Images of the french redneck revolution

images of the french redneck revolution.

"Macron fuck your old hag, not the french"

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bing back the bourbon monarchy desu (this is now a french revolution debate/redpill thread. podt your best redpills against the french revolution and classic liberalism in general)

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AAAAAAnd once again it failed

Do the French not like their president macaroni or something anymore

French know how to protest.
If brexit was in france they'd burn a city down or something.

This is hysterical, love the sign.

Guillotine when??

Why did anyone vote for him given his approval rating is down to 26%?

is the protest still going on today or ended yesterday?


they still going on

Fuck your monarchy bring back Napoleon

because le evil fascism

And the far right being litteraly controled opposition and doing everything to lose

lol this is funny tho. When's macaroni up for re-election?

>implying anyone actually liked him in the first place
He won the election because he was against Le Pen, which is basically a blind win.

They're all complaining now but back then, they were sucking his balls to prevent "hatred" from ever getting to power.

Idiots voted for him. Idiots are now complaining.
Plot twist : They're the same idiots.

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it continue today ... i might be fucked to go to work ... let see what happen.

there is already death from saturday , and some people have been roled over by cars.

Weirdly no terrorist strike yet.

I'm pretty sure the governement is about to wait that , this way they will prohibit strike.
every fucking time they are waiting for some oportunity to stomp our freedom.

>Idiots voted for him. Idiots are now complaining.
>Plot twist : They're the same idiots.


Baise ouais.

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It's like when suddendly no one voted Hollande, really activates my almonds

Hollande is actually saying he's considering coming back.

Imagine a Melanchon / Hollande / Macron / Marion Maréchal election next time.
We'll get Hollande again.

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Either way we are fucked considering how incompetent our politicians are

Mon nègre.

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Ruralites are the only salvation.

Can you guys explain to me how your elections even work?
Why do people even vote in France when each successive leader is just another champagne socialist with even worse approval ratings than the guy before him?
Who is even voting for these guys?

>Muh EU is rayciss
>EU is literally nadzee

Top kek, go out with your cuck

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Si tu veux sauver les blancs trouve toi une femme et fais des gosses, c'est ce que je fais.

Sauvons les blancs en promouvant des fous furieux cosmopolites ...

Come on frogs let’s see some real carnage

>"Yellow vests" : indignation after homophobic, islamophobic and anti-blacks agressions
>In the margins of demonstrations this Saturday, local press and social networks brought up discriminatory acts, one of whom made the government react
>"Go back to your country", "Get out", "Bitch" to a black woman", "I recognize them, he is a faggot, "On the side, there is a lady parked for one hour ... they made her take off her veil."

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> supporting a literal pawn of the jews used to destroy the monarchies of Europe

The fire rises

The french don't like their presidents. Same with sarkozy and hollande

They also don't like to work that's why protests are very popular in france. Just give them a reason to protest


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>protestor are overwhelmingly white
Really show why Crapitalists, Corporations, Joos, (((interest groups))), the elites etc force migration so hard
The Browne horde and mutts makes for perfect, docile slaves

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Based and Rougepilled

False. These people are hard working middle class

Also, most clashes happened due to blacks and arabs wanting to force the barrages


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You have two turns, the two candidates that have the most votes pass the first turn and people have to chose between those two during the second turn.

Meaning that we have a de facto a republic that just has two political parties that can be elected, since the third party (the FN) is heavily demonized and made up of coon politicians that are controlled opposition.

Our politicians are all cronies that are there for the gibs and are stupid as fuck, just intelligent enough to manipulate retards into voting for them, after that they are brainlets. They are incapable of reforming the country and aren't connected with reality like for exemple we have the least unionized worker population in Europe, still they keep hearing and giving importance to the marxist unions and they allow them to stop making reforms.

Overall like everywhere else the population has the memory of a golden fish, the governments keep fucking them, they complain then forget and vote for the previous party that fucked them hard. They are also politically illiterate, most don't even know what they are voting (for instance a friend told me he voted for the center, I asked him which party it was, he told me "Debout la France" which is far right)

We also have a population illiterate in the economy that don't know how liberalism works so they are leftards that wants gibs without taxes, and if you want to cancel those gibs they'll protest

Macron is still the best you've got.

Almost a third of the “French” revolutionaries were Italian or partly Italian

Cancerous medniggers strike once again.

If you're a kike, sure

No he can't be as bad as Hollande, that would be like saying that something smells better than shit, but he is still an megalomaniac incompetent


Bonaparte of course


Can't argue with those quads

>Two turns
Excuse my fellow froggy, he doesnt know what he's saying

We have two ROUNDS in France

And lately the far right candidate is assured to reach the second round. It's a free win for anyone who manages to reach it too. And leftists and far leftists often gather under one candidate whereas rightists call for people to block the far right.
Yep it's one of the most unfair systems in Europe

this, mean age for voters is around 60 years.
Most voters don't work, they know if we try to do something else than the slow EU and euro suicide, they'll die poor and they want to keep their pensions and privileges in euros.

They are afraid of change. They want the system to go on until they are dead, even if it means risking total chaos, civils war in 20 years.

They are supported by people on the financiary side of economy, not the productive side.

(you)r ancestors are niggers
The team found that for Southwestern Europeans (those from Italy, Spain and Greece), between 4 and 20 percent of their genomes came from North Africa, compared to less than 2 percent in Southeastern Europe.

>The * in Switzerland indicates that the three populations available from this country have variable estimates: Swiss-Germans show no evidence of African mixture, Swiss-French 0.5±0.2% and Swiss-Italians 1.6±0.2%. The ‘+’ sign in Italy indicates that multiple samples were available but all show evidence of African admixture

>They're all complaining now but back then, they were sucking his balls to prevent "hatred" from ever getting to power.


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and the rare flag
yeah i had to look that up

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>"Macron fuck your old hag, not the french"
WTF that's not even in a bad accent. You're supposed to write it like "Mecron, fuck your old heg, not ze fronsh" then do that hon-hon-hon nasal laugh shit

French people are NPCs. 400 injured walking into traffic, because a video on the Internet told them to.

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You have to go with XX
How bad ass is a king with a 20?

You know nothing.

The monarchies were old, weak and stale. Napoleon refreshed the idea of imperium and tried to CONTROL the Jews by organizing them. This bit him in the ass because like they typically do, they played both sides.

The fall of Napoleon cemented Rothschild control in England and by extension Europe. All wars after were to reduce the populations of whites.

french peasants are the scourage of european agriculture
fuck you

What are they striking for this time.
Railroad system? CDG airport or air france?

big rise on the gas tax, a litter of gasoil is currently 1.52€, up from 1.31€

That's it? Ride public transports, a bicycle I don't know.
Anyway, this is quite ironic in my opinion.
>Price raise
>Can't afford things anymore
>Don't do to work
>Earn less money
>Can afford even fewer things
Like pottery.

This is not a strike. People who work today got a day off to demonstrate.
This is outside of unions and political parties. This is the most important aspect.

The protest was in first against the rise of taxes on gas but it's also on the great resentment felt by a lot of people in France. A lot of taxes for them, rich people having less and less taxes to pay, unemployment, less and less public service despite the taxes, etc.

There is almost no public transportation in the countryside. You are right, it can put a lot of people in poverty. People are feeling this, that they will go from comfortable way of life to difficult day to day life.
And the government are just jacobins, paris folks who never drive a car, never lived like most of the people and just ignore them totally.

What a cuck.

Lmao jokes about her wife never get old

Which side is being injured?

everyone but the government.


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Thanks frenchie good info, how is the people's sentiment on the refugee / immigrant situation?

Well,people who have Diesel cars usually don't have enough money to buy electric ones

The government,instead of promoting green energy,seems to crack down on oil users as if it wasn't a recipe for disaster

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Nobody gives a fuck about your protest not even the government, while you are out there getting killed by cares Macron talks about stopping nationalism and implementing with the help of Merkel a new strategy to combat nationalist at an EU level.

France isn't packed and overcrowded like your insect hive

Isn't France super socialist? Schools and university are free and there are tons of gibs from what I understand.
Are the "poor" people the ones living on gibs or the lower working class? I would guess the lower class people would just continue to work or something.
>There is almost no public transportation in the countryside.
>paris folks who never drive a car, never lived like most of the people and just ignore them totally.
I would expect Paris to be over expensive so what countryside people spend on transportation, Paris people would spend on rent.

Most people are fed that it's necessary, that people are dying if we don't do anything. And that because we are a "good" country we must accept them. So most don't even question that and accept it as a fact.
However many start to wake up and realized it's kinda weird how it is pushed as a good thing when everyone knows deep inside that it's a wrong thing. It's just that if you try to oppose to it you are labeled a racist and people don't want to be called a racist because it means you are bad.

>there are tons of gibs
for black and muslims.
Not for countryside low and middle class who are just the milk cows to drain.

Poor people live far from their work because they can't afford to live in the cities.

Taxes are set so that the government can make the most money possible without people being homeless and impeding the crazy consumerism. They just underestimated the resentment and the impact of the last taxes cumulated to the last 10 years of oppression against the middle class.

IMF and EU says "you have to reduce the debt / GDP ratio to x", the government invent taxes and lay off state workers to do so, that's all.

I'm from Brussels so not exactly relevant but here's what happens here

>Work in Brussels because it's the capital
>Live outside Brussels because rent

Now,those people usually own second hand diesel, as they don't have the money to purchase an electric car. As I understand it,with this law the lower class has to either buy a brand new car or buy more expensive gas.

Also here a pass for public transport AND train is about 500€ for a year,better value than paying hundreds of euros more for a shitty appartment

Schizophrenic idiots who complain about being oppressed by taxes and not having enough purchasing power because of that. Meanwhile they all have an high-end phone, a led TV, a console, a Netflix account...That they don't need. Look at their shopping carts and you'll find useless stuff. With 1150 € per month, which is the net minimum wage you can live decently and even spare money if you behave yourself, and that's what I do.

This is already the case, except that Paricucks also have to pay for transportation, especially if they live in the suburbs.

The Rothchild banking system was what kept Napoleon's enemies at war with him...
Cops siding with the protesters

>They just underestimated the resentment and the impact of the last taxes cumulated to the last 10 years of oppression against the middle class
The election was quite recent yet was dominated by the current president. A decade of oppression would have had larger consequences.
Tbh diesel is kind of fucked from the beginning. It is more expensive to distill, diesel engines are more difficult to build because of the high pressure and require more maintenance (well, less maintenance but the maintenance is more expensive).
Plus they are disgustings and the fumes smell is horrible.
That's closer to my assumptions. I believe that if you're poor (actually poor, not just modest) it's your fault for your own decisions.
As you mentioned, this is likely due to poor lifechoices and poor dicipline
The whole europe seems kind of fucked right now from an outside perspective and I may get incomplete or biased informations, but it's not like it's a corrupt shithole like india or uzbekistan or something.

Bluepilled and 4channel

Why aren't they exchanging baguettes

I'm with you,some frog posted yesterday that diesel engines should only be allowed for construction or agriculture

Racial war incoming...

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>dominated by the current president
as another user explained, it's quite easy to win if you are first or second in the first round. the Le Pen FN (now RN) will always be at the second round with around 30 %

If the other party makes even as low as 20 %, every politician will call to support them against fascism, nationalism, populism, whatever they call it.

Nobody will ever call to support FN/RN, so the 20% party will win the election.

This is exactly what happened : Macron did 25% in the first round, more than 50 in the second round, now he is at 25% approbation in the polls.

Trying to extend the actual totally fucked up system indefinitely is far more dangerous and, in the end, costly, than trying a new thing right now.

Imho, it's too late. Now we should go for accelerationism to cause the system to crash, to faceplant and clear the way for something else, more radical.

I agree that diesel shouldn't be used but :
- Macron praised diesel some years ago
- taxes were in favor of diesel
- on the long run, for people driving a lot to go to work diesel was cheaper. So modest people would buy diesel car (70% of the new vehicles at some point)
- suddenly diesel is haram, satanic and everybody should buy a hybrid or electric car (batteries manufacture doesn't pollute of course)

This is a rupture and people aren't helped, they are just asked to pay.
Taxes will not solve an ecological problem, it's just to pay the debt.

Europe, especially France is far from being the most fucked up place in the world: Education is free, Healthcare is free, the minimal wage is ridiculously high and the public infrastructure is good. Jobs can easily be found too, as long as you care for finding one and not live on social aids.
But yellow jackets cry that they are living in a dictatorship and that Macron is the Antichrist

No, you can't live at all with the minimum wage, unless you live with your parents, don't have a car, and don't have anything to pay.

Stop looking for shitty excuses for the state "hurr just use your money better". How about the state stops stealing money from the people instead? We have some of the heaviest taxation in the world, while having some of the worst public services. Where is all that tax money going? Right, to import gazillions of shitskins and make them live better than a minimum wage worker here.

Look at your pay, look at how much your employer is paying for you, 2 times what you actually get. Everything else is sucked by bullshit such as healthcare, pensions and various taxes.

t.basement dweller

french are stupid niggers

>meme flag
nigger detected

kys retarded student.

happy now?

butthurt faggot

t.french faggot niggerlover

Brainlets think the French Revolution was a bad thing.
Bigger brainlets think the French Revolution was an entirely good thing.

People who know their shit think that the French Revolution itself was horrifying, but that the things it was a catalyst for were amazing, and that THOSE things have become corrupted over time.

>every politician will call to support them against fascism, nationalism, populism, whatever they call it.
Why does that matter if they have been oppressed for a decade?
> now he is at 25% approbation in the polls
Then why the ones who oppose him right now voted for him in the first place?
>to cause the system to crash
France can't crash. The election was last year or something, and it's part of the EU so it can't "move quickly".
> on the long run, for people driving a lot to go to work diesel was cheaper.
I agree this one is kind of fucked. But it's not like there's a sudden ban on diesel or something. By rising (or stop the tax gifts? why would diesel be so cheap when it's more expensive to distill) the price of diesel fuel, people would stop buying those once they deprecate.
Diesel is banned for consumer cars in Japan and the maintenance requirements expectations are so high the transition to cleaner vehicles is easier. (That goes for cities as well as countryside here. Everyone have a car in countryside and car-less people are common in cities too).
This is off topic, but I read that France is using steel cans instead of aluminum cans, which are more economical because of meme tax reasons too.
Quite funny in my opinion, all those bad decisions.

>Then why the ones who oppose him right now voted for him in the first place?
I explained that earlier : they were told to do so to fight "racism, fascism, nationalism", and all -ism

Plus he said he would lower taxes, etc. etc. same BS every election.

Diesel was promoted for the last 50 years, now it's banned in paris and taxed so the price is raising very, very fast. People are facing a cost wall.

So here is my monthly budget :
My appartement, 35m2 near Troyes' city center: 350 euros helps included.
Food: 200 euros, mostly locally produced.
Transport: 100€, one car refuel and my bus card, and I mostly use bike.
Energy, water, telephone, Internet: 130€
Insurances, bank, : 120€
Miscellaneous (laundry, Musical instruments, Charity...): 50€
The rest goes to my reserve or my investments. As for my free time I play the saxophone in an orchestra, which is highly rewarding.

kek. Have fun living in prison.

>they were told to do so
How does that make any sense if they are oppressed? Oppressed people who just do what they are told to do anyway are just deserving what's coming to them. "Burn the coal pay the toll" kind of deal.

>, 35m2 near Troyes' city center: 350 euros
That's cheap as fuck! I pay twice as much for twice as small a surface.

even in my city it's cheap, and it's not at all a rich city

For a single man its highly enough. I also use a stage bed with my desk under to gain some space
Troyes isn't a very expensive town, and I get some government helps.

never said they don't deserve it. But it's like that everywhere in the western world. People are electing the politicians who will destroy them.
Thanks to the medias they aren't rational thinking anymore, just reaction, emotion, instantaneous opinions.

But it doesn't nullify their resentment. I an guarantee that this time a significant part of the population will be angry for a long, long time. Unfortunately it's entirely possible that in the next elections there will be no anti establishment party