Russia is not a major player in that game. The more economic pressure put on his country, the more unrest, the higher chance that wwiii?

putin net worth 100billion usd, russia economy < italy

>"Russia is the reason america is divided"

cf bezmenov

Attached: bezmenov 1536219350383.jpg (474x316, 37K)

Go to bed CNN, you're drunk

>1 post by this ID
go suck chuck schumers cock some more you filth

Team Putin. He's fuckin' killing it!

Attached: 7E0WzMD2Ae5rY_jTBQOtPCb6SgVs2RDrft3APHN03XM.jpg (960x720, 239K)

Face it, it's the agenda of Germany to keep the US importing as much as it can produce. That's why more free trade deals are good for Germany but not the US.
It's also on German interest to sow divide between the US and China/Russia as well. So that the US will buy more from Germany instead of the other two. Too bad that Trump is an equal opportunity protectionist so Germany doesn't get away with it. So they hate the Trump.

Please do already you fucks. All I hear from you are promises and bragging. Gib the sweet nuclear death now!

user has a point.


Obviously nothing apart from sucking his cock and raging on Jow Forums

No one outside is sowing division more than our own people. It’s laughable to think that unity is even possible in america at this point.

You know that you can like Putin and not support his invasion of Ukraine, right?

Don’t try to justify attacking another white country and killing thousands of Europeans for literally no gain.

Killing journalists & disappearing enemies is a Russian tradition as old as the steppe.

an Amerimut crying about the Russians haha fucking hyocrites. Why are Americans so fucking stupid, like this isn't even a meme you guys are so fucking backwards retarded....

I thought there were different power factions within the Kremlin? Like the FSB are Putin's boys, but GRU are opposed to Putin. How truthful is that Rusanon?




Attached: introducing_Reek.jpg (999x666, 160K)

Shut up kike, you're not welcome here, and soon you won't be welcome anywhere.
All of Jow Forums knows the "Syrian rebels" were led by Mossad agents and supplied by kikes, just where the hell do you think you are?
And here's a hint about trashing Trump...when every other thread is a bash-Trump thread, it's COMPLETELY obvious it's an agenda-driven raid from outside Jow Forums.

You're not fooling a single user.

Attached: DisappointWolf.jpg (620x351, 45K)


This nigger's broke you literal retard. HAHAHAHAHA. How do people actually get to be this fucking out of sync?

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Attached: Скриншот 19-11-2018 183909.png (538x491, 104K)

OP confirmed mentally deficient.

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>>Killed a million Syrians.
so does the US

>>Hacked a Secretary of State's emails.
Podesta emails appearently leaked because the password was p@ssword or something like that while falling for some fishing scam, the DNC mails were downloaded from the server on some device and spread afterwards meaning some insider leaked them. Clinton mails likely come from a similar route. either way no evidence russia did it

>>Funded Assange.

>>Funded Nigel Farage.
>>Funded UKIP.
All politicians have backers, Clinton is huge in china and Saudi Arabia as well as a lot of kikes backing her. Why isnt puting allowed to back anyone?

>>Funded Brexit.
except people voted for it themselves

>>Funded Twitter trolls.
they do it for free because its fun and usually the right thing. the dems on the otherhand are known to employ people to shill for them as well as using a lot of bots

>>Funded psycho skinheads, meninists and Islamophobes.
ISIS is funded by the US and Israel though

>>Stole Crimea.
after the west instigated a putch to destroy the legitely voted for pro russian government, shooting civillians in the process to cause unrests

>>Stole more of Ukraine.
after the EU stole it

>>Shot down a fucking passenger jet.
no evidence for that. its more likely that the rebells shot it down on accident mistaking it than a trained military targeting a random passanger jet

Putin is just controlled opposition either way, but at least try to have less doublestandards


Thats it, one kike thread too much , time to find a jew beat him up

It's literally what they do on Reddit. There's accounts that go around posting lists with (((MSM))) links attacking Putin and Trump. The posts get botted up, then they get submitted to 'best of Reddit' and get botted up there again.
You literally see the same comment multiple times over a several week period before they make a new one and repeat the process. For some reason they think it will work here as well, just ignore the shills

Attached: Pie.jpg (616x462, 51K)

>list of mainly good deeds
wtf I love putin now

Cmon and try ameriscum as putin once said "we will die as martyrs and go to heaven while they.. They wont even have time to make their last prayer before they just die" with "they" he is referring to the west btw

at least he got you back crimea

the opposition of russia is probably just like here, some hyper lefty faggots. i fucking hate how there is no normal patriotic real opposition here, we are constantly ruled by leftist and traitors since creation of communist yugoslavia

>useless peninsula full of old troublesome Russian pensioners that now doesn’t even have any tourists
Wow great victory for Mighty Rossiya.

Lmao the reason u cant do anything is couse no one gives a fuq about u it may seem that there are much of navalny faggots like u when u look on shitty western sites like this here but in reality putin has a 80% approval rate im from moscow currently on vacation in germany and i know litterly no one who doesnt vote for putin faggots like u should just leave our beautiful russia and enjoy dying together with the west that u love so much


I wish I was Russian


N-not a Russian troll, i swear privyet!

fuck off back to the gchq rabbi, and dont stop to suck any babydick along the way.

kikes these days; no lead in music, no funny man, just "putin is the devil". its no wonder jewmedia is going to shit, these faggots are too lazy to write anything entertaining anymore.

> except this isnt really true.

This desu