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Brit/pol/ - Cyrill Smith edition
Ethan Diaz
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Robert Gomez
Alexander Jenkins
Because she wants a no confidence vote so she can get her deal through
Levi Campbell
Fish fly
Birds swim
Tory MPs are spineless careerists
You can't fight nature
Dylan Carter
Every single law that bans racial discrimination and eugenics
Bentley Lewis
Everything is pointless, have a nice day
Isaac Gutierrez
Are you man enough for Onions?
Landon Sanchez
Will tonight be 5 ?
Parker Wood
I would empty my wallet just to put his wrinkly balls in a meat grinder
Liam Evans
Chase Nguyen
Cooper Lopez
>pretends to hate religion
>accuses other people of being "deniers" of his holy truths
Hunter Barnes
Brody Howard
Kek, What a maroon
Luke Barnes
Last night's was about a Ted fanboy trying to mail bomb people to ruin Space-Amazon's reputation and destroy the automated technological society that left people without Power Process by replacing them with robots, but he was the bad guy because Amazon had a conscience and tried to save people
Weird stuff
Camden Flores
I'm getting Déjà Vu lad
Cooper Hernandez
>Not simply burning down the distribution centres with the cigarette packet tucked between two crates trick...
Elijah Sanders
>You name a bad one
How about literally blackmailing member states to accept migrants they don't want and inturn permanently changing Europes demographs and culture on a scale and speed never before seen in its entire history flooding Europe with MILLIONS of low IQ brown people and criminals nobody wants
Easton Campbell
Why is he a maroon what does that even mean?
Jose Morris
He’s done P company
Luis Morales
They'd come in anyway, redistributing them was the only way to deal with it.
Noah Wood
Not if the krauts hadn't of invited them in
Brandon Barnes
Moron. The guy spent his life shilling against Christianity only to realise "it was a bulwark against much worse"
Grayson Baker
dog food for humans
Alexander Bailey
the EU is gonna collapse anyway, it's better we leave it now. it's inevitable.
Jeremiah Parker
How about not letting them in at all and actually deporting the ones that made landfall? How about slapping down mutti Merkel when she made the "come to Germany" proclamation? How about the fact this is entirely orchestrated to harm and destroy the West.
Charles Howard
>They'd come in anyway,
That's a poor excuse
Cooper Anderson
The eu have said they want to destroy white people and destroy nation states so they can have more controll
Elijah Thomas
Then had a heart attack because feminists REEEED at him
Evan Gonzalez
>destroy nation states
It's funny how they're just called "states" these days isn't it, the word "country" seems almost archaic these days in the eyes of the EU
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Wagie who lost his job today, how do I get those sweet NEET bucks without being a mudslime? Is faking mental illness the way to go?
Cameron Torres
Vote UKIP!
Luke Phillips
I wouldn't mind if they were female migrants desu some of them can live with me and we could play hide the sausage, It would be nice to have a couple of qt paki girlfriends.
James Kelly
How did you lose your job?
Landon Bennett
Be the party - join UKIP!
Joshua Cook
Blake Butler
he had a stroke as a result of feminists publicly attacking him, yes, and has been an abject moral wreck ever since, begging them for forgiveness and validation. a shadow of a man.
Liam Green
Days Richard Dawkins hasn't been a brainlet cunt: 0
Matthew Davis
I worked in a call center and I missed a call observation target by 1.08%
Blake Green
No way, those fuckers ruined my Nip telly programmes with their sarin crap
Dylan Garcia
Samuel Anderson
What do you make of this?
Hunter Ortiz
>faking mental illness
Luis Roberts
Remedial English lessons required.
Daniel Murphy
>Being so cucked your most based party wants to import more poo's
Ethan Torres
Where's a nice place to vacation in America? Preferably a place with no rednecks, southern trash, or scum like that.
Owen Rivera
Were you in the army then eddie?
Robert Davis
Hudson Robinson
To be fair the NHS have to ask about my mental health every time I see a doctor. I went into therapy twice, was meant to see a specialist but it never happened. I could probably make it sound a lot worse than it is tho
Oliver Watson
Ryder Turner
Nobody has any respect for the police anymore, and they probably shouldn't. They've become glorified social workers and internet moderators.
Jaxson Lee
Jacob Fisher
>Not if the krauts hadn't of invited them in
It's like some fucking bizzaro nightmare.
My dad passed away in 2012, sometimes I think to myself that if he popped back into existence and asked me what had been going in the world the past 6 years how the fuck would I explain this mess to him, explaining the migrant crisis and the floods of millions alone disregarding everything else, I don't think he'd comprehend/believe it
6 fucking years SIX
Daniel Hall
>Why, yes, all genetics are equally good
• While the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish are rightly proud of their national identities the English are deemed not to exist. UKIP asserts that English identity is something to be proud of, and anyone who wishes to embrace that identity should do so, whatever their ethnic origins may be. English identity resides in the heart and mind not on the skin.
Luke Perez
They did you a favour desu
I still like Richard Dawkins despite his misguided political views. The God Delusion was a good book and I'd like to read more of his books. Religion is fucking retarded.
He still deserves to be trolled to death though.
Juan Hernandez
What has happened to Twitter account horatio cary ?
Brody Green
Yes but now I need to learn the secrets of getting the good NEETBUX
Owen Foster
It's a bit shit to then make your stand when they're actually out there doing their job
dead of GRIDS very tragic everyone sad
Charles Price
Detroit, you'll love it there; lots of history in in the downtown and inner suburbs.
Luis Cruz
>valuing (((television))) over the supreme truth of Master Asahara
shame on you
Asher Rodriguez
Those are all the best bits mate
Blake Turner
Its like through the 90s and 2000's we were on a steady rate of decline slowly heading downhill then every year since 2010 on someone's hit the gas and things have gotten worse at a far higher rate and it seems to be increasing daily, I think they pushed us too hard and we fought back with brexit and now they are just throwing everything they can at us to try and fuck us
Josiah Kelly
Islamophilia is just 'silly' Drumph is dangerous. Cannot believe I used to respect Dawkins.
Joseph Adams
Lad I haven't been off the drink in about 3 months,you can do it
Nicholas Rivera
But think about the feminist reeeeing because we've taken all the qt Syrian women for our wife's and girlfriends. It will be hilarious.
Josiah Johnson
How much a day?
Dominic Anderson
>someone's hit the gas
That's what it feels like, it feels like it's been going on forever but REALLY fucking ramped up the last half a decade, it's insane, wtf are the next 10-20 years going to bring
David Martin
>sex tapes
>kiddie fidlers
Henry Evans
12-24 units with maybe 1 day off a week
Zachary Nelson
Are they stalling on the 48 votes to wait for the deal to be properly BTFO'd first before they take her down? This is so fucked up, May is just going to stall even harder and avoid putting the deal up to be voted on. Gove and Leadsom et al are the only ones who have the power to kill her premiership so she must be listening to them, but what can they do? They've fucked it so hard.
James Perez
>For the purposes of this Title, "members of the institutions" means, irrespective of their nationality, the President of the European Council, the members of the European Commission, the Judges, the Advocates - Genera l, the Registrars and the Assistant Rapporteurs of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the members of the Court of Auditors, the members of the organs of the European Central Bank, the members of the organs of the European Investment Bank, as well as all other persons assimilated to any of those categories of persons under Union law for the purposes of Protocol (No 7) on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Union ( " Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities " ).
>The term "members of the institutions" does not include members of the European Parliament.
kek, sorry about that Daft Nick, looks like you're out of luck
I'm not sure where it's meant to say about not prosecuting them, though. The only references to that definition are reference to pensions payment and debt collection?
Levi Wright
I honestly don't know
Part of me feels like they have set off a chain of events no one has controll over anymore like they poured the fuel on the fire but now it's a self igniting unstoppable monster that can't be stopped but I still have faith that people will stand up and fight it when it becomes bad enough
Jaxson Roberts
Fucking food is 40mins late
Aiden Adams
That's what it seems they are doing but dont worry user it makes sense in the long run because they dont think they will win a no confidence vote untill parliment shits on the deal but then they will win
Aiden Morales
Get your FACs in order lads!
BASC for fieldsports / hunting:
Firearms UK lobbyist group:
Brit/K/ FAC guidance:
Give your nearest club a call and get yourself on a beginner's course today if you haven't already!
Adam Gutierrez
Itll do you good you fat cunt. Get back to the gym an all.
Nathan Davis
that's just giving May time to alter the deal while being propped up by the Brexit 5 though
Josiah Rodriguez
Try setting yourself a goal of 2day of everyweek and change what you do that's associated with you drinking. Do you have trouble sleeping when you don't drink.
Colton Brooks
Sooo... i have a couple of very old minor convictions from when i was an idiot kid. Will i have problems?
Jayden Edwards
What did you do?
Parker Cox
It’s hysterical watching Dawkins alienate himself from his base and simultaneously fail to appeal to his detractors because he’s constantly sabotaged by his own smug sense of intellectual superiority. Yes Dawkins, orange man bad. Not smart as you. Nonetheless worth exponentially more than you. If so smart why you too not multi-billionaire?
Cameron Howard
Drugs, slap on the wrist stuff.
Joshua Gonzalez
Imagine being a delveroo cyclist having to bring Eddie his food LMAO.
Robert Kelly
Christ what a nightmare
Aaron Hernandez
Touch and go, I'd imagine they don't want to risk that combo
Joseph Butler
If they were minor offences and a long time ago then chances are you'll be okay. It's down to the interviewing Firearms Officer of your local police force to determine if the charges would be significant enough to prevent you owning firearms.
Time and triviality work in your favour. So nothing like kidnap say or anything like that.
They vet you briefly when you sign up for a club too.
Asher Foster
What did you order?
Justin Jones
At least youd get to wank in his kebab.
Anthony Rivera
I've never been able to sleep drink was a god send but now I'm having blood tests and a lover function test coming up so see how fucked I am
Gavin Taylor
Im talking 15+ years ago, so well spent. Not even a parking ticket since then.
Gabriel Green
The sad thing, the really sad thing, about Richard Dawkins is that he came up with maybe the most important idea of the century so far, meme theory. I urge everyone to read The Selfish Gene, I much preferred Dawkins the serious scientist to Dawkins the science-as-religion potentate/Dawkins the shallow doublethinking intellectual wreck.
Colton Cox
I wouldn't worry
She doesn't have the numbers to get it through parliament
Her plan is for us to stay in either through her deal or through a second referendum
If they loose a no confidence vote She is locked in power for 12 months and can say to the brexiteers get my deal through parliament or I'll call a second referendum
If they wait the deal fails parliament ( she has no leverage to force the brexiteers to vote for it )
They can have the 48 letters ready for the moment parliament votes it down and instantly call a leadership vote ( which they are far more likely to win at this point ) and then she is powerless she has no authority to delay article 50 or call a second referendum
They will have outjewed her to save brexit
Charles Baker
>oi wozzis?
>It's just yoghurt, mate, raita like
>Yeah, course
>... ow do I know I can trust yer?
>You what, mate?
>ow do I know wot yerz iz ment to look like?
Jose Watson
He can't even sell as many copies of his books as the bible lol. Ha ha the bible wins.
Luis Lewis
>No go for people who have been treated for mental health issues
Well, that rules out a large portion of this general
Gabriel Cox
I’m perfectly sane
Jaxon Thompson
that guy was at sawcon
Jace Johnson
what's ligma?
Cooper Sanders
He mistook science for scientism, as soon as he got fedora fanboys he went off on one. And he forgot one golden rule of science: expertise in one dicsipline does not confer authority in another.
Christian Clark
Here now