I don't really care about climate change. Do you?

I don't really care about climate change. Do you?

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Yes. You dense faggot.

Moisture farmer detected.
How does it feel seeing your parents take up their childhood religions again after so many years? Have you done the rain dance this week?

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People who legit dont care are just brain dead

climate change isn't real, the weather changes every year. they're called seasons

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We need to build a wall of money to help prevent climate from illegally crossing borders and messing things up in other regions of the world.

yes but longer-term changes also occur, due to sunspots

in 100 years your country will be uninhabitable so you should be worried

don't you mean *my continent* silly fin.
with faster winds around antarctica as the temperature gradient increases, australia only becomes more humid!

in any case it's far too cold here, I'm sick of it snowing every year

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Earths climate was fucked up millions of years before humans showed. People can't predict the change in weather, let alone the change in climate. Cows influence the atmosphere with their farts, so I'm sure human farts are pretty bad too.


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Yeah, it's the biggest challenge facing humanity today and we're not doing anything at all to deal with it.

People that defend it as something to fix are virtue signalling. The climate never stops changing, and one volcanic blast is far more than humans have ever done to the atmosphere.
The only reason the higher-ups keep pushing it is to make a Breathing Tax. They finally found a way to tax your very existence.
Resist it with the very breath they despise you for.

Nope. We're technologically to the point where we can survive extreme climate shifts. Food can be grown and raised indoor, and people can buy heaters/ACs.

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not at all
vote red
i pity your (((education)))

No. It'll kill off the unnecessary people in the world.

Going to mars
I actually hope the alarmists are rightandyouniggersallsufficateonfarts

I do
I like breathing air

Not really, since I will be dead before it changes. I couldn't care less what happens after I'm dead. In fact I don't really care what happens tomorrow. Fuck you, tomorrow me! You piece of shit.

More pressing issue is the climate engineering projects on going. The seem to be global and concerted. Which if so is far more worrying.


I'm gonna photoshop out the boats and use that in my game as the swamp of racist trees

>being concerned about the future and the impact of AGW
>virtue signalling
it's actually science at this point - to deny it is more than politically stubborn, it's actually a little thick.
You seem to think alluding to some vague shadowy tax conspiracy justifies your POV - you'd be better off by querying just who's stands to make money by promoting denial of AGW currently. Wake up perhaps, stop being such a shill for the corporate elites, because it's time to deal with this problem.

The globe is getting colder.
Oven AIPAC so the kikes don't get a cold.

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This is what I assume the intended goal of the climate engineering is. That and property destruction to stimulate a casino enconomy gone bankrupt. Honestly not that worried because Im in the loop in a way but at a low level
T. Powerplant steel worker

If it were man made and actually true I would. the fact is their (((science))) sounds like a scam. Real science doesn't need politicians and celebrities to push it.

Deal with it how, exactly? I am all for cleaner power, cleaner autos, and correcting a lot of what the corporations do at a macro level...but Carbon Credits are a breathing tax, in my opinion.
How is this opinion being a shill? How is it not 'woke'?
Something I have noticed is that people project their own internals onto others, as it seems you are doing here.

kek checkmate

>he thinks it exists
Why are non-American Westerners such State worshipers?

Correct. One thing I have noticed is that everything (((they))) say is usually completely 180 degrees false. They always lie. You could tell them the sky is blue, and they would lie about it.


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The climate is always changing. Man made climate change is ludicrous.

Because their best and brightest were sacrificed in the first and second European holocaust. Modern Europeans are mostly weak and retarded beta males. Proof of this fact is witnessed in the current state of almost every European state.

because the vast majority of the civilized world has lost touch with nature and is incapable of sustaining themselves in the wild or otherwise. We don't know where our food comes from and could last about a month if civilization collapsed. When you're raised to rely on others, it's axiomatic that you continue to do so.

Nope. It's nothing but another commie Jew scam to bilk people out of money and to centralize power/control. The old reds are the new greens.

Climate change is just made up jew shit to guilt NPCs into being better goys and to not procreate

Resources / pollution are a different thing entirely and should be taken much more seriously. Plastics in the sea and such. For this we would need to cleans large parts of Africa/ India and other shitskin nations that cannot plan ahead, but ofc since this world is run on emotions instead of logic this will never happen

Conclusion: we need more brown people!

Life is immoral.


This is the interesting part of it. I agree i don't want to be taxed because of this shit but on one hand it is good because there are tons of people who exist today because of oil and when that runs out it'll be a massive scramble for the last resources and killing each other off so a little bit of the not breeding thing could go a long way before that goes down. I agree with that part but can't get on board with the commie control part or more brown people parts or whatever.

I am for the protection of nature, but I cannot say anything about global warming. I do not know whether this is true or not. I can not say that in my country the weather is changing, that summer is hotter or winter is warmer.

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Nope. CO2 is good for biodiversity. As for whether its real or not, its hard to understand why these coastal cities keep getting more investment if it is actually a problem. Anyway, it doesnt matter if you are a Jeffersonian. Homesteads and familial independence will make you adaptable no matter what happens. Only the globalists and the city slaves will be hurt, if it is real.

The folks who talk about Climate Change the most and who issue the most dire predictions, just happen to be the same Hollywood folks who live in mansions with big cars and go everywhere by private jet.

If they aren't concerned about it, I'm not either.

I drive a Hybrid only to save as much money as possible from giving to the Mideast Oil Arabs, anyone who changes their personal behavior to "save the environment" is completely braindead.

The next time you are outside and look up into the sky and see a Boeing 747 go overhead, realize it burns a gallon of fuel every SECOND, it burns about 20,000 gallons of fuel over a 5-hour flight.

My Honda Hybrid car burns 300 gallons of fuel a year, it would take me 60 YEARS to burn the amount of fuel in my car that a Boeing 747 uses up in 5 HOURS when it travels from NYC to London once... so to concentrate on making your car more efficient is pointless.

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No. I hope god wipes us all out.

>man made lake from construction of a dam
>climate change

I've posted this before but people are too hopped up on libertarianism to see past the government intervention by way of an emissions price or tax. But lets say you entertain the thought of choosing to believe a growing consilience of research rather than think tanks funded by big business boomers overinvested in Whitehaven (but that's not their only interest, see below).

Even small median sea level rises will have big impacts on pacific islands and Bangladesh. They already are experiencing increased erosion, water table saltwater inundation, increased flooding etc. Where are these people going to go? Their nearest prosperous white neighbours of course. New Zealand has already promised to take in climate refugees and resettle islands in bulk and into dedicated communities, which means minimal assimilation. Bangladeshis will flood us both in large enough numbers that they won't have to be given dedicated enclaves, they will take them for themselves. Even more suburbs taken over subcontinentals, but this time the self-detonating kind! White and working class? Enjoy the value of your labour plummeting through the floor.

>Steam powered power generators
>countinally vent steam into local atmosphere in concert with other power plants and water vapor generators both offshore and inland to literally flood an area with trillions of tons of water within as little as a day
>can be witnessed everyday in any industrialized nation
>man mad climate engineering

Which has Lithuim Batteries. Lithium is a nuerotoxin. No process exists to economically recover lithium. THerefore every lithium battery is landfilled at the end of its lifecyle, or when traded out by whimsy. There it will break down and leach into the ground water and aquifer. At that point it will start to kill humans. Your lithium world is not an answer either.

I remember when it was called global warming.

where is this?

Shit no. I live in Kansas. It's too fucking cold here. Could do with some warming.

Fuck, early in grade school for me they were still worried about global cooling.
>imb4 booomer
Just lived in the backwoods where the boomer teachers hadn't gotten the memo yet.

libs really need a lesson in murphies law.

Global warming can only improve the weather. I can live with blackpool sinking into the sea.

I really couldn't care less.

1. The climate is always changing. Whether or not we effect the speed of change is to be discovered still.

2. If we are effecting it. Why is no one absolutely just destroying china right now for their pollution? Instead we get taxed up the ass even though the changes we do make will just be offset by countries like china anyways.

I'm not against cleaning up the earth and putting out less pollution. I think that is all fine. But I think this global warming...no cooling... no warming stuff is just horse shit, allowing people to take more of our money from us.

some people say it exists, some it doesnt
i dont know who to believe tbf

I don't really care about continental plate drift or the 2.5 degree "wobble" of the earth on its axis do you?

>i dont know who to believe tbf
Do you remember when they taught you about the Ice age? Do you remember when they told you that the earth was warm when the dinosaurs existed? If there wasn't any humans, or burning fossil fuels what does this tell you?

>Climate change is real, and unstoppable.

I thought we were supposed to embrace change?

I thought we were talking about GLOBAL warming.

Your pic is of Arctic temperatures.

I don't think going from 280 ppm to 410 ppm will ever have any effect on anything whatsoever, every weather phenomenon is completely out of human hands, and the acidification of the oceans is fake news!

We are completely unable to affect the climate in any way, and any claim otherwise is fake news.

And if it turns out that humans do have a hand in climate change, at least I have plenty of clean drinking water.

Ironically, most people who believe that climate change is real, are convinced that nuclear power is unclean, even though it is literally the only technology capable of saving us (In the paradigm of climate change being real)

If you really want to stop climate change, then you would need to enforce population controls, and most liberals/leftists are unwilling to do it. In fact, they encourage mass immigration of shitskins who have 8 kids per couple.

Nope. If shitskins are the future, i'd rather everyone be destroyed.

The worst part about this whole climate change thing, isn't actually the rising temperatures, the acidification of the oceans, or the millions of incoming climate refugees.

It's the fact that it's being exploited by the green energy lobby, I mean, with oil and gas, at least everyone knows it's harmful to the environment, or at least unsustainable if you're not into believing in man made climate change.

Solar and wind are so disgustingly unclean, the materials necesarry to build them are scarce, cobalt being found only in China or Africa, the amount of energy needed to construct them is way too high, compared the amount of energy they give you back.
They require a fuckton of maintenance, and there's absolutely no guarantee that it'll pay back.
There's the battery issue.

And if you're a humanitarian, the working conditions of the mines are awful.

All in all, instead of just switching from fossil to nuclear, we're wasting massive amounts of energy and resources, building shitty "sustainable" sources, and warping the debate, into this political melodrama.

Even if you're an actual climate change denier, who doesn't believe that billions of tonnes of carbon can have the smallest effect on our atmosphere and biosphere, you can still be pro-nuclear for the fact that it's cheaper, safer, and more efficient.

The left ruins everything it touches, including the global warming debate, I mean, the right is like a special needs child, and the left is like a spoiled narcissist. So I don't really expect anything of the right, and the left always manages to dissapoint me.


Build nuclear powerplants.

Honestly this. I've said the same many times, like why care about the Earth when the niggers are just going to ruin everything and whites aren't going to govern our nations anymore. I'd actually like to speed things up somehow.