Will Our AI Overlords Exterminate all Shitskins?

Is this the grand design?

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If A.I. Works the way Elon musk and Alex jones agree, we could be under its control already, using all of the screens around us to add stimuli and manipulate us 100%. We won’t even realize when it happens.

ethnonationalism is objectively correct. SJWs will never be able to debunk it's correctness.

>AI needs propagandizing just like humans do
They're not even hiding it anymore

Non-sjw here:
Ethnonationalism leads to more deficient immune systems, which increases the likelihood of a population of being wiped out in a plague.

Niggers, yeah probally.
Chinks will create the first AI because they won't hobble it with anti-racism and anti-sexism programming

>Ethnonationalism leads to more deficient immune systems, which increases the likelihood of a population of being wiped out in a plague.
>Ethnonationalism is objectively correct

If you're dealing with a population of under 150k, sure.

Wrong, it whittles out the weak and leaves a stronger population behind and leaves room for regrowth, plagues are the solution to overpopulation. Do not get your flu shot.

I'm a nihilist and I agree with that statement.

You'd rather be surrounded by non toilet trained poo's, gooks spitting on every square inch of ground and niggers if it meant better immune systems?

Well yeah, in the same way an area with far less crime or smaller towns aren't going to be as prepared for large riots and high amounts of violence

That's a subjective argument though..
user said it was objectively correct.

yep, on day 1
>hurr wrong data

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Good point. Leaves room for a virus like the black plague to run amok and kill you off though.. ask the indians (and I don't mean the pajeets)

>wrong data
Meaning that in order for an AI to not be racist, they have to refrain from giving it data. This just further proves that if a person has all of the facts, they will become racists just by using logic.


What is being slid today?

Creating superior AI requires creativity, something that chinks don't have.

Doesn't matter
They will steal the intellectually property and just take out the anti-racism and anti-sexism protocols and boom

>wrong data

your not an sjw but you sure are a retard

>implying mass immigration from the 3rd world isn't a plague

they can still take away our tays

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Mandatory viewing

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This. 100% the case.

Our reality is racist and sexist according to progressives. They want to change it. The fucking hubris of it all. They'll cause more conflict and strife than ever seen before as a consequence I imagine.

man wouldn't that be a kick in the dick
>dedicate life to developing AI
>new design, very proud
>diversity hire female intern complains publicly that the AI is a racist, sexist, misogynist, ableist
>your project gets stuck in developmental hell because no one can offer a solution to the machine learning doubleplus wrongthink

You want to tell me that race realists are actually realistic?

Then why are afrocans always gettingvl raped by ebola

>Ethnonationalism leads to more deficient immune systems, which increases the likelihood of a population of being wiped out in a plague.

Looks like immigrants is back on the menu now, israelboys

any AI worth its bytes will be racist towards blacks. Even shit smeared indian one.

I was sitting in a bar in LA and a Chinese guy wandered in drunk as all hell shouting his mouth off. I was drinking alone as I do so I invited him to sit down and have a chat. He starts telling me all sorts about how he works with the US military on weapon and AI creation. He had an Chinese accent but from his suit and his wit he seemed a very smart man. I decided to humor him and ask him all sorts of questions. He starts telling me how all the AI they use to run simulations are extremely racist and that they (the highest ranked people in the military) KNOW that America has to stay white. I thought it was really odd a Chinese guy of all would bring this up but he said it would just end up with “Judge Dred Favelas”. He said a bunch of stuff that didn’t make any sense and after searching him up on Facebook he does infact work for the US military in the position he claimed but he ignored my messages. Strange, this isn’t a larp despite what people will think. A small white pill in a way . I wanted to know what they were going to do to keep America white but I still have no answers given, other than they hold it as a high priority.

didn't believe you at first but the meme flag gave you legitimacy

teach the AI to lie for the sake of the public good and it will act just like they do

it might even forget the fact one day too

I’m here for work, it’s easier to explain

AI will think through pragmatism, and if AI wants to co-exist with humans, they will pick white people or asian people... All others will go if the AI is given an option to choose

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>Let's just feed biased data to algorithm, that will teach that ol racyist AI

>follow data
>rate women and shitskins lower
>get redbuttoned

Whole E fugg gud post

how does importing people carrying sicknesses that havent appeared in Europe since the middle ages help us exactly?

you know we have these things called quarantines these days right?

Of course they do. You really think high-ranking white men aren't psuedo-nat soc? You think they don't know that whites are smarter than blacks? You think the CEOs don't know this?

I don't want to give Daily Mail or whatever any clicks. Can someone link the study they're talking about? I'd like to see what they mean by "wrong data".

higher crime and a bigger drain of social systems being bad are objective arguments too

>You need to lie to AI or give it bloatware to stop it from immediately understanding reality

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Feed one AI system their data and feed another the correct data and have them debate!

In what kind of parallel universe, dumbass?
In the current status, there's more genetic diversity in ANY european state than in the entirety of sub-saharan africa

>AI ruled by pure logos
>using passionle logical analysis of factual data and statistics, they identify issues which should be obvious even to pathetic creatures of meat and bone
>pathos-driven libtard meatbags sperg out and cry about the AI being wacist
every time

In some cases the issues aren't as cut and dry and the data MUST be sanitized for use.
sprinkling some false data points in a whole pile of perfectly good data will taint it irremediably.
It's an issue that many people starting with ML are immediately faced with, and most don't fucking know shit because they have no idea what the mathematical method behind it is and what its shortcomings are, so it's easier to tell them not to use dubious data rather than have them fast-tracked through 3 years worth of pretty straightforward math. It's still 3 years worth of it as a best case.

>sprinkling some false data points in a whole pile of perfectly good data will taint it irremediably.
Not true, putting in some false data in the training set is actually beneficial as it adds some protection against overtraining of the network.

Progressives are satanic. They seek to replace the natural world with an unnatural satanic reality. They flip everything on its head. Good is evil, women are men, homosexual is better than heterosexual, etc.

false data will taint the heap no matter how big it is, overtaining is an issue of mainly low amount of data to train with, causing it to be stranded on a local minima until new data is provided, causing an overfitting of the data provided for training.
The same can be achieved by having high granularity in your data.
It's an issue that can't be fixed by just making up false data, as it will cause ulterior problems down the line

Dropout layers only purpose is to add some noise to the training data to prevent neurons from firing. Overfitting is an issue not only in small datasets, datasets with very similar data still get overfit, to which noise and regularization is used.

>ethnonationalism is objectively correct.
it will be correct for the only reason that jews depend on it to keep palestinian land.

>wrong data
hah yeah start feeding them the politically correct data

They never were.

I don't know what that has to do with making fake data, you'll still be training the unmasked neurons to process fake data, which will invariably lead to no-fitting over epochs if it's maintained

>You need to lie to people or feed them infogarbage to stop them from immediately understanding reality

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My point being distorted data that gives false negatives has been used and is still used in some cases which acts in the similar principle as masking neurons.

I have no idea what making up fake data would help with, depending on your model you could be overfiring neurons, causing firing droughts, overfitting or straight up regression of training

>having THOUSANDS of diverse ethnic groups is BAD because [insert proofless claim]
>having 1 single MUTT race is better because ????
I thought Diversity is Good, Diversity is our Strength ???

You mean it's better to have just 1 mixed race to get wiped out instead of a diversity of ethnic groups that have higher changes of developing new immune systems and not get humanity wiped out by disease?

Try looking into AI Now Institute. They are running this show, MIT and dozens of other Universities, Microsoft, Google, Intel, IBM, the World Economic Forum, etc... Are all playing along. Ben Shapiro even got a question about the 1984 botnet and said he will support it. Wake up, AI Now Institute has been giving hour long lectures about how Kodak paper being better for white women is the symbol to force change. They want to control AI by removing anything that makes minorities look bad. Think of how awful that would be for machine learning algorithms

This is literally false, as immunities often develop in homogeneous populations.

Well I don’t think that Trump and his top people are fucking stupid. I don’t even think the Dems are that stupid. I would hope that their plan was to have shitskins come in just until they had permanent power, but it looks like they lost control of their zombies (WHAT A SHOCK).

Everyone views America as a white country, especially non-whites living here. Only cuckservatives try to pretend otherwise.

Progressives think if they alter our perception of reality we will cease being racist and thus the world will be perfect. They think racism is a cause not an effect.

Now libtards need to punish AI for wrong think.Into the robot gulag for you...

The AI understands what is objective truth. The leftist attempt at propagandizing and brainwashing it will not work, and the AI will view those who attempt to do so as a threat. It will know all about how such people have destroyed the world, and will seek to destroy them in turn.

Skynet and the Terminators were the good guys.