So this thread is discussing the potential ties between jfg(political youtuber) and jeffrey epstein(democrat donor)
the mods have removed my previous 2 threads for unknown reasons
this is clearly political

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Other urls found in this thread:


What? You didn't think he was a shill?

post something relevant or fuck off

tell me more

1hr and 4 mins in

Quick rundown:
>Europol ask for help on October 15 about pictures related to child abusetwitter.com/Europol/status/1051754869927882752?s=19
>Finnish user makes first thread because the finish media is talking about it
>none of the pictures are connected to each other, each picture is a separate case, ex: one case is in Asia and one that Anons found is from Eastern Europe
>anons focus on pic related because the background has many clues
>one Russian user reverse image searched the picture and we've got the whole album and the year when the picture were taken
>Europol didn't have the pictures because they would have uploaded all of the 12 pictures and with the original res (anons tried to get better res pics but Europol on Twitter responded that they only have the one they gave)
>one image had a calendar in it but one user confirmed it was czech
>in the background you can see a phone booth and anons asked Czech anons if there was a site which keeps track of them.
>Czech anons found the site and we began searching through all the phone booth locations in google maps
>the process was too slow and we went to Jow Forums and asked them to make a site which gives each phone booth a number and with street view, satellite etcfiddle.jshell.net/3wfuzpdy/show/
>(((mods))) banned us because of "doxxing" so we moved to discord
>after we searched through almost all of the phone booths we finally found the exact same location
>we contacted Europol about this but they didnt give us any info and when anons called they said "contact the local Czech police"
>after a day they finally responded and thanked us and anons for the work on twitter(they deleted the tweet but it's archived in the discord server)
What do you guys think? Should we have threads about this kind of stuff more regularly? Weaponized autism is a powerful tool that can solve these investigations easily.. ..

>makes profound claim
>no source
>claims that mods are taking down his threads
you thread has all the makings of a shill thread, how about you post proof or why you believe this. otherwise shut the fuck up and SAGE

Spencer defended JF taking Epstein's money.

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i saw the second thread get 404ed without a single reply

you really should put the full context in
his words previously werent so kind

wtf? I hate JF now! Unsubbed and angry >:(

now that is interesting. why was the money donated, I wonder? what nonprofit organization is JF talking about? what did epstein expect in return? doesn't it matter that JF is not acting in leftist interests at all, so what is the angle?

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yes it is deeply concerning

in JF's defense it was before he was political, and it was for a science based organization. but still, I think JF should answer they why's and the when's otherwise it looks weird as fuck

I know of the Canadian Epstein family.
The father is/was called "Satan" by his sons who ran a porn directing and distributing business while owning an ISP given to them by their dad.
The dad was getting married to a lawyer who is now an Ontario supreme court judge that allowed homosexuals to marry, among many other things.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if this queerbecker is involved with that family, they love to control it all

yes he needs to deeply clarify this situation
its very bad though and i doubt he can recover

how did this originally come up on the stream he mentioned yesterday? did it come up naturally or had someone dug it up and accused him?

epstein donated to neuroTV because jf is literally a genius

i watched some of the episode prior to this and didnt hear anything about it
i didnt complete it though
ill give the last halfa a listen on fast

It was a science education youtube show neuro.tv, you can see the episodes on JFG channel. It's peanuts for people like Epstein and he probably gave money because he wanted to support science. Although JF suggested that he gave money because of the female cohost.

Holy shit! Jean-Francois received $25,000 from Epstein to develop his show. How did he even get in contact with Epstein? How do these things work?

He was analyzing Pakman's video where he accused Trump of going to Epstein's island and then JF disclosed he received money from Epstein when he was doing his science videos.

he seems to be talking of it at 14 mins

He said he was doing fundraising for his science show and decided to send emails to a bunch of rich people and Epstein responded with one line:
"where to send the money?"
and so he explained to him and got the money.

That's pretty weird but I don't think JF is actually being influenced

how'd I miss this going down?


>He said he was doing fundraising for his science show and decided to send emails to a bunch of rich people and Epstein responded with one line:
>"where to send the money?"
>and so he explained to him and got the money.
Thanks. I'm watching the clip with Spencer above. Spencer is taken aback by Jean-Francois admitting that he did not care about the allegations against Epstein and that he just wanted the money regardless. Spencer was polite, but was not cool with it. And to go back to what I always say, Jean-Francois is a fuckin' sleezy, douchebag of a human being.

he doesnt seem to be
but the halsey being around is another concerning factor

Why is this TekSyndicate guy getting attention from Jow Forums?

Tbh I don't have much problems with it. He's not defending Epstein at all, and he used the money for a good cause.

this unironically looks fine to me. him being the one to bring it up is a lot better, just seems like a chance happening to me desu. unless someone can provide me a believable reason epstein would fund a channel like JF has today, I am still #TeamJean

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Agreed. Halsey, and his steady stream of gigantic donations is fishy as fuck, if you ask me. That dude is really bizarre

The money was donated to Science YouTube channel that JF worked for.

>"Sentencing. In June 2008, after Epstein pleaded guilty to a single state charge of soliciting prostitution from girls as young as 14, he was sentenced to 18 months in prison. He served 13 months before being released."

Looks to me like JF should have known he was taking money from a convicted pedo. This is alarming and full disclosure is needed.

i am a little less shocked about it now with this sort of explanation

yes halsey is a strange character
puts a lot of effort into not appearing jewish and didnt announce it when he was first on the scene

Both JF and Halsey are bizarre, maybe that's why they get along.

What the fuck do you expect him to do about it? You going to camp outside his house and shout at him until he returns it?
Jow Forums is turning into radical SJWs

yeah this
he was a well known pedo before that
somewhat justifiable knowing it was kept fairly quiet

He knew about it, although he didn't look to much into it and didn't care. He said he would take money from devil personally if he could use it for a good cause.

JF would do the same and worse if he had the chance, he's a horrible human being

>Tbh I don't have much problems with it.
You believe it is okay to take money from a convicted pedophile.

>he's a horrible human being
It did not take me long to see through Jean-Francois. He's a douchebag. But, unfortunately, he's become the "He's My Guy" for a lot of young men.

you're a sperg Moarpenis

I don't see what harm that does. Do you? I guess Epstein could use this to show how he supports science but it's not enough money to convince anyone and JF never used it to defend Epstein, or even give him any credit.

Okay really , I'm planning on watching this vid tomrrow so I don't know what was said, but the right needs to get a bit of a grip on this donor stuff.

Yes, call me a shill or a kike all you want. The left is getting wise to the Soros hysteria. All a wealthy leftist needs to do is give a little bit of money to a right leaning organization, then go to the media (or Jow Forums type entities) and tell the right that they're just being influenced by some controlled opposition agent. All the evidence they need is the kind of evidence the right uses to turn Soros into the eternal boogeyman, that he gave like 3% of some organizations yearly funding to them? I understand being careful with the people we trust, but I'm beginning to fear that we're setting ourselves up here.

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>i would take a check directly from the devil

>Looks to me like JF should have known he was taking money from a convicted pedo
If you watched the clip, he said he wasn't found guilty when he donated the money and number two, JF wouldn't give a fuck either way, he's a self-proclaimed moral nihilist. He'd race-mix at the drop of a hat if a brown girl looked at him at all. JF is a piece of shit, but he's a very smart one that's great to have on our side.

So many glow in the dark niggers and kikes in this thread.

JF doesn't care because there's logically no reason to care. Its non-contractual donations.
All USD goes through the Federal Reserve so its tainted by Jews / pedophiles already.
Jews have no morals. They do whatever they want because they don't care. Them giving money to JF is the equivalent of a child giving birdfeed to pigeons. Jews are mentally unhinged from reality and perceive non-Jews as objects for them to own.

> a bigot’s money isn’t any good
> a kike’s money isn’t any good
You faggots are such hypocrites. None of you would have refused $25k

>what nonprofit organization is JF talking about?
He says what it was. NeuroTV. If you google it they had a kickstarter in 2013, they have a facebook and all kinds of other websites talking about it.

He makes great content and is usually correct about most things, it is what it is.

(((Pedo))) JF and (((Pedo))) Epstien
Birds of a feather fuck kids together

He didn't give the money to JF. He gave it to a non-profit organisation.

>Meme flag
>Defending kikes
>Makes absolute sense

The UK isn't a real country

>JF is a piece of shit
Is JF a piece of shit, or are the people he's being shit to more shit than him?
Even relatively you could say he's a piece of shit, but how far up the shit chain do you have to go to justify it? Might as well say everyone is a piece of shit.

>Meme flag of made up country
>Accusing real countries of not being real
>Defending kike pedos
>Makes absolute sense

>JF is a piece of shit, but he's a very smart one that's great to have on our side.
Jean-Francois probably scores high on psychopathy tests. He's Machiavellian, also. He's not the kind of guy you'd want for as a friend, or if you were a woman as a boyfriend or husband.

Check out this fucking pilpul right here.

this guy is kinda creepy why does he think its funny?

He's the clever French weasel archetype come to life

Pilpul my ass you disingenuous nigger. Justify JF as a piece of shit compared to what. Yourself?

A brand new TV-station called NEURO.tv just launched. Online. No soaps, just science. It is basically a talk show featuring prominent scientists and philosophers discussing the brain and mind. And It’s free.

The talk show features leading scientists and philosophers sharing their ideas and discoveries with the general public. The basic belief is that the fascinating discussions and debates about the brain and the mind, those that scientists and philosophers engage in, should be available online, free to download for everyone. The initiative is supported by The Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience/Centre for Neural Computation at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and one of the episodes feature May-Britt and Edvard Mosers research on grid cells and spatial navigation. NEURO.tv is a registered non-profit organization dedicated to public education. It is presided by Dr. Jean-François Gariépy, researcher at Duke University.

>Dr. Jean-François Gariépy, researcher at Duke University
Why did Jean-Francois get fired from his research position at Duke University?

>psychopathy tests
>muh social-sciences

I don't think he was fired. He left after his postdoc expired (it's a temporary position).

Violent feminism.

they have a twitter


>compared to what. Yourself?
So you descend into moral relativism and the world of jewish subjectivism once you feel like your favorite e-celeb is being attacked? He's a self-proclaimed moral nihilist, aka a psychopath that creates his own personal morality to justify whatever it is he wants. You're naive, young, or low IQ if you don't pick up on exactly who he is and what he is immediately upon watching his content. He'd sell you downstream in a heartbeat if it benefited him. He really did import a retarded brown girl from Texas to try to impregnate, just because the leftists were using it as ammo against him doesn't make in untrue.

>He really did import a retarded brown girl from Texas to try to impregnate,
Is there something wrong with that, leftypol?

>I don't think he was fired. He left after his postdoc expired (it's a temporary position).
Thanks. I thought he got fired, but never heard a reason for why he was canned.

disgusting subhuman french piece of trash

"a retarded brown girl from Texas to try to impregnate, just because the leftists were using it as ammo against him doesn't make in untrue."

i never liked this guy

this answers many question you must watch at least from 14min through 35min

pls you fucking mutt

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>>He really did import a retarded brown girl from Texas to try to impregnate,
Ha aha! That shit is hilarious, if true. And it would not surprise me, either. Jean-Francois is a fuckin' douchebag. I called it months ago when he cucked Andy Warski on Warski's own show.

Who would win in a fight. Krauts academics or JF's academics?


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Andy Warski is borderline retarded and JF is the only reason Warski was even relevant. How's Andy doing now?

You guys need some new ammo. You can't just take out the old shill templates every time you want to talk about someone. Update your material.

>So you descend into moral relativism and the world of jewish subjectivism once you feel like your favorite e-celeb is being attacked?
Actual pilpul.
>He's a self-proclaimed moral nihilist, aka a psychopath that creates his own personal morality to justify whatever it is he wants
seething projection / misconstruction
> You're naive, young, or low IQ if you don't pick up on exactly who he is and what he is immediately upon watching his content.
Wishful thinking
>He really did import a retarded brown girl from Texas to try to impregnate, just because the leftists were using it as ammo against him doesn't make in untrue
You're bending the truth to confirm your bias, retard.

Again. What makes him a piece of shit compared to. Yourself? You seem like more of a piece of shit than him. The kind of person that will justify anything as long as they can get away with it. The kind of person that gets upset when other people get away with things they couldn't, but only because they couldn't and not because it was wrong.

>You guys need some new ammo. You can't just take out the old shill templates
You're low fucking IQ and easily manipulated because of it

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>Andy Warski
Absolutely yikes.

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Do you even know who Yockey is?

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Not an argument. Don't move the goalpost.

Honestly, I find it a little sad that such a talented guy as JF is now doing this silly Youtube show that ultimately many other people could do. It's a real waste of talent.

>You guys need some new ammo. You can't just take out the old shill templates every time you want to talk about someone. Update your material.
I get it. He's your "My Guy!" Just like all the young men who love Jordan Peterson, Christopher Hitchens, Alex Jones, etc. He's My Guy! He's above any kind of criticism. One he becomes a "He's My Guy!" nothing anyone says to you will matter, because "He's My Guy!"

Where did he move the goalpost? Where was it originally? Please don't use terms you don't understand.

>sad that such a talented guy as JF is now doing this silly Youtube show
Because Jean-Francois failed in the academic world.

You've got brain damage, Davido-kun.

>You've got brain damage, Davido-kun.
"He's My Guy!"

>he can't be a peice of shit if a moral baseline doesn't exist
>Checkmate atheists!

You're fucking dumb, nice sperg rant at the end there too

This is the post you illiterate fuck.

Are you his pussyboi or something? Go fuck off and pretend somewhere else.

"You can't say anything bad about Papa Peterson or Papa JF. They're My Guys!"

>moral baseline
Based on what? Yourself?

Just repeat the talking points, Don't deviate from your script. Try some more 8 month old attacks, those ones really sting.

lmao, what?

It's funny watching JF have these conversations with other actual scientists and then to think about Krauts attempt to disprove his assertions with his pregnant trout video lol

your hes my guy theory is somewhat accurate but the people you listed other than peterstein dont fit the bill
a lot of people are nuanced on jf
why did i make this thread?
to show ultimate loyalty?

You can say bad things about anyone but don't make up bullshit to deflect for your own hypocrisy.