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Hobbits rise up

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>this post was made by hobbitgang420


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I plan on having 5 boys so I can make my own Ginyu Force.

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Clearly the only rational course of action is for nobody to have any daughters

Dont let your dreams be dreams user jjst keep aborting every daughter and do the lords work

My boys will be aesthetic as fuck and spit upon women that are not their mother on sight.

>be India
>understood this early
>abort girls
>some regions have a ratio of 1000 men for 800 girls
>they end up spamming bitch lasagna because of the lack of gf/sex

>be west
>dont understand this
>women *slightly* outnumber men
>all women of every demographic vote overwhelmingly left
>women singlehandedly vote whites and traditional american values into extinction turning all of north america into huehuehue 2.0

That's right, laugh it up laugh it up, but I have yet to hear a single person debunk this. Face it, you have fucking nothing on what this image says because it's 100% correct.

>pedo logic
She's spreading your genes retard

Having daughters is the ultimate cuckoldry.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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Calm down, Nigel. It's funny.
Look at this picture. This is the leader of Germany. This is what they picked to represent them.

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I'm crying man. Reading this made me fucking lose it I can't breathe, FUCK man.

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>check flag
>german cuck
Checks out m8, at least the amount of redpilled muslims in your country are going to be balancing out your cuck wanna be desires

>Raise a strong woman who will protect and care for her family
>Teach her her own value so she marries a good man that treats her respectfully and loves her instead of some beta or a douche bag
>She helps shape the future of America through her family and community involvement
>Get called a cuck because some guy on Jow Forums can't wrap his mind around your daughter having sex

Behold, my solution:

- Step 1: Have Daughter
- Step 2: Raise her properly and extremely firmly instill ideas of proper treatment, proper wife duties, care of her husband, instill ideals of having temperament and chastity.
- Step 3: Arrange a marriage with the most respectable man you can find and make their family pay dowry.
- Step 4: Literally get a bunch of money which rewards you efforts for giving away your daughter, and rest easy in the knowledge that your daughter's being respected and you aren't a cuck.


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Inshallah brother

>I have a solution guys
>How about we start doing what every respectable male did for thousands of years before us and not listen to our cucked government that's been in place for less than a century and is already crumbling?
Yeah I have a feeling that might work

I dunno what you're talking about Mario, I came up with this right now. I call it 'Peter's Plan'.

Wtf i love islam now, mashallah

Unless you raise your daughter to not be a degenerate and make her a paragon of society.

Hello there my fellow hobbit. I think we should import more gray hobbits.

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>have daughter
>have son
>find father with daughter and son
>have your girl marry his boy
>have his girl marry your boy
>investment in daughter is now recouped via daughter-in-law
>have grandkids
>die surrounded by loved ones
>childless retard calls you a cuck

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Its what men have being doing for ever.

No? This is an entirely original idea. Nobody has ever done this, stop trying to divert credit. Peter'sTM Plan is new, original, innovative, and will save the west.

You pay the dowry for them taking your daughter off your hands, not the other way around.

is this REALLY Jow Forums?
NOBODY said just fuck you daughter?
I had to check and see where I was.

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Not in Peter's Plan you don't.

Found the Jew.

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Underrated. To your success!

Disownment is a thing, nigger. Also, birthing sons too.

We all thought it, but it was too obvious a solution

Dude reduce your ratios lmao

I'd vote for you.

I think we have enough britbongs for a single planet we shouldn't produce more

I'm gonna go grab that domain and sell it to you for profits. Go capitalism! Can I borrows $10?

That is one lucky rock.

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Inb4 incest

How autistic do you have to be to write that?


Damn, the jude beat me to it...

Why every metal gymnastic posted on pol always revolves around sex?
Jesus christ there's other stuff other than sex in life.

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Good shitpost

I didnt write it but i also acknowledge that such insight and eloquence requires a higher power level

The incels should fuck off, go to the left where they belong

he's right. the incel diaspora must be stopped