"Women have it all so eas-"

"Women have it all so eas-"

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Stop commiting crime.

We need prisoners to be 50% female.

Also what goes in the options field?

Not a single source or citation. Sage

It's a lefty thing to have sympathy for criminals, they don't believe in human agency.


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We kept telling you women were scum
And lower than beasts!

>some women only get 5 pads per period
Wow, damn, I know they gave me like 2 rolls of toilet paper per shit.
>sex abuse 3x higher
>1 in 8
Who'd have thought women raped more than men?
>all the rest
So stop doing shit to get you put in jail. Christ, it's not hard.

How the hell do they make less than $2000 a year, like nigga get a job and show up

2000$ on the books user. Slinging dope is non taxable

>Criminals suffer
Is this supposed to make me feel bad?

This privileged azz wyt bitch I got fo keys wut yo xpect me 2 do? Punk azz

>90 are single mothers


>Inmate on inmate sexual abuse is 3x higher in women prisons

Wewow, who's fault is that?

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Sage. Noone cares about negresses

Go fight in a warzone, work in a dead en job, or grab a fucking shovel and start digging,you whores

racist asshole

Most prison inmates are still men.
Men still get longer sentences for the same crime. Men are more likely to be abused by guards than by other inmates.

>often lose contact with their children forever