>George Soros Dies
>Nothing Changes
What will Jow Forums's excuse be?
George Soros Dies
Lets cross that bridge ASAP and we can talk.
>implying he won't give all his inheritance to NGOs or invest it in some company which will then have to give a monthly percentage of earnings to said NGOs
He died 80 years ago. They will just keep replacing him
he's already given all his money to organizations that will continue his devilish works. All jews need to be locked up and assets seized
he did already a year ago
He already gave $13billion to his Open Societies Foundation earlier this year
>5,999,999 to go
Only Trumptards think it's Soros. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that it won't end until each and every Jew is wiped from the face of this Earth.
he's got sons, daughters, people loyal to him, who would continue his work after death because he basically would fund them from the grave through private trusts and shit like that.
He prepped his son to continue his works. This isnt even a conspiracy theory, you can look it up everywhere
This thread is sad... So many scapegoats
He's pretty fucking smart, dude. I'm sure he's meticulously crafted a system through which his work will persist long after he's dead.
>implying Soros was the first Jew to act like a Jew
Also this
Directed reincarnation - it's why they have all that serpent symbolism, they shed their skin.
I didn't realize George Soros was the only Jew on the planet.
The Rothschilds aren’t the endboss though. The old bloodline Swiss/Jesuits are.
hes already got a well known son
who is basically the same thing
Open society foundation is just to keep the government from taxing it after he dies.
His son will still have access to that money to push his agenda.
nice try implying everyone who uses Jow Forums promotes Soros conspiracy theoires. Fuck that guy, who cares.
>>George Soros Dies
>>Nothing Changes
>What will Jow Forums's excuse be?
What makes your kike nose think Soros is the only globalist behind the curtain? Fuck kikes, I swear.
I would think “visiting” his children while he was still alive to see it would be the better tactic. Let him know how it feels. Even in that cold, dead heart of his he must have feelings for his own children.
But such a thing would be terrible and I would never advocate for such a thing.
Say whatever you want about Soros being a globalist mastermind puppeteer, but it's entirely reasonable to assume that IF he was that crafty, keeping his plans going after his death would be trivial. It's not exactly hard to throw money around even after you're dead.
His son must die, too.
Nothing will change when he dies because Jews work as a unit, basically a Mafia. This can been seen in the likes of Meyer Lansky. New people will take control of the destruction of the West and the Jewish goal of destruction by cultural subversion will have been completed.
Their goal is to destroy the nations of the world through infiltration and subversion until the nations realize this and ban together to retaliate in which the kikes will nuke all of the world.
They are literally the protagonist from any final fantasy series.
except he wont die because he has money for the best medical treatment in the world.
We're not the ones claiming he's the single source of evil. That's retarded Reddit-tier "conservatives." We're well-aware that it's actually World Jewry, along with wealthy traitors, causing all of this.
You can be that stupid, if you like, just do it quietly, moron.
His faggot kid took his place
he's already dead
Soros is just one piece of puzzle.
It's that rootless international clique of elites that's the problem.
You think he hasn't planned to have his work continued after he's dead? All that money doesn't just vanish when he dies.
You act like he doesn't have agents doing most of his work for him with his money
he's just the black nobility's bank manager (and even then just the most public face of it, looking after their exoteric sources of funding)
If anything George Soros is a limited hangout to capture rage that would be directed elsewhere.
>which flag will fall next?
Alex Soros
soros is just the frontsperson, there obviously has to be a middle man. Strange that they chose a jew though, you'd think a goy would be more fitting to keep us in the dark
he has a retarded homosexual son.
It's not like he's micromanaging his foundation. He set up the system and it now works and will continue after he dies. I'm not even sure he would approve of every little thing they do but he sees the big picture.
>expecting changes when this is his heir
Never go full retard
Nothing changes for the US
Europe however,oh my God.
There's gonna be so much blood in the streets.
Mostly German/French and Muslim.
Can't wait.
You would need to tag out every member of his family in a quick manner.